Ivanka trumps drug problem

The point I was making was about faith. Not faith in something.
We all have faith zeddd, even though science is evidence based, I'm not a physicist and I follow along somewhat, but I depend on other physicists to call bullshit on their fellows and they do, but stick to the facts when doing so, science writers who are not physicists do a pretty good job of explaining it too. I just don't have the math skills or talent to plow through many of those papers, I and many others take it on faith, if you will. Faith that science is a methodology for discovering natural phenomena and a process that provides accurate answers. I'm an atheist and have been one since I was a kid, I believe in natural explanations for phenomena, as you do.
We all have faith zeddd, even though science is evidence based, I'm not a physicist and I follow along somewhat, but I depend on other physicists to call bullshit on their fellows and they do, but stick to the facts when doing so, science writers who are not physicists do a pretty good job of explaining it too. I just don't have the math skills or talent to plow through many of those papers, I and many others take it on faith, if you will. Faith that science is a methodology for discovering natural phenomena and a process that provides accurate answers. I'm an atheist and have been one since I was a kid, I believe in natural explanations for phenomena, as you do.
I don’t have faith in belief.
Man you are a good guy for sure, you are 65 years old, you have a fat pension by your own admission and have healthy practices and believe in self actualisation. I’m there, I get your meme, however you extend you philanthropy into a binary dialectic whereby I’m some antithetical entity because I ask challenging questions in direct way. Ask yourself why I do that in the middle of a pandemic at the end of a busy working day.
It's not the questions, but the tone. Why do you ask zeddd? Why do you even care? I'm surprised to hear your still working, I hope your work is not hazardous. My life is not a bowl of cherries either, I've got my problems and issues too.
A true/pure Christian is commanded to not murder and kill,

That's a good policy to follow, whether Christian or not. It's sort of the logical conclusion of the N.A.P. or non initiation of aggression principle, which disavows uses of offensive force, and permits uses of defensive force to repel offensive force. I like to think proportionate responses are a reasonable approach.
It's not the questions, but the tone. Why do you ask zeddd? Why do you even care? I'm surprised to hear your still working, I hope your work is not hazardous. My life is not a bowl of cherries either, I've got my problems and issues too.
Lol, go back to sleep boomer
Can you say ...WASTED!!!
According to Bannon she is dumb as a brick too..,lol go figure, with her dad being a stable genius.

you don't need someone else to tell you how stupid she is..she does very well on her own- haven't you ever listened to her? She and Jared are really perfect for each other..