Ivanka trumps drug problem

She's probably on adreno-chrome from several sacrificed (children) Human beings. She looks a lot like Hillary did after drinking Human blood.
don't you bible bangers pretend you drink the blood of christ at communion?
During the Passover remberance of Christ's sacrifice which was yesterday, (Symbolically) yes, but never actual blood.

I've never partaken of any of the Passover wine myself, only a special few ever get to drink the wine, it's a day (once per year) of remembrance of Christ Jesus's sacrifice to mankind of his blood and flesh, to cover over our sins, and grant us a hope of eternal existence.

The remberance of someone's death, is more important than remeberance of someone's birth.
oh great spaghetti monster in the sky, forgive me for my sins. lol

You know, one good thing about this virus shit right now is the Jehovah's Witness have not been by my house for a good month at least lol

I made a terrible mistake about 2 years ago and talked to the Jehovah's, they came by when I was mowing my yard one Saturday morning and caught me outside off guard, there was no hiding from them. It was two elderly ladies and I didn't have the heart to tell them to get the fuck off my property.

I've avoided them ever since but they still always come by every Saturday and leave literature on my back porch...they are fucking relentless about it. I would've thought avoiding them for so long that they wouldn't come back. It's creepy.
well, if your husband was Jared..she just realized he was the kid in middle school who carried the briefcase.

what I want to know is, does she know she has spyware on her laptop?:lol:

she's so perfect I want to be her..the nose, the boobs, the incest..what a fantasy world!

pic #2 looks coke or some derivative of fueled..#4 looks like ketamine or qualudish.
How do you know she has spyware? Some very dumb people intentionally post things like their actual name and address online. Narcissists I guess.

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without birth there is no death.

and why didn't Jesus turn water into clean water instead of wine?
Water from nature in ancient times was much more pure than water from our natural environment in today's World.

Red wine (symbolically) represents blood, water does not.
What do you mean "pretend"? Due to the miracle of transubstantiation, the wine actually turns into Jesus blood in your mouth! Likewise the wafer turns into actually christ-flesh.
As I recall, many tens of thousands of europeans died in battle or were burned at the stake over just this question, 500 years ago...