Jerk off when high!

Stoney McFried

Well-Known Member
I used to like getting my ears nibbled.But if someone does it wrong, it has the same effect as slobbering on a microphone.
Stoney...u are my hero! :D lol. i thought i would add my 2 cents to the thread...i love getting off when im high...but im also very lazy...hence the need for a vibe...haha i dont think im kinky either...well...yea i know im still a virgin...but if i wasnt...yea ok...i guess i might be a lil kinky...i LOVE having my hair pulled...

El Duderino

Active Member
Haha!! I think the hottes I can remember ever making my wife I walked up behind her and wrapped her hair around my fis then gave a slight tug, just enough to get her to tilt her head back and expose her throat then I started to kiss her on the neck and nibble her ear. Best Lay I can remember for a ways back! Lol! :hump:


Well-Known Member
Haha!! I think the hottes I can remember ever making my wife I walked up behind her and wrapped her hair around my fis then gave a slight tug, just enough to get her to tilt her head back and expose her throat then I started to kiss her on the neck and nibble her ear. Best Lay I can remember for a ways back! Lol! :hump:
thats the way to do it!...some guys have no hair pulling