I've Put Uncle Buck On The "IGNORE"..


Well-Known Member
That's not the reason you get "special attention". Still think your better than others because you went to school in England? Disliking you doesn't make one a misogynist. The black girls in your neighborhood feel the same way about you. Are they misogynist?
You give yourself entirely too much credit. Your whole argument was that you think you have better grammer, so you must be correct in assuming the headmaster was a racist or the black girls were stupid. That's not a "good point", that's elitism.
You are so retarded it's unbelievable. Why wouldn't I go to school in England if I'm English?
You pointed out they they couldn't pass the entrance exam, not me. Which of course indicates your racist views. You mentioned financial pressure? How does that work within a grammar school scholarship system? It doesn't!!! You clearly haven't got a clue about the education system and have yet again proved your ineptness. Thanks for making it so easy!! :)


Well-Known Member
You are so retarded it's unbelievable. Why wouldn't I go to school in England if I'm English?
You pointed out they they couldn't pass the entrance exam, not me. Which of course indicates your racist views. You mentioned financial pressure? How does that work within a grammar school scholarship system? It doesn't!!! You clearly haven't got a clue about the education system and have yet again proved your ineptness. Thanks for making it so easy!! :)
Actually, it was you that claimed they couldn't pass the entrance exam as one of only two choices. I suggested several other posibilities, but that wasn't even one of them. I never said you wouldn't go to any school at all. The question is......well, just weird. So let's revamp...... You say one of only two posibilities exist, they couldn't pass the entrance exam, or the headmaster was racist. Then you try to attribute that statement to me when I actually disagreed with that (your) statement. So you accuse me of making the statements that you made, then claim I'm the racist. If the statement was racist, wouldn't that make the one that uttered them the racist? I won't even mention the blatent lying. Ooops, I mentioned it!


Well-Known Member
You clearly stated you have better grammer. So, you're lying. You tried to pretend that qualified you to decide that there were only two possible explanations. Denying your own statements doesn't mean I'm fantasizing, it just means you're dishonest.
What post did I say that in?


Well-Known Member
Actually, it was you that claimed they couldn't pass the entrance exam as one of only two choices. I suggested several other posibilities, but that wasn't even one of them. I never said you wouldn't go to any school at all. The question is......well, just weird. So let's revamp...... You say one of only two posibilities exist, they couldn't pass the entrance exam, or the headmaster was racist. Then you try to attribute that statement to me when I actually disagreed with that (your) statement. So you accuse me of making the statements that you made, then claim I'm the racist. If the statement was racist, wouldn't that make the one that uttered them the racist? I won't even mention the blatent lying. Ooops, I mentioned it!
...and you called me beligerant!


Well-Known Member
Is there anybody on this forum that actually enjoys Red's company?

Was going through his last 200 posts, and I'll I'm seeing is angry, pissed off comments where he is desperately trying to save face when someone calls him out for his bullshit. I can't find a single one where he comes off as remotely human.
I like him more than you.

Much more.


Well-Known Member
What post did I say that in?
English is your first language, yes? More like the only language! Lol!

My opinion is based upon those facts. I was there, you weren't and judging by your grammar you didn't spend much time/attention at school. In my eyes you are a monolingual peasant and had you been able to father any children, I doubt they would have got in either.
And here
Tbh I thought he knew! It seems very fitting that he likes to argue with women.

As for the grammar, well those that know me, know that I believe 'it's what you say, not the way you say it'. However if he wants to argue my point that I feel I had a racist head teacher, I am left to challenge his abilities as an ambassador of education which he has quite clearly demonstrated he doesn't have an iota of.
And here is me saying the eact opposite of what you accused me of.

I don't see either as indicated. Maybe you are jumping to conclusions.


Well-Known Member
"No one on Earth has successfully made these parts but me. I used to supervise a machine shop until I had a heart attack on the shop floor."

The guys where I worked once called that a "Bender"


Well-Known Member
I don't know if these words have been added to the long list of ones that describe why you should be killed, but I would like to add them…ignorant and uninformed
Yes, typical libtard, wish death upon those who disagree with you, then claim it is they who are immoral.


Well-Known Member
Is there anybody on this forum that actually enjoys Red's company?

Was going through his last 200 posts, and I'll I'm seeing is angry, pissed off comments where he is desperately trying to save face when someone calls him out for his bullshit. I can't find a single one where he comes off as remotely human.
Failed again?


Well-Known Member
"No one on Earth has successfully made these parts but me. I used to supervise a machine shop until I had a heart attack on the shop floor."

The guys where I worked once called that a "Bender"
Your coworkers called a heart attack a bender?