Israel is a racist Nation (it really is)

Should the US continue to support that apartheid nation, Israel

  • Yes, it is the only Democracy in the ME and our best buddy in the World

    Votes: 11 39.3%
  • No, cut funds until the Israelli's get serious about peace.and stops murdering Palestinians

    Votes: 17 60.7%

  • Total voters
But, but-

What about that 'Fuck your Feelings' bumper sticker on your gas hog?

I'm sure you'll get all kinds of respect with your antisemitic tropes. Throw in a little more racism and you'll have it made.

You even grow weed or do you just spew shit? You sound like a flusher, amirite?

You keep showing how petty and ignorant you are. Just as i expected out of you. You have no intention of providing any facts or opinions because you have none. The truth hurts doesn’t it. I know it does but, trust me on this, not as much as phosphorus burns.

Israel is commiting crimes against humanity and if telling it as it is makes me a racist in your eyes so be it. I’m not even going to tell you that my views on this subject (or any other) cannot be construed as racism. You clearly have no understanding of political views and definitions in general. And besides that, who cares about you tiny little human. :)

As for growing weed, i get by, don’t you worry about it little fascist (now this suits you perfectly).
Sorry, but whether or not something qualifies as genocide is not petty

Whats petty is that you are still waiting for gas chambers to condemn an apparent crime against humanity. Just because you’re afraid of giving up your convictions and accepting that palestinian suffering is as much important as the jewish peoples was.

Whats even more despicable is the argument about israel not being like the hitlers germany and that the death count not being nearly as high as the holocaust and all that bullshit. Yeah, we know. We know how people suffered and people are still suffering. Why don’t you stand with them as an honorable person.

I really find it funny when people say “but when you compare hitlers germany to israel you’re belittling the suffering of the jewish people”. Its funny how people compare their sufferings to justify their acts.

No i don’t belittle any suffering! I think genocide or any other form of murder is a horrific act and should be condemned where ever we see it. Now i see it in palestine. If i was alive during nazis, i would have condemned them too. If i was alive at 1915, i would condemn that genocide too.

Just gonna put this here so you can get a broader understanding of what genocide is.
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But, but-

What about that 'Fuck your Feelings' bumper sticker on your gas hog?

I'm sure you'll get all kinds of respect with your antisemitic tropes. Throw in a little more racism and you'll have it made.

You even grow weed or do you just spew shit? You sound like a flusher, amirite?
gas hog!? Does your anti-Semitism know no boundary!?
All this bullshit is fueled by a false dichotomy nonetheless. Its either accept the crimes of israel as a right to defend itself or be a racist or an anti-semite :)

I don’t accept israels crimes against humanity as a right to defend itself and i’m not a racist or an anti-semite. But i know when people cant present facts about their half-assed arguments they get angry and start name calling. Its really sad. Please read about it, don’t be miserable trolls here by accusing people of racism or anti-semitism. You either can’t see that you are standing on the fascist side of this argument or worse, you don’t want to see it to protect the interests of this state. In anycase, you are the ones coming off as racists and fascists. At least to anyone who have read couple of books on sociology and politics.

There is another way guys. You can get rid of your convictions and see shit as it is. I know enlightenment is a scary experience at first but, you’ll feel so much better when you get out of your cave and see the sun for the first time.
It’s intellectually dishonest to conflate a nation and its people with whichever idiot happens to be in power. Take the US, there is not a week that passes when I don’t have to explain to some knee-jerk hater that it’s not Americans fucking the world and making everything shit again, it’s Trump and his cronies.
It’s intellectually dishonest to conflate a nation and its people with whichever idiot happens to be in power. Take the US, there is not a week that passes when I don’t have to explain to some knee-jerk hater that it’s not Americans fucking the world and making everything shit again, it’s Trump and his cronies.
That darn Trump trying to pull those pesky soldiers meddling in affairs overseas. What stopped him? Oh that's right, Israel.
I don't know if I'm antisemitic and honestly don't give a fuck if I am.
I mean, I like Hitler. I'm not talking the take over the world Hitler, I'm talking about the guy that took a country from its knees and stopped a country destroying itself through poverty (which the Jews profiteered from in a massive way)
Funny thing about the Jews that's pretty damned true.
Theres a saying across much of Europe but typically Poland
"The jew will strike you and cry out"

How true is it, well let's look at history. I think it's fairly accurate to say that when the Jews attack people they cry victim and funnier still is that if you don't agree youre antisemitic

As far as I'm concerned they're more bigoted than any other example I can think of (and that includes extremist Christians).

Another thing, the Jews have no right to Israel. Come on Jewish folks, you've said yourselves that you won't have a country till you deserve one, ruling countries behind the scenes by filling judges chairs, bankers positions etc doesn't exactly qualify
By their own words Israel shouldn't exist and I totally agree with them
Yeah, hamas and all those children and women and also like, the sick and the elderly. They really do have shitty rockets. Fuck ‘em all right! ‘merica!
No seriously, how many rockets have been fired at Israel so far this year? Do you condone that? I am not picking sides btw as I have no clue as to what forces are at play there. This fight has been going on since the US backed the forming of the state of Israel and still going on, I certainly have no solutions.
It’s intellectually dishonest to conflate a nation and its people with whichever idiot happens to be in power.
Very true, but when a country (Israel in this case) elects a person like Netanyahu time after time again it gives me pause to think why does the majority in Israel support his racist viewpoints and his very apparent crimes against the Palestinian people.
I have wondered the same thing as far as the German people's embrace of Hitler in 1933
How the fuck could they do it, to support Hitler for almost 10 years?
I'll never figure it out, just like I'll never figure out why the Jews in Israel have become the oppressor after centuries of being the oppressed.
I guess when it comes to land, all morality get's tossed aside.
I don't know if I'm antisemitic and honestly don't give a fuck if I am.
I mean, I like Hitler. I'm not talking the take over the world Hitler, I'm talking about the guy that took a country from its knees and stopped a country destroying itself through poverty (which the Jews profiteered from in a massive way)
Funny thing about the Jews that's pretty damned true.
Theres a saying across much of Europe but typically Poland
"The jew will strike you and cry out"

