It's Business Time...

You get any questions about your weaknesses and mistakes? Own up to them. I got a job for admitting I damaged a $250,000 part in the military. I then went on to explain how I spent extra hours in the evening and weekends until it was fixed and how we all make mistakes. The difference is I own them and make them right.

The military has some pretty good classes for resumes and interviews and what not when you get out.

You got it. Maybe even run the place one day.
Talk about how many weapons you own and what they can do to the human body. Then start listing off facts about famous serial killers.

But seriously what I like to do is find out as much as you can about the company, like their mottos and whatnot they'll have on their website, and try to repeat them as talking points during the interview. It both makes them feel like you're actively interested in the company, and it reinforces their corporate mantra bullshit one has to get behind to move up in a company.

I was gonna say it might be deleterious to post your actual face on a cannabis growing website, but then if your interviewer has seen this website, they're already fucked and you're a shoe-in.
Talk about how many weapons you own and what they can do to the human body. Then start listing off facts about famous serial killers.

But seriously what I like to do is find out as much as you can about the company, like their mottos and whatnot they'll have on their website, and try to repeat them as talking points during the interview. It both makes them feel like you're actively interested in the company, and it reinforces their corporate mantra bullshit one has to get behind to move up in a company.

I was gonna say it might be deleterious to post your actual face on a cannabis growing website, but then if your interviewer has seen this website, they're already fucked and you're a shoe-in.
And how do you REALLY know this is me?

I could be THIS guy:


Never know.
I cant stand those panel interviews. I feel like a fish in a bowl and they're poking the glass. Where do you see yourself in five years? What would your coworkers say or think about you?
the second interview maybe with a panel of future coworkers. they maybe looking to see if you get along with people you might be working with. be yourself, don't try too hard to impress, but don't get too comfortable either.