I couldn't do that where I grew up. They spray too much shit.You said it exactly, you have to plant enough to lose some. I moved to Vermont to eliminate choppers and cops- no eradication here. I'm going nuts right now though because my strains aren't finishing and now I've got to worry about the corn getting cut. I was in NY and these fucking things were done on the 25th of sept., but here, they need 3 weeks. This photo was 2 weeks ago.. View attachment 4016132
You disagree with what he said? He's 100 percent correct, we should be public executing these sick fuckers in barbaric ways
Its not that cut and dry.Yes people can change AGREED but if the offense is so horrific I don't believe we should let certain crimes go. Eye for an eye. Why do we have Protective Custody???? Rapist n diddlers murderers get protection. What about their VICTIMS ?? They didn't have protection. I say do away with PC... I've never been to jail or prison & don't plan on it. But if I or friends family did something sick I'd say the same thing.
tie my fishing line to the chain on the bell and walla ...
America doesn't care about its citizens and hasn't for decades now.You should have a look at the new series that started yesterday called Released.
It follows inmates being released after long sentences. One guy was in for 24 years on a 3rd strike charge for stealing baby clothes and fighting with a security guard trying to apprehend him.
The whole family gets punished. Another was a lady who forged pharmacy scripts and sold the pills. Her 12-year-old downs syndrome child got dropped off at school by her in the morning, in the afternoon she was already in jail, No bye, no aloha. Can you imagine the damage it did to that kid?
See my post above.Its not that cut and dry.
Its much more complicated. Yes those people need removed from society.
Ttystick is talking about prison in general. Its wrong. The point should be to make the victim whole and rehabilitate the inmate.
What good does sticking a man in a whole 23 hours a day and breaking his mind do for society? Try to make that person productive. Let them better their lives so she. They get out they have a chance.
Then you have the problem of innocent people on death row. Its crazy how many have proven their innocence.
I used to be hard core for the death penalty. Not so much anymore except in certain cases where there is zero doubt.
Then comes the petty crimes to pay for drug habits.
If there is no victim there is no crime. Selling or using drugs is not a crime. Legize and regulate all drugs offer help to those who need it.
It will reduce the prison population and lower drug use. Its already working in the Portugal.
For what it's worth .....when I use grow in backyards and have to worry about rippers ...like everyone else it gets very stressful near harvest ...especially when the smell starts to creep out everywhere ....calling for rippers to notice ......a little technique I did was plug in an old alarm clock with a radio in it ....I'd set it inside a empty 5 gallon bucket then tune it in to talk radio .....set the volume to where it's heard from the sidewalk or road but barely ....I'd also set a chair near the bucket incase a ripper decided to investigate ......I never got ripped doing this ....and I always made sure to shut the radio off early dawn ...that way if someone was watching it seemed more legit than a radio playing all day .....gives a little piece of mind and possibly a hint of doubt to a ripper thinking about stealing...........I'm glad I'm older and grow in a canyon in the middle of nowhere ....surrounded by all families farm land ....good luck everyone ...
Another easy trick is fishing line at different heights ....I use to use bells with a chain attached to the gong inside ....tie my fishing line to the chain on the bell and walla ....even the ripper hears his mistake ....nice thing is you can tie multiple lines to one loud ass bell ....id always put several at neck height to keep there attention off the ground wires .....so glad all that's past me ....k done rambling ....back to trimming
LOL....that would do it ....I use to have a motion sensor with a bright ass blue light ....I would stick inside a piece of 6" pipe so the beam was more focused ....otherwise any tree, cat or whatever else that wasn't a ripper would set it off....LOLMy buddy use to use thise halloween decorations with the motion sensor anyone walk near at the Halloween decorations would start screaming like somebody was being murdered
That's pretty fucked up.Here in Eastern Kentucky they do all kinds of really messed up things to thieves. I have seen everything from shotgun IED's, fishing line with treble hooks set eye level, razor blades along the branches, copper heads and rattlers tied to plants (hooked with limb line heavy barbed fishing hooks), the list goes on and on.
The craziest story I have heard is a an old man on the mountain, he had seen ATV tracks kept coming to his plants on private property. He scoped them out one day and seen the three guys checking it out. He then proceeded to spray the plants and soak the buds heavily with concentrated Carbofuran "Furadan" poison/pesticide. If you know anything about Furadan you know it is extremely toxic. A few drops could really put you down. The rippers took the buds. Needless to say a few days later three fellars ended up in the E.R. and maybe one on life support. And he found out who was taking his weed. Now this shit is hardcore and this still happens all of the time. The old man is a good guy but he sure wont let anyone cross him or his way of living.
Here in Eastern Kentucky they do all kinds of really messed up things to thieves. I have seen everything from shotgun IED's, fishing line with treble hooks set eye level, razor blades along the branches, copper heads and rattlers tied to plants (hooked with limb line heavy barbed fishing hooks), the list goes on and on.
The craziest story I have heard is a an old man on the mountain, he had seen ATV tracks kept coming to his plants on private property. He scoped them out one day and seen the three guys checking it out. He then proceeded to spray the plants and soak the buds heavily with concentrated Carbofuran "Furadan" poison/pesticide. If you know anything about Furadan you know it is extremely toxic. A few drops could really put you down. The rippers took the buds. Needless to say a few days later three fellars ended up in the E.R. and maybe one on life support. Now this shit is hardcore and this still happens all of the time. The old man is a good guy but he sure wont let anyone cross him or his way of living.
Booby traps can easily bring felony charges.Is booby trapping really worth it for 3.. Maybe 4 plants somewhere outside like that? I could see if it was a really decent guerilla grow.
Bobby traps can easily bring felony charges.
I'd say that makes it not worth it, no matter how big the grow.
Ask them straightforward questions and let them make their own traps. I do it all the time!Is there a way to booby trap trolls on here and get away with it? Lol