How true is it, well let's look at history. I think it's fairly accurate to say that when the Jews attack people they cry victim and funnier still is that if you don't agree youre antisemitic

As far as I'm concerned they're more bigoted than any other example I can think of (and that includes extremist Christians).

Another thing, the Jews have no right to Israel. Come on Jewish folks, you've said yourselves that you won't have a country till you deserve one, ruling countries behind the scenes by filling judges chairs, bankers positions etc doesn't exactly qualify
By their own words Israel shouldn't exist and I totally agree with them
Interesting viewpoint and I'll say one thing, and that is you got some balls to express that opinion in the Politics section of RIU.
I can hear the knives being sharpened now by a select few who are gleefully going to try to cut you to pieces, you anti-Semitic, Nazi loving, Holocaust denying pedophile.
Oh well, this section is about debate and expressing one's opinion, hopefully backed up with some facts, and you my friend with this post has created quite a topic for discussion.
Keep it up, it's sort of funny watching some people here become unraveled when Israel/Jews are discussed.
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"goyim"? What do Jews mean by this?
It's pretty clear.

n., pl. goy•im (ˈgɔɪ ɪm)
This term is usually used with disparaging intent, implying a mild contempt for the attitudes, traits, and customs of non-Jews. Although it may be used in a neutral, even positive way to refer to a Christian, it almost always connotes a degree of condescension. Usually the context, such as the use of a qualifying adjective, will show the intent of the speaker.
n. Usually Disparaging.
(a term used to refer to a gentile or non-Jewish person.)

In a condensed interpretation, Jews are good (The Chosen), and everyone else is a piece of shit
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It’s intellectually dishonest to conflate a nation and its people with whichever idiot happens to be in power. Take the US, there is not a week that passes when I don’t have to explain to some knee-jerk hater that it’s not Americans fucking the world and making everything shit again, it’s Trump and his cronies.

I think whats intellectually dishonest is to just lift the human factor in all these crimes as you just did.

You know guns don’t kill people and phosphorus bombs don’t kill people. People kill people. Fascist people who feel no remorse.

Now that being said, i never said jewish people are racist, or israelis are racist or fascist a country cannot be composed as a uniform body of views. But you know what, when i don’t see mass protests around israel to force the goverment and when the same people keep electing the same fascists over and over again, it kinda speaks for itself.

Sorry but its intellectually dishonest to try to turn a blind eye to the forces behind these crimes, including the human support.
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No seriously, how many rockets have been fired at Israel so far this year? Do you condone that? I am not picking sides btw as I have no clue as to what forces are at play there. This fight has been going on since the US backed the forming of the state of Israel and still going on, I certainly have no solutions.

How could one condone acts of terrorism. This thread is all about that. I condemn hamas rockets and i condemn israeli bombs but please do some research on the subject. Israel has its iron dome to protect from hamas rockets but civilians protesting on the border or trapped in gaza has nothing to protect them from psychopathic israeli soldiers.

Also look up how palestinian lands are being confiscated by using settlers as an excuse. The solution was and still is there to create a two state solution but one side is fucking it up constantly by using these settlers. Systematical shit, shameful.
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Very true, but when a country (Israel in this case) elects a person like Netanyahu time after time again it gives me pause to think why does the majority in Israel support his racist viewpoints and his very apparent crimes against the Palestinian people.
I have wondered the same thing as far as the German people's embrace of Hitler in 1933
How the fuck could they do it, to support Hitler for almost 10 years?
I'll never figure it out, just like I'll never figure out why the Jews in Israel have become the oppressor after centuries of being the oppressed.
I guess when it comes to land, all morality get's tossed aside.
I don’t think anyone here thinks bibi is anything but a criminal, but you are not making arguments against him or Likud, you are not even criticising the Israeli government. You are going for Israel.
You can’t move forward this debate with specious hyperbole, you won’t help a single “Palestinian” either.
Interesting viewpoint and I'll say one thing, and that is you got some balls to express that opinion in the Politics section of RIU.
I can hear the knives being sharpened now by a select few who are gleefully going to try to cut you to pieces, you anti-Semitic, Nazi loving, Holocaust denying pedophile.
Gave me a right chuckle sir, thanks.
Yeah, I've viewpoints that everyone hate about every subject choice :o:lol:

I generally don't spout em out in public but a couple things

1. I said I liked the Hitler that transformed a destitute country and the evidence is easy to find about him doing so and prior Jewish profiteering. Now I don't agree with WW2 Hitler, said I didn't above.
Hell I liked Maggie Thatcher, bigger balls than any UK prime minister before or since and before folk say Churchill etc that guy had his hand forced, Maggie didn't

2. If the people supporting Jews didn't start the peado calling etc I'd have kept my mouth shut.
That shit can destroy peoples lives in real life and I put folk shouting that shit in the same category as rapists and actual peados.
Theres many documented cases of people crying peado and either the man being linched or ending their life because people pretty much ended it for them already