
So he was the trophy husband to a rich somewhat older lady that allowed him to have extra marital affairs from time to time as long as he would hold down a job to pay for the dates and gifts he would lose his allowance when she would see me coming
he had been well he was able to teach me than I already knew about the way a woman's body works...
She got him when he was 17...I found him when he was 32 and I was 22...and his wife was was interesting games of trivial pursuit at his place...less awkward than you might think though...
It was also pretty cool cuz he has a big cock, had been taught how to use it, and he had a zillion credit cards to buy things with...perfect it got a little hairy...and now I am happy, but I still think about that guy, a lot more often then I should..I drive by his house sometimes...and I can just feel that he is there a tenuous connection not broken by space or time...but we never had a serious type relationship...he was also a person that was always there for me when I needed someone for anything at all...I need to hide this body quick, and he woudl drive 6 hours to get there with a shovel ready when he popped out the door...for never forget people like that regardless of circumstance...
It was more than that...I mean he changed my understanding of me...he knew what I needed to get the result I needed..and that was the I had to say it before it would me used to yelling out commands...
nah ah...all someone has to do is google the user name and bam every post right there...I have typed enough to get me in trouble...
Not if you upload it thru Photobucket ....then all you have to do is delete it from Photobucket and it's gone from here too

Just trying to help ;)
but that is the way things went whatever...ya is what it is...I don't know if I ever would have had any of the great sexual encounters I have been privy to since is supposed to be enjoyable..that is why it feels nice...