
How else would you get someone to put a veiny mutant looking part of their body into what appears to be roadkill possum if it didn't feel good..?

well I hope everyone hurries cuz it can't stay long...and is that not the most awesome fortune that ever came out of a fortune cookie?! if you knew me you would agree nothing could fit me better
What?!...that is was just a sunburn shot to the bra nothing to see but a little not missing much...
I am not women don't like when you say things like this...I have felt very empowered with this thread and then here you come...what?!

I'll tell you once more
before I get off the floor
Don't bring me down

really? just read this whole thread and the photo was gone by the time i got to the end....i would have bet money she was fat with small tits and a huge ass

First sorry you were late. Second I fucking hope so :) too many guys focus on tits take some of that out and throw it in the ass I need something to slap. Third I won't be surprised if she rips you to shreds now lol
No reason to tear to shreds...that is for people I like enough to think I know the truth...he should read faster..although props for not skipping to the end...maybe again...sometime...
Hey I offered to post dickpix! :) I ain't scared

you notice I made one post about how I can't do it...and then I made another about how the post would still be there and then kish was like not if you use photobucket...and off I went..and then the talking for when I tell you to talk to me.
Damn my dick is just over 6 inches. I hope everyone else is being honest bout theirs. O.o

I started jelqing cause I was like "why not" I fap off almost everyday any way. Why do something that will have an effect on me.

Its pretty simple.
Sit on toilet and jelq....simple.
If ur doing it wrong it wont feel good, if ur doing it right it will. Afterwards I always get a good strechy, relaxing feeling in my johnson. Kinda of like after you get done streching in the morning. Haha