Jaw wired shut. Cutting wires early?

no way im that macho lol
Don't let us down! We have complete faith in you

I was checking your xray; you've got 2 more impacted molars that will have to come out within 2-4 yrs. Unscrewing the anchors is a walk in the park compared to what's coming. js
As long as she's doing her own surgeries she might as well just go ahead and take care of that while she's in there. I mean, don't get your tools out and do half a job. Probably save some money too.
I was checking your xray; you've got 2 more impacted molars that will have to come out within 2-4 yrs. Unscrewing the anchors is a walk in the park compared to what's coming. js

thats crazy, i didnt even notice that. my mouth is so ruined because ive had a crooked jaw my whole life. i guess breaking it was a good thing cause they straightened the heck out of it. but now im stuck with a fucked up grill. haah.
Seriously point the wire cutters AWAY from your cheek dear.

Edit: They are only 4 very small screws, remove them and bill your insurance the $850, remember rightey tightey lefty loosey

lol i was just told to do that by my boyfriend haha

You landed chin first right? Those are some very respectable jaw fractures; how far did you fall? How much do you weigh? Approx angle of deceleration?

yes, chin first, probably a good 50° angle. and im a fatty, just had a baby.. dont need a number lmao