It's a muslim tradition to build a mosque at the site of a great victory.


I just wanted to say, that for every American Citizen killed in a terrorist attack, 58 die from inadequate health care.

I think the mosque's promoters should take the issue to court. Then, the judges will decide if they are being discriminated against, based upon their race. Can you guess their ruling?

We can either let it happen with time or it can happen now. With time, its value as a symbol will devalue. Just look at the antietam, how often do you think of that everyday? would you care as much if they tried to build a shopping mall on antietam?
OMFG!!!! I wasn't TALKING about you behind your back. This is a public forum and you are free to see what I posted. First, I wasn't talking about you as if you weren't in the room. Second, it was a JOKE and it was hilarious. I will say this though. You are extremely stubborn. I have yet to see you concede to anybody else being right or yield in any way. Sheeesh!!! I can't fuckin' win!:-?

Well you should do a little more looking around then, because I admit I'm wrong about stuff pretty often. At the very least I'll add in the caveat "I think" or "I'm not sure, but..".

The way I see it, why would you want to be wrong about something on purpose? If I'm wrong about something, I'll admit it, that way I can move on and figure out how to be right about it.

Hey i got an idea lets set up a monument to the japanese right in the middle of pearl harber a couple of years after they bombed it

Why not? whats the big deal? it was just the extreamist japs that bombed pearl harber not all japs right?;)
Hey i got an idea lets set up a monument to the japanese right in the middle of pearl harber a couple of years after they bombed it

Why not? whats the big deal? it was just the extreamist japs that bombed pearl harber not all japs right?;)

There's two things you're just not getting man;

a. This is America and everyone has (or is supposed to have) the same rights as everyone else. Everything in this case is within the boundaries of the law, if you have a problem with that, you have a problem with one of the foundational tenets of our country. Legally, there's no case to be made, and if it goes to court your side will lose.

b. It's a mosque. Not a monument. Not a statue. Not a sign that says "Fuck the USA, All Hail ISLAM!!". A mosque. Not to mention a community center, not just a mosque.

Is it in bad taste? Sure, I think it is. But like I said, this is America and that's their right. That's why I love living here.
Hey i got an idea lets set up a monument to the japanese right in the middle of pearl harber a couple of years after they bombed it

Why not? whats the big deal? it was just the extreamist japs that bombed pearl harber not all japs right?;)

Not a sign that says "Fuck the USA, All Hail ISLAM!!".

It might as well say exactly that.

It's completely legal, I just hope a whole bunch of folks go out and picket/cause hell in front of that thing every day.

I'll post cartoons of Muhammad if I ever visit along the street as flyers... because as you know, that's legal too.
Here ill post it again for you since u havent read thread

Ps im an american and proud of it

only by paper work (and the people on your side in this issue, would have you deported). if you where a true American you would be standing up for freedoms, not trying to spout off about blocking freedom of religion with bullshit. You really do not have any understanding of what this country is all about, do you?
p.s. I intentionally left this as a question, not because I give a shit about a racists response but because in America we all have a right to our own beliefs and opinions, even ones that have the rhetoric to destroy what makes this place so great. fuck you and fuck your anti-freedom rhetoric.
There's two things you're just not getting man;

a. This is America and everyone has (or is supposed to have) the same rights as everyone else. Everything in this case is within the boundaries of the law, if you have a problem with that, you have a problem with one of the foundational tenets of our country. Legally, there's no case to be made, and if it goes to court your side will lose.

b. It's a mosque. Not a monument. Not a statue. Not a sign that says "Fuck the USA, All Hail ISLAM!!". A mosque. Not to mention a community center, not just a mosque.

Is it in bad taste? Sure, I think it is. But like I said, this is America and that's their right. That's why I love living here.

You're right. We're all supposed to have all these freedoms under the Constitution no matter who'd the fuck you are. Muslims play nicely into the scare mongering scene and that's why the repubes are taking advantage of it. The last time the repubes were powerful was when we were all scared shittless over terrorism.
i cant belive how many people on here are arguing somthing that is not even being argued, i never said they dont have the right to build it. thats obvious they have the right. you would have to be an idiot to think they do not. im saying fuck them and lets protest them so thier shits sucks ass over there just like they are trying to make our sacred spot suck ass thats all.

im sure there will be another misinformed poster that will just stroll in here and do the same,
i cant belive how many people on here are arguing somthing that is not even being argued, i never said they dont have the right to build it. thats obvious they have the right. you would have to be an idiot to think they do not. im saying fuck them and lets protest them so thier shits sucks ass over there just like they are trying to make our sacred spot suck ass thats all.

im sure there will be another misinformed poster that will just stroll in here and do the same,

go ahead and waste your time protesting peaceful worshipers. ignore all the actual terrorism that happens in the world daily....just focus on hating the peaceful folks.

good job.
calling those ass fucks that did that shit on 9/11 examples of muslims is like calling the duche bag kkk examples of the catholic faith, its just ignorant.