JackBerry Grow

Dude, since when were you making such fucking high quality dank?? My last crop didn't turn out looking nearly that good man, good job! If I had money and time right now I'd drive out there for one of those purple phenos.

Your cloning chamber still looks like a death camp for clones though, why don't you use trays and keep the medium nice and humid? I like to use trays that are extra deep so there is a open air space under the cube so it can get super steamy down there and the roots grow super fast in all the wet air. Seriously, you need to get better at it so I can pick up one of those fantastic looking producers one of these days.
@ SFguy - thanks dude, better late than never indeed.

@ Eerb - you are too kind, a gentleman and scholar.

@ BeRad4Guvna - thanks dude, and yezzir - DWC all the way. i kind of consider my reservoirs to be recirculating DWC's, even though the water isn't circulating from one reservoir to another - each reservoir has a little fountain water pump in it, 70-100 gpm , all of them on the "high" setting - this keeps my nutrient solution evenly distributed, (or so i figure) at least somewhat more evenly distributed throughout the reservoir, it really surprises me that more people haven't considered this.. right now, I don't know of anyone else that does this, which is cool with me. and then i have some serious air pumps 45 LPM in each. so im big on oxygen. sorry for the long response.

Jozikins! dude ive missed you man, i didn't know if you'd resurface or not around here. (glad you did)

Haha, thanks man. Now, i told you when i started this thing i was serious. With my motivation and your celebrated teaching skills I was bound to get a few good nugs eventually. You should come out here dude, it'd be a cheap vacation, and there are cute girls all over the place.

My clones leave much to be desired, I know - but I already have a cutting of the George Bush chugging away in a 5 gal DWC mother bucket. the only reason I have all those shitty looking clones in there is because I know I will be slapping myself if i dont get a cutting of the KF7 Wunderplant. And the water cup cloning method is great if you are a lazy ass like me. I take the cutting, put it in a cup of water, and let it do its thing- with the exception o changing the water every three or four days I don't do anything. I also have had some serious temperature issues, which makes it near impossible for the rockwool to stay moist.

I like the sound of a steamy cloner though.. Dirty
Well.. now I have two purple, lemon-hog-snowman went purple, and so did the Cedar Skunk, and one blueish purple (george bush). but again, they are not solid purps - except for the KF7, which is solid purp - but strangely some of the lower branches are green colored, and the bigger ones up top are more colorful. They waited a long time to show me their true colors though. One week till harvest (or thereabouts).

I am giving them slightly larger proportions of bloom in an attempt to get them more bulky, but at the same time lowering the overall ppm of each reservoir in an attempt to have the final product as sweet and natural tasting as possible, NO CHEM TASTE. I keep getting shit around here chalk full of chemicals, or at least that is how it tastes.

Look at all those purple and frosty buds. Aren't you lucky? What's your plan of attack for harvest?
Lucky?!! I don't get any credit? Lol, Jk. I'm lucky my neighbors are cool, because the jackberry is stinky as shit. Gotta get a better filter if I do this again.

My plan is to harvest this upcoming Friday. Some plants look like they're already done, and some look like they could go another two weeks. So idk. I was going to put them in complete darkness for a day or two, then take the screens off, and try to trim them whole as opposed to individual branches. I was going to try and let the leaves stay on a few days longer too, since I've heard that it might make for an overall better taste. Idk mang. What you thinking ?
* Update *

I have decided I will harvest "der Wunderplant" earlier than the rest as it truly looks ready to be taken down. I lost my little jewelry scope that I was using to check the trichomes, so I am just going by the overall look of them now. I might also harvest "George Bush" Tuesday, since it also looks done to me.

For drying I will be cutting the entire plant at the base, and trimming all the fan leaves and extra foliage off, but leaving the sugar leaves on. I will not be trimming the buds at this point. I am going to keep them in a dark closet for 1-2 weeks (while periodically checking on them) and let them dry out very slowly, because I have read a few different places that the dry is more important than the jarring/cure. I also read that a long, slow dry (aside from making your final product taste, and smell better) will also cut down on the cure time while in jars.
i think your plan is a good on GH! be sure to take pictures and keep us all updated

Good plan. The longer the dry, the better. I'm just fortunate that I can hang up individual branches that are almost entirely trimmed and still get top shelf smell/taste even on the plants I fucked up while growing. It's because of the incredibly high humidity where I live, I'm about 15 minutes from the coast now, and my area is known in particular for the high humidity. People actually move from tropical countries to here because the environment is similar.

Extra long/attentive cures are often, more than anything, to make up for something during the grow or the drying period. I mean, you should be doing a proper cure anyways, but I know when I cure something for 6+ weeks without taking more than a single test puff, it's because I know I did something to lower the quality of my buds, IE: fucking up.

My last crop took about 2 weeks to dry almost, and I can't tell you how good it smells. I brought my shwaggiest 2oz to the local dispensary for consignment and they were blown away. It was very easy to get the amount I asked for without haggling. It was a fair donation to ask for considering the quality of medication I had for them. I'm actually on my way to pick that donation up right now. Which is good because I owe my sister like 200 bucks because I took a vacation and blew too much money like to dope.

Oh, and the luck part was getting the purp pheo types. The results was all you, man. You can even harvest by looks, you got it down now.
very noice. LHOG or what? yeah man, pay back your sister! what a jerk.. (just kidding) ..
final weight on der Wunderplant was 7.238 oz. muahahaaha... shes all jarred up now and ready to be burped in a few hrs. took me about 2 hrs to trim and 1 to jar.
It was scary though because it is soooo fluffy.. the JackBerry looks super solid but not der Wunderplant..
I just want to say that Sannie has some good genetics floating around..

"George Bush" Jackberry F4 (Sannie's Jack x DJ Short's Blueberry Indica) ;

Blueberry Dominant Hybrid - apprx. 80% Indica 20% Sativa


"der Wunderplant" Killing Fields #7 x Chinese Killing Fields (feminized freebee, discontinued) ;
- a very interesting plant.. this is a heavily sativa influenced strain, BUT this phenotype had a very heavy dose of indica, apparent by its 8 week harvest - most Killing Fields go for 11-12 weeks.

dang this was a dream grow, 3 strains all look soo different and look soo good.
how do u get your hands on those genetics+seeds?