
China is gonna be awful pissed.... they are first in line for continental drift of nuclear isotopes....
ye.. the people living in eastcoast of China are already panicing now, even the price of salt went sky high cus some "scientist" said that it resistants radiation, but he forgot to mention that u have to eat 6 kilos of salt to reach that goal... I heard that there was a super panic guy ate too much salt and died already...
no shit 6 kilos will kill the hell out of u
ok here what u need to do to survive eat 6 kilos then u wont have to worry about radiation

ye.. the people living in eastcoast of China are already panicing now, even the price of salt went sky high cus some "scientist" said that it resistants radiation, but he forgot to mention that u have to eat 6 kilos of salt to reach that goal... I heard that there was a super panic guy ate too much salt and died already...
glad u stuck it out past the drama
do they have to do this to lower reactor temps

It's a lesson to learn.. Oh the site is finished that is for sure.

India is worried and I can understand.. ;They have little wealth to buy imported food so local crops are vital.
The radiation is within acceptable levels, Isn't that great! we get a little extra radiation for free. I just hope this doesn't have negitive effects on the nuclear industry or their stock holders or CEO's
hey bro? i guess bro?
ignore the idiot standing in the corner

QUOTE=Carne Seca;5481914]Amen, brother. :p[/QUOTE]
we can get u some clip on boob lights but if we do u got to post pics of using them as grow lights

But if the radiation goes down fab we will never see if it will cause my nipples to light up like headlights lol telling ya that could be useful ;)
we can get u some clip on boob lights but if we do u got to post pics of using them as grow lights

Naw would have to be like some led lights for working on them don't think be good to use them as grow lights may start to hurt after awhile lol

They are now handing out Iodine pills in Japan. The wind is expected to turn south towards Tokyo.
Damn you, Monday!