Ivanka trumps drug problem

Back in the day, Valium was used for a cocaine hangover, and the cycle begins.

it's used for many different things, withdrawal being one of them.

i think she's definitely doing something either of pain killer variety or benzo's..those are the two thinks that can make you 'glow' but your eyes are not really part of it ie red, squinting like alcohol or weed.

final answer: XANAX
it's used for many different things, withdrawal being one of them.

i think she's definitely doing something either of pain killer variety or benzo's..those are the two thinks that can make you 'glow' but your eyes are not really part of it ie red, squinting like alcohol or weed.

final answer: XANAX
"Mothers little helper" -Rolling Stones.
Traditionally, people could believe what they want, Trump and the pandemic changed that, some beliefs are dangerous for the community and some religious leaders (or con men) are engaged in antisocial and dangerous activities. All this to feed the mindless of superstition a majority of so called Christians who support Trump, the poster boy for the seven deadly sins. Your faith has given you no special insight or even compassion, you find those in civil society and so did Christians, they didn't stop burning people at the stake on their own and there was no divine revelation telling them not to do so, civil law and secular society did that.

If you want to spout religion or anything else, you had better be prepared to defend your contentions against an increasing majority of people who see religion as dangerous, and not harmless or of any benefit to society at all. Regular churches are dying and megachurches are filling with morons, and this is no insult, but a fact.

no religion; no problems.
You know, one good thing about this virus shit right now is the Jehovah's Witness have not been by my house for a good month at least lol

I made a terrible mistake about 2 years ago and talked to the Jehovah's, they came by when I was mowing my yard one Saturday morning and caught me outside off guard, there was no hiding from them. It was two elderly ladies and I didn't have the heart to tell them to get the fuck off my property.

I've avoided them ever since but they still always come by every Saturday and leave literature on my back porch...they are fucking relentless about it. I would've thought avoiding them for so long that they wouldn't come back. It's creepy.

dude..you should've never made eye contact..are you crazy?
That's nuts, It would be a shame to pump shitty water that far. People usually give up around 300' here.

My well is only 90' feet deep with the pump at 60' 18gpm, wowser!
when people buy lots around here, they often get quite a surprising bill from the well drilling company. lol.
when people buy lots around here, they often get quite a surprising bill from the well drilling company. lol.
I bet they do. Some say it's a wife's tale, but witching does work, I'm not sure how good at that depth though. I had a client who's a geologist once tell me the earth was like a sand box, with a level water table, lol. My boss and I both had a good laugh, valley boy book nerd. That same boss said the old guy that drilled his well got out of his truck tossed a beer can on the ground said they drill right there, df. There's an old hippy lady around here that witches wells. One of my clients ended up with an artisan well, after hiring her. It literally comes out up and out of the well head into a copper bowl when not in use.
I worked on another home no less than a mile away, where a pressure washer would run the well dry in an hour and half. My place is the same way, our neighbors five hundred feet up the hill gave up around 300' nothing. I have an underground Creek running through my place. It appears as springs on the hillside below my property.

I could go on for hours about the water projects around here (North fork of the feather river) truly amazing hydro infrastructure, dams, pipelines, tunnels, ditches, after bays, fore bays, power houses, etc. It's really something else.
Here's a pic of a railroad trestle Western pacific build in the late 60's after lake Oroville was built flooding the old route. The trestle crosses the North fork into a mile long tunnel. The other is an old dam, one of the first hydro electric projects in the state, around the turn of the century. IMG_20200321_150959.jpgIMG_20200321_145751.jpg