It's All The Fault Of Fox News


Well-Known Member
Bro, I lost respect for you with that comment.
I wanted to know how often you can trade insults with the admin before you get in trouble for it. Given that that Aussie guy just got banned for something he posted it didn't seem like a crazy question.

We have been on civil terms as of late, so I asked you. I had no idea you would get your panties in a twist over it. I don't know why you feel the need to turn a simple question into some sort of drama. Consider the question unasked you big baby.

As to the bit about respect Clayton, you shouldn't respect people you don't know the slightest thing about, that's crazy.

nitro harley

Well-Known Member
This whole political forum is based on members citing their claims.
I'm not having any hard feeling bro, I just asked for some proof that Fox is any less accurate than any other news source, because I know they can't produce it, simple as that.
Hey been there..

I agree, I didn't mean you had hard feelings. Maybe I could of written that better. I meant the left has hard feelings about fox news, and their ratings to back it up.


Well-Known Member
Then back up your claim doublejj, talk is cheap bro.

If Fox News is such a terrible source of news, give us some proof!
How about that fox the only major "News" services that cannot get a license to broadcast in Canada, why?.....could it be they have credibility issues?
Most of the country & the world view 'fox news' for what it is, the propaganda arm of a political party.


Well-Known Member
Not sure about anyone else, but when fox news reports stuff around my area it's not fabricated.

Also, SNL does parodies of all sorts of news channels and not just fox news. Nothing they say do should be considered (facts) they are there for your entertainment making fun of all the stupid shit and people in politics and the entertainment industry.
"fox news. Nothing they say do should be considered (facts) they are there for your entertainment making fun of all the stupid shit and people in politics and the entertainment industry."
Now I agree with that.....
Misquoting me doesn't really help your case.

Just sayin.

nitro harley

Well-Known Member
Yes, I do watch Fox news's funny as hell! Right up there with Housewives of Atlanta & Honey BooBoo....
Right on..sometimes it is funny and sometimes it's not.. And I have never heard of those other shows. But they sound funny.


New Member
Nobody has to believe they are a credible source. You take what they tell you and fact check it against other sources on the internet and form your own opinion. My take is that the FOX news portion portrays the facts pretty well. And on the opinion side, O'Reilly is fair which is why he got to interview the president.

Now, most of what you are citing as lies comes from the opinions of guests or hosts. Sometimes they get things wrong and sometimes they continue to repeat the wrong things. Chris Christie has come out and said he went to High School with his current accuser but they were not even acquaintances at the time in a school of 1600 plus students. That makes sense yet I have heard repeatedly that he was a High School friend of Christie's on Fox. So, some of the shit they say is wrong which is not surprising given a 24/7 news cycle and getting it first is how you keep an audienc,

If you know how to research a news piece then bias should not scare you so much.
It's actually quite hilarious that most people on the left (fox haters) think Hannity or Fox and Friends are news sources.
They don't know the difference between hard news and opinion editorial entertainment.
But ironically, I see a lot of huffington post links. LOL


Ursus marijanus
I wanted to know how often you can trade insults with the admin before you get in trouble for it. Given that that Aussie guy just got banned for something he posted it didn't seem like a crazy question.

We have been on civil terms as of late, so I asked you. I had no idea you would get your panties in a twist over it. I don't know why you feel the need to turn a simple question into some sort of drama. Consider the question unasked you big baby.

As to the bit about respect Clayton, you shouldn't respect people you don't know the slightest thing about, that's crazy.
In his case it was a "lifetime achievement award".

nitro harley

Well-Known Member
How about that fox the only major "News" services that cannot get a license to broadcast in Canada, why?.....could it be they have credibility issues?
Most of the country & the world view 'fox news' for what it is, the propaganda arm of a political party.
Did you forget about all the other networks helping BarryO with his campaign? Why wouldn't you want to have at least one channel for the conservatives? Does it make you feel that bad?


Well-Known Member
I only watch the mainstream news to get an understanding on where the gate keepers are trying to lead the people.


New Member
I wanted to know how often you can trade insults with the admin before you get in trouble for it. Given that that Aussie guy just got banned for something he posted it didn't seem like a crazy question.

We have been on civil terms as of late, so I asked you. I had no idea you would get your panties in a twist over it. I don't know why you feel the need to turn a simple question into some sort of drama. Consider the question unasked you big baby.

As to the bit about respect Clayton, you shouldn't respect people you don't know the slightest thing about, that's crazy.
I agree we've been on civil terms, that's why I said I lost some respect.
And I disagree with you on the not respecting someone you don't know in real life.
There a some members here I truly respect for what they have to say on here, how they conduct themselves on here and how they treat me, on here.

The reason I said what I said was, you watched rollitup throw an insult at me and didn't have a thing to say, which is cool with me. But when I say something back, now you suddenly have an opinion, it didn't sit well with me.

No drama here dude, I just keep it real.
BTW, I'll take the high road on your big baby and Clayton comments.
Peace bro.


Well-Known Member
President Barack Obama twice blamed Fox News Channel for misinforming the public
only twice? talk abotu self control, something you are severely lacking, bettedavisthere.

wanna meet for lunch?

nevermind, i don't want to sit down with a whiny crybaby loser like you.



Well-Known Member
Hey bear,

In your opinion, was I out of line????
Kinda unfair to bring cn into that, don't ya think?

I mean, he's a mod and rolli is the admin... So that seems like a losing battle..imo

However, I feel that if something is said, you should be able to respond.


Well-Known Member
I'm not even sure how people are arguing against fox news on this.. They didn't spin anything, there were questions asked and they were avoided with some wild tangent response without even remotely answering the questions.

All while saying 'Now, let me finish'...

Finish what Mr. President? Your rambling about nonsense that has nothing to do with the question I asked?
to be fair though, you turn to white supremacists for information and join white supremacy groups, so you might be a tad biased.


New Member
Kinda unfair to bring cn into that, don't ya think?

I mean, he's a mod and rolli is the admin... So that seems like a losing battle..imo

However, I feel that if something is said, you should be able to respond.
Actually, CN brought himself into it by replying to Travis about my comment, otherwise you'd be right and I wouldn't even have asked.