I've Put Uncle Buck On The "IGNORE"..


Well-Known Member
typical libtard, wish death upon those who disagree with you, then claim it is they who are immoral.
should i pull up the quotes of red wishing genocide on millions?


Non Shia were slaughtered in mass or driven out. 600k sounds a little high. even if true, they needed killing anyway. They were happy to die and get their 72 virgins anyway.
i guess that makes red a "typical libtard", if you believe what red has to say.


Well-Known Member
Thanks to a small group of RIU. posters Red has lost touch with reality. Congrats all the way around.... Job well done, etc,etc.......Now let's all urge him to get out of the troll biz...


Well-Known Member
Thanks to a small group of RIU. posters Red has lost touch with reality. Congrats all the way around.... Job well done, etc,etc.......Now let's all urge him to get out of the troll biz...

Hell no this was a funny read. He`s taking in more water than he can pump out, mixing up his targets, blame`n the Cheeba, he`s gonna blow and I wanna see it !i


Well-Known Member
Not quite,....Skipper always knows how much water he can pump out of his ship, ya with me ? ... when you start taking in more water than you can pump out, it`s time to leave, you can`t save it.

That`s what`s happening to Red dude 66.


Well-Known Member
Hell no this was a funny read. He`s taking in more water than he can pump out, mixing up his targets, blame`n the Cheeba, he`s gonna blow and I wanna see it !i
He's like a corner crack dealer, run him off and he will be immediately replaced,,,


Well-Known Member
One things for sure failure is not in his vocabulary
You're right

Self criticism is one of the most valuable aspects of introspection, to someone who can't accept defeat they only see it as an obstacle. To someone who can they become a better person.

Hence Red's current predicament..


Well-Known Member
Who is Ihadanextranjera????? U misspelled exact.
She's the one still laughing about the unfortunate heart attack and wondering if he hit his head on the deck at the same time. You gotta wonder !!?!? :)

Edit: Also laughing about his insistance on starting sentences with 'And'!! He's just doing it on purpose now! Lol