It's a muslim tradition to build a mosque at the site of a great victory.

an even better question is why the fuck would this even matter unless you are attempting a logical fallacy. why don't you try debating based on the merit of the argument? nevermind, you seem incapable of doing that

Nice way to deflect the question and avoid the answer. I think if you are Muslim that no matter what anyone tells you, you will always be on the Muslim side of the argument.
Im just naturally patriotic, thats how a roll, for you to try to paint me as your stereo type of a fat american who walks around saying america rules and not know shit about the rest of the wolrd is laughable, cuz i cam here from A foreign country after living in several different countries

The real question would be why your so jaded and america as every nation has thier ignorent fools, i dont focus on the ignornt fools in your country i choose to admire the wise

But u rather focus on the ignorent just pointing out the bias thats all

Haha please point out where i ever said you were fat, i know your from a different country.. I said your a gungho american that thinks he's better then everyone else in the world because your here!

Why am i so jaded? Because i have to listen to and deal with intolerable, idiotic, unreasonable, self consumed, greedy, asinine people on a day to day basis. Big P its people like you that make me Jaded! I mean seriously if you cant go through and re-read how ridiculous every post you have made in this thread then i have absolutely no hope for you or your future generations.

Really big p plain and simple you have no heart man.. I mean it truly shocks me to see how little you really care about human life.
you remind me of babs34 when she accused me of being mexican when i got in her face for her blatantly bigoted views on illegal immigration. when all other
avenues of argument are exhausted, simpletons almost always resort to genetic fallacy....or give up
Being Muslim is genetic?....:roll:

Just a true blooded American, speaking my mind about being spat on by the Muslims.
Nice way to deflect the question and avoid the answer. I think if you are Muslim that no matter what anyone tells you, you will always be on the Muslim side of the argument.

i'm actually jewish. go back and read my earlier posts if you don't believe me. i am pissed at the adl, normally a defender of rights, for condemning this.

nice way to think like a simpleton though. i guess you should take that foot and stick it in your mouth....or ass
I mean it was the richest strongest most charitable anf inventive free nation

If you fundmentally change that, what would america be

Poor weak non charitable and uninventive, and unfree

Yeah Charitable.. Dropping 2 atomic bombs, starting many meaningless wars to gain profit, exploiting 3rd world country's, finding any reason they can to take your money.

Did you mean innovative? If you mean that we are good at taking advantage of places and there people then sure.

Yeah man im sure those kids in Taiwan really enjoy working 14 hour days making 10 cents an hour in a sweat shop making toys for walmart.. Yeah we are so charitable that we just let that happen, not only do we let it happen but we exploit the shit out of it.
Being Muslim is genetic?....:roll:

Just a true blooded American, speaking my mind about being spat on by the Muslims.

look up 'genetic fallacy' on google. then go slap yourself in the face...repeatedly.

no wonder you don't get shit that i am are clearly not well endowed with superior mental capacity....just capacity to stereotype

your sentiments on this topic have led me to conclude that the values you hold are anything but american
Honestly, I feel it is very distasteful for them to put it there. Out of all the places to build, why choose next to a historical place where Muslims attacked the US?

Think of it this way... what if someone put a statue of Hitler at one of your Synagogues? It's a slap in the face! When they funded Hitler they probably didn't even know what the money was going for in the first place. That's like getting welfare checks and using them to buy growing equipment or drugs.

They are building a church not a statue of Osama Bin Laden..

Oh you better believe the Rockefeller family knew exactly where that money was going.. You think one of the richest most powerful banking familys in the world are just going to donate millions of dollars to a foreign country and not verify what its for.. I highly highly doubt it.. The rockefeller family wouldnt be where they are if they followed the blind faith principle.
Being Muslim is genetic?....:roll:

Just a true blooded American, speaking my mind about being spat on by the Muslims.

A "true blood American" would question their government. Doesnt really sound like you do..

Spat on by muslims? Yep your right cause every single one of them supported 911, yeah your so right man. It wasnt just a few extremists, it was the whole damn religion. Give me a fuckin break..

