
I read some VERY disturbing information this AM... They have discovered a potential core reactor breach. Some workers were walking in a pool of water and they got severe burns on their legs from the water. It turns out, the water was over 10,000 times normal radioactivity. Why aren't they wearing RAD badges? Why didn't those workers know that the pool of water was potentially lethal? Japan is playing with fire. They have poisoned their water supply, even as far away as Tokyo, and now 11 types of vegetables are showing contamination levels that continue to rise.

What I find disturbing about Japan is the suppression of information. There was another explosion and people were once again evacuated from the plant. No one is talking. Now scientists are saying this is on par with Chernobyl. I think before its all over this will be the worst nuclear disaster in history.
Al Jazeera said radiation is 10,000 times normal in the water supply..
Exactly which supply that was I failed to catch.
Al Jazeera said radiation is 10,000 times normal in the water supply..
Exactly which supply that was I failed to catch.
That would be the water at the plant, not the actual ground water..............yet. I believe they are wearing badges at the plant, but they know the levels are bad. I do know that they are rotating people in and out in an attempt to limit their exposure. They also probably know that most of those guys working in the plant since the accident are probably going to die. I certainly hope that's not the case. There is a bit of panic over here. The NGO I'm working with is considering pulling us out. Many have already decided to pack it up. There was a warning about infants not drinking tapwater or having formula made with tap water due to the high levels of radioactive iodine isotopes. The little ones are especially sensitive to it. The problem with this stuff is you can't run from it, you can't hide from it. There's not much you can do about it after it's been released into the environment. It simply has to decay into a more stable element. They are giving out Potassium Iodide to most people over here, including us now. We are only drinking bottled water and are now eating freakin' disaster MRE's. Yuck! Folks, this is really bad news. Japan is already short on real estate. Now they are going to have a large chunk of their country that nobody will be able to inhabit for hundreds of years. The work continues...............:sad:
Dido man.. stay well.
We're keeping a close eye on it. We're experiencing a lot of the same problems I see people complaining about at home.............a lack of information. We have geiger counters and are checking every single person that comes to us. If they test above a certain level, we have a decon area setup and in they go! Some of the people we are seeing haven't bathed since before the quake! We keep hearing, "They are gonna send us all home", then we hear, "No they aren't." They have told anybody who wants to leave that they can do so (as if they could force anyone to stay. lol!). I appreciate all of the support. I'll try to keep you guys as updated as I can, but y'all are probably getting more info than we are anyhow!:cuss:
I got the impression both Japan and USA newspapers are not informing us as well as they could.

The most news is the economic news.
I've learned a bit cross referencing the News and Financial reports.
I got the impression both Japan and USA newspapers are not informing us as well as they could.

The most news is the economic news.
I've learned a bit cross referencing the News and Financial reports.
I wish I had more to report, but I am probably more in the dark than you guys. My wife is starting to freak out. I'm not sure what I should do at this point. Fuck! :cuss:
well cant help u there bro tell her u guys r testing and using decon
and drinking bottle water and mre's reassure her

I wish I had more to report, but I am probably more in the dark than you guys. My wife is starting to freak out. I'm not sure what I should do at this point. Fuck! :cuss:
well cant help u there bro tell her u guys r testing and using decon
and drinking bottle water and mre's reassure her
I've already told her all that. You know how women are though. They don't care about "precautions".:wall:
Well you are there and you are the Buddha.
Practice compassion and selflessness.

It is it's own reward.

I just visited the Online edition of the I Ching and I asked "What will Doc learn?"
I'm not kidding and used the virtual coin toss.
This was the answer and I kid you not Doc, I didn't select a damn thing. This is what was given to me so I give it to you.

Cast Hexagram:

14 - Fourteen
Ta Yu / Great Treasures

The Fire of clarity illuminates the Heavens to those below:
The Superior Person possesses great inner treasures -- compassion, economy, and modesty.
These treasures allow the benevolent will of Heaven to flow through him outward to curb evil and further good.

Supreme success.


You have become an instrument of Heaven's will, offering a balance in the world around you.
It is not swashbuckling prowess or uncanny talent that qualifies you for this office, but your simplest gifts -- your modesty, your compassion, your economy.
Because you can see clearly who most needs a miracle, Heaven's bounty is being put at your disposal.
I think that is rather impressive Doc...

Keep fresh batteries for your Geiger Counter on hand at all times my friend!
Come home safe.
Doc reminds me of the boyfriend in Shallow Hal. :)

I have to admit I am not completely up to speed on Doc's progression from posting to actually helping over there but it's unique.
So much has happened in just 15 days. Just open eyes and try and see the changes.
can't imagine why they put those nuclear reactors so close to an area that could/was easily hit by a catastrophe so easily foreseen....
can't imagine why they put those nuclear reactors so close to an area that could/was easily hit by a catastrophe so easily foreseen....

Hey, I have watched a lot of news and I saw that the USA has them on the shore too. I just googled nuclear reactors on the shore and Christian Science Monitor has a story.

I have to admit I like the idea of the ability to generate power but maybe they should be emergency power to like blow up an approaching asteroid with a Laser Beam. Fired up in times of extreme need like a sudden loss of atmosphere and we all have to go to our Emergency Shelters.

http://www.csmonitor.com/USA/2011/0...ismic-risk-at-California-nuclear-power-plants Critics cite 'severe seismic risk' at California nuclear power plants

State and federal legislators voice concerns about the earthquake risk at two California nuclear power plants – as well as the adequacy of safety protocols in place there.