I've Put Uncle Buck On The "IGNORE"..


Well-Known Member
original post Friday 6:47pm I responded at 6:49 pm; you edited at 6:57pm. Liar and cheat; check and mate
Cheat? How so? You still have been totaly unable to refute my statements. So "check" is just another lame attempt to declair victory where there is none.
When you quote someone an alert is sent to that user, hence my term "summoning". I haven't responded to you since Friday, now its Sunday and you wish to start the Friday convo again. You are pathetic in your need for attention
Yes, those alerts force you to reply, you have no choice in the matter. You still have nothing to counter my statement but insult.


Well-Known Member
View attachment 3357082
You're the one editing your posts. I would say that makes you a couple things. Desperate, and starved for attention.
Yes you would say that. You've been saying it all along. But you never responded to my proposition with anything but name calling. So, that would make you the desparate one. And the "starved for attention" would apply to anyone posting anything by your standard, including you. So let's not pretend adding a sentence that you still didn't answer means anymore than "You can't refute it, so you reply with insults". Since you can't seem to debate an issue at all, there doesn't seem to be any point in speaking to you.


Well-Known Member
You are a sick racist fuck with anger issues. What's to debate?
Once again, name calling.. Buck didn't tell you he said the samething about black males, did he? No? Of course not. But you don't call him racist, do you? And the other five statements are untrue how? When you can demonstrate that, I'll respond


Well-Known Member
I also notice you stipped out the HTML on the quotes so no one could read those quotes in context so that they can't see the rest of the statement. So, that shows your dishonesty..


Well-Known Member
Seems you didn't read those quotes fully. You should be sure to thank Buckhead for providing the quotes tho.
the full quote involves you stating that "black men are worthy of fear and distrust" and that "if you choose to dress like a harlot, you choose to treated as a harlot".

here it is in all its racist, rape-apologist glory:

It's been my experience that blacks have just as much distrust of blacks as whites do. A black female accidentally gave me a $50 when she thought she gave me a $20 for a $17 cab ride and told me to keep the change. When I asked her if she knew she had given me a $50, she was very grateful. She then told me that no black man would ever have done that. So the attitude that black men are worthy of fear and distrust is not limited to "whitey". Many claim that the high incarceration rates of black males proves the courts are biased. The truth is that black males are just more inclined to criminality. I believe this has nothing to do with their skin color, but is culturally and politically based. Frankly, if you choose to dress like a gangsta, you are choosing to be treated like a gangsta. If you choose to dress like a harlot, you choose to treated like a harlot.
tell me red, are you also in the habit of raping women who don't dress to your standards of non-harlotness?


Well-Known Member
Buck didn't tell you he said the samething about black males, did he? No? Of course not.
i have never said any such thing.

if you show me where i have said anything even remotely similar, i will leave the site forever. when you can't do that, you will have svaed me the work of proving you are a remorseless lying POS.


Well-Known Member
I also notice you stipped out the HTML on the quotes so no one could read those quotes in context so that they can't see the rest of the statement. So, that shows your dishonesty..
every single quote has a link right after "[member] said". just click on the two dots after "said".

i posted the full quote anyway, so that people can see the full extent of your racism rather than the most racist tip.


Well-Known Member
Really? Well there you go! I missed it! He must have deleted it like he does with all his other posts! Lol
You already denied you asked the mod to delete it, now you try to pretend you don't know they deleted it? Tell us again how smart you are, what with all the "proper English" and double negatives and all.