Btw you might want to look into the fact that our government trained these extremists and funded Osama Bin Laden back in the day.
look up 'genetic fallacy' on google. then go slap yourself in the face...repeatedly.

no wonder you don't get shit that i am are clearly not well endowed with superior mental capacity....just capacity to stereotype

your sentiments on this topic have led me to conclude that the values you hold are anything but american

Learn something new every day.

So you are saying all the other people that are upset about this are just as un-American as I? Why, because I think its an insult for Muslims to build there with out caring for the feelings of other people?

They are building a church not a statue of Osama Bin Laden..

Oh you better believe the Rockefeller family knew exactly where that money was going.. You think one of the richest most powerful banking familys in the world are just going to donate millions of dollars to a foreign country and not verify what its for.. I highly highly doubt it.. The rockefeller family wouldnt be where they are if they followed the blind faith principle.

It's still along the same basis.

Got a point there.

Im not a muslim and i agree with him 100%

Yeah but you openly admit you're not Muslim. He wont say either way.

I'm done with this though. People on here are just don't budge on arguments and everyone's side is the best side. Time for me to hit the sack and dream of tidied buds... if only dreams came true. :weed:
"dr" Laura still had her first amendment rights...she never got arrested or faced prosecution for her incendiary language, so how were her 1st amendment rights violated. she just loses her ability to make a profit by giving shitty advice to callers while using incendiary language. profitability =/= freedom of speech.

if minorities were the only ones enjoying first amendment rights, this mosque would be a non-issue. nice try though.

like padawan, i am starting to lose a little respect for you lately as well.
LMFAO!!!!!!!!! First off, I was being tongue in cheek. WTF is wrong with you people? Can nobody take a joke anymore? Let's get something straight. I don't really give a fuck what you or anybody else thinks of me. If I did I would be a pretty pathetic person to care what a few people on some internet forum think about me. Get a fucking life dude!:finger:
look up 'genetic fallacy' on google. then go slap yourself in the face...repeatedly.

no wonder you don't get shit that i am are clearly not well endowed with superior mental capacity....just capacity to stereotype

your sentiments on this topic have led me to conclude that the values you hold are anything but american
You've told at least 4 people in this thread to slap themselves in the face yet you are losing respect for me? Bwaaaaaaaahahahahah!!!!!! Oh the irony!:lol:
LMFAO!!!!!!!!! First off, I was being tongue in cheek. WTF is wrong with you people? Can nobody take a joke anymore? Let's get something straight. I don't really give a fuck what you or anybody else thinks of me. If I did I would be a pretty pathetic person to care what a few people on some internet forum think about me. Get a fucking life dude!:finger:

If that was true you wouldn't have even posted this.
Your joke didn't offend me. I asked you not to talk about me as if I'm not even in the room to other people, via PM, like less than a week ago. Classy bro.
OMFG!!!! I wasn't TALKING about you behind your back. This is a public forum and you are free to see what I posted. First, I wasn't talking about you as if you weren't in the room. Second, it was a JOKE and it was hilarious. I will say this though. You are extremely stubborn. I have yet to see you concede to anybody else being right or yield in any way. Sheeesh!!! I can't fuckin' win!:-?
I just find this idea disgusting and when i visit new york city im be at that site with a bulhorn and protest poster for my fallen brothers

This is my right
Theres a crowd out there right now at the site of the ground zero mosque protesting, they say it keeps doubling in size

Hope it gets huge and blocks gridlocks manhatten then maybe pig face bloomburg the narcacist will grow a set
LMFAO!!!!!!!!! First off, I was being tongue in cheek. WTF is wrong with you people? Can nobody take a joke anymore? Let's get something straight. I don't really give a fuck what you or anybody else thinks of me. If I did I would be a pretty pathetic person to care what a few people on some internet forum think about me. Get a fucking life dude!:finger:

i really thought you believed the "dr" lost her rights....hard to decipher tongue in cheek on the bad. i deserve that middle finger