Playing along and continuing your analogy can Hemp Oil be killer weed?we need renewable energies to get over our addiction. think of water turbines and windmills as suboxone, corn ethanol and biodiesel as methadone
I agree with you absolutely, but it all comes back to money.Not to get everyone all upset, but I now hear this oil gusher has a good chance of going on until after christmas! BP has tried all of their "new" ideas back in 1979, when the same thing happened in 200 ft of water (in the gulf, "IXTOC"). Same techniques, different names. example: instead of top hat it was called a sombrero. The only thing that worked was the releif bore. We have not progressed in our safety practices in respect to oil industry advancements. Government was not in bed with big oil, it was big oil! Bush and Cheney both are industry giants and played us ALL for their benefit, deregulation is like playing football with no rules, think no one will cheat?
I am 100% for regulation, especially in this industry. How about if they want to keep on drilling, they MUST drill 2 releif wells while drilling the main bore in case of a catastophe like this! I am very pessimistic about this, and have a feeling we will still be talking about how to stop it in 2011. We put a man on the moon, we explore space, we do so many technological things in this world and we cant stop a freaking oil leak in our ocean? WTF!! Priorities!
i saw this. if you look at the feed, there's still a LOT of oil spilling. they're making progress. still have a long way to go.BP 'captures over 14,000 barrels of oil in 24 hours'
Page last updated at 15:17 GMT, Tuesday, 8 June 2010 16:17 UK
Barack Obama hits out at Tony Hayward - Clip courtesy NBC's Today show
US Coast Guard chief Thad Allen has said that a containment cap placed on a blown-out well in the Gulf of Mexico is helping to contain the leaking oil.
Adm Allen said in a press conference BP had contained more than 14,800 barrels of oil in the past 24 hours.
"We continue to optimise production, make sure we can take as much oil out of that stream as we can right now," said Adm Allen.
President Barack Obama has criticised BP's chief executive over the spill.
Mr Obama was asked about comments Tony Hayward had made on behalf of BP in an interview with US network NBC.
Oil from the Deepwater Horizon spill has been found on beaches and wetlands along more than 100 miles (161 km) of coast from Louisiana to the Florida Panhandle.
A containment cap was lowered over the well last week to siphon off the oil to a containment ship.
The oil has been leaking into the Gulf of Mexico since the Deepwater Horizon rig exploded and sank off the coast of the US state of Louisiana on 20 April.
they are fucking retarded, arn't they..they are calling this good until August.
they are more concern about "saving" what they can, then actually stopping it. as long as they are "capturing" oil their money flows in. they themselves are even calling it "production".
fuck them.
look on the bright side. if you ride your jet ski there you can just stop and scoop some fuel in the tank.they are calling this good until August.
they are more concern about "saving" what they can, then actually stopping it. as long as they are "capturing" oil their money flows in. they themselves are even calling it "production".
fuck them.
look on the bright side. if you ride your jet ski there you can just stop and scoop some fuel in the tank.
does suck huh but not sure anyone could have avoided this eventually. it happened before and will happen again but it is still sad to see catastrophes like this.