Jaw wired shut. Cutting wires early?

I'm not sure if we are mad because we are angry or angry because we are mad!







Welcome to our utopia @mommareefer
You're doing fine so far.
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Try not to, be rude, flat out lie or poke anyone with a sharp stick or
you may get an an unwanted and highly unpredictable/volatile response.
Once blood has been spilled the sharks will be relentless and are hard to chase away.
Please do have a good sense of humor, preferably warped.
Welcome to our "island of misfits".

This seems like a pretty rough terrain with a bunch of smart asses, haha.
I'm not sure what to do with this site, or how to use it. I'm not even sure if I belong here. Maybe I'll learn to use it. I'm diggin' the emojis though. bongsmilie:peace:
This seems like a pretty rough terrain with a bunch of smart asses, haha.
I'm not sure what to do with this site, or how to use it. I'm not even sure if I belong here. Maybe I'll learn to use it. I'm diggin' the emojis though. bongsmilie:peace:
You need the pros to remove the wires. It was a serious enough break they put in asif mini plates in two places. Don't fuck this up and get a non union. If they've been in 7 weeks they should be ready to remove shortly, call and make the appointment.

You should have been given wire cutters, if you vomit you have to cut the wires, so that's the story if you do it early. But I would not cut those wires early, you really need an xray first.
You need the pros to remove the wires. It was a serious enough break they put in asif mini plates in two places. Don't fuck this up and get a non union. If they've been in 7 weeks they should be ready to remove shortly, call and make the appointment.

You should have been given wire cutters, if you vomit you have to cut the wires, so that's the story if you do it early. But I would not cut those wires early, you really need an xray first.

Yes, you're completely right. I just got so impatient. I'm sick of watching people eat and not being able to have a single bite. I miss brushing the insides of my teeth and my tongue, and most of all, I miss licking my lips when I have servere cotton mouth.
Yes, you're completely right. I just got so impatient. I'm sick of watching people eat and not being able to have a single bite. I miss brushing the insides of my teeth and my tongue, and most of all, I miss licking my lips when I have servere cotton mouth.
Yup, but you got to wait it out, get some lip balm to put on your lips. I'd also stop watching people eat. But it's almost over.
This seems like a pretty rough terrain with a bunch of smart asses, haha.
I'm not sure what to do with this site, or how to use it. I'm not even sure if I belong here. Maybe I'll learn to use it. I'm diggin' the emojis though. bongsmilie:peace:
It's a cannabis grow site. We are all degenerate depraved pot heads. Best you watch this to completion before continuing; this IS THE DEFINITIVE documentary about our kind:
BTW how did you lose that second molar on the right?

The surgeon actually removed it when he did the plates and wires. He said it was an impacted tooth.

It's a cannabis grow site. We are all degenerate depraved pot heads. Best you watch this to completion before continuing; this IS THE DEFINITIVE documentary about our kind:

I've actually seen this video, multiple times while stoned in a friends garage haha
okay guys, update:
today the surgeons office called me to schedule a removal but told me my insurance isn't up to date so I have to either wait to get approved (which won't be until the first) or pay an $850 bill for the removal... I cant even afford half of that right now. I could seriously cry. It's been 8 weeks already and I'm supposed to be going out of state for Christmas next week ughhhhhhh i could scream right now!
im going to cut them. fuck waiting, i cant do it :cuss::finger:
okay guys, update:
today the surgeons office called me to schedule a removal but told me my insurance isn't up to date so I have to either wait to get approved (which won't be until the first) or pay an $850 bill for the removal... I cant even afford half of that right now. I could seriously cry. It's been 8 weeks already and I'm supposed to be going out of state for Christmas next week ughhhhhhh i could scream right now!
im going to cut them. fuck waiting, i cant do it :cuss::finger:
Please be sure to document it for us. We love pics round here.