

Active Member
It fuckin works. I started like two weeks ago and my girl can already tell a diff. She was giving me head when she noticed ;). I never had a "small" dick. I was just doing this cause I figured why not. It hasn't gotten much longer but its definently gotten bigger. Its hard to explain and I'm high. But its just bigger as a whole if that makes any since. This is just an fyi for dudes. Just sharing info and exp. Peace and stay fucking HIGH.
I clicked on this to see if it's about what I thought it was. And it was.

Hahaha! You know what though? I'm happy with my junk. Bigger would be cool (as most guys would agree) but isn't jelquing super painful and tedious?
It doesn't hurt. I jelq after a shower every other night for no more than five minutes. Its pretty easy. Not to different from jerkin it
to the op If you don't keep up with a regular light routine pretty much all the gains you make over time, in time will disappear... I'm just sayin...

and also there are plenty of other exercises that you should be doing to complement the Jelqing... I'm just sayin...
yeah i actually just researched it lol, I just started working out my body again maybe I try his 5 minutes after the shower and see what happens, shit it would even fit into my routine
it works just like gauging your ears...but if you goes away..but thanks for reminding me..i'll "work" it into my mornings again.
Oh right this sounds like fun, sign me on lol

Plus who doesn`t like playing with their junk!! :D

Ancient arabic method? Bismillahirrahmanirrahim here I come :lol:
Jelqing is the corner stone foundation of so much more... Don't stop just there... You can take it much further than that and you should if you're trying it... it'll blow you mind when in the next couple of months if being serious about it you re measure and find that you've got an extra inch or more to work with...