Jessie Ventura is Awsome

It's not like you have to go looking for them...:roll:...all you need to do is pull your head out of the sand...or where ever it might be;)

my head is in my ass, but my ass is full of sand, so technically my head is in both :)

and naturally, some of that sand gets in my vagina. :razz:

but if you would be so kind, please explain to me what these chemtrails are and who is doing them and to what end.

beardo seems to think fluoride is part of some scheme by the global elite to depopulate 2/3 of the world's population. do chemtrails also fit into this fatalistic equation, this sinister and nefarious kabal?

in small enough quantities, yes. flouride can be good for you.

did you eat any lead paint yet? i want pics or gtfo.

REgular doses of fluoride no matter how much is more bad than any good. Soviets were pioneers of its use in drinking water that was used for their prison system. Fluoride makes you dumb, lazy and complacent.
REgular doses of fluoride no matter how much is more bad than any good. Soviets were pioneers of its use in drinking water that was used for their prison system. Fluoride makes you dumb, lazy and complacent.

is that because you say so, or can you actually cite a reputable study?

my grandma has been drinking fluoridated water for over 85 years now. she is still sharp as a tack, works cleaning houses a couple days a week, keeps her own garden, and chases deer off her lawn.
is that because you say so, or can you actually cite a reputable study?

my grandma has been drinking fluoridated water for over 85 years now. she is still sharp as a tack, works cleaning houses a couple days a week, keeps her own garden, and chases deer off her lawn.
Where did your grandma find flouride to put in her water 85 years ago? How did she even know about flouride? was she a chemist or scientist? what country was she in? did anyone else she knew put flouride into their own drinking water? I had never heard of anyone drinking flouride in 1925. As for reputable study, I guess I will post a link that will show flouride isn't good for you if you don't like my link try google.
in small enough quantities, yes. flouride can be good for you.

did you eat any lead paint yet? i want pics or gtfo.
n Motion

August 16, 2010

Bad News Made Worse: Much of Our Flouride Comes From China

Filed under: Fluoride,Water — Jorg Mardian RHN, CPT, FT, CKS @ 12:59 am

Much of the fluoride added to municipal water supplies across the United States is imported from China, and it’s contaminated with you know what - heavy metals. This according to a warning by Bernard Miltenberger, president of the Pure Water Committee of Western Maryland.
In a letter published in the Cumberland Times-News, Miltenberger notes that he first became aware of the issue in an engineering report for the city of Boulder, Colo. The report stated that the fluoridation chemicals used for the city’s water were found to contain lead levels of 40 milligrams per bag and arsenic levels of 50 milligrams per bag.
Further, the fluoride bags were not labeled with any importation information. They were being imported under no regulatory monitoring of acid or salt content. And upon subsequent pursual, it was found that they had been manufactured by Shanghai Minthchem Development in China.
So now we have a country with a track record of poisoning us with lead in everything from toys to antifreeze and cough syrup, adding lead to a another known toxic chemical – fluoride. Does it get any worse for our health?
Just in case you don’t know the deleterious effects of fluoride, Miltenberger added:
“The material safety data sheets from Solvay fluorides show that a teaspoon amount of five grams of sodium fluoride can be fatal to an average size man of 70kg. … chronic toxicity by oral route may cause skeletal and dental fluorosis, thyroid, testes, kidney, liver, ambiguous carcinogenic and mutagenic effects, fetotoxic and fertility effects.”
Where did your grandma find flouride to put in her water 85 years ago? How did she even know about flouride? was she a chemist or scientist? what country was she in? did anyone else she knew put flouride into their own drinking water? I had never heard of anyone drinking flouride in 1925. As for reputable study, I guess I will post a link that will show flouride isn't good for you if you don't like my link try google.

thank you for correcting me. my dear old spry grandma has not been drinking fluoridated water for 85 years, only since the advent of water fluoridation, whenever that was.

as for your link, it contradicts NOTHING of what i have said regarding SMALL levels of fluoride being beneficial. did you not read THE VERY FIRST LINE?

in high concentrations, soluble fluoride salts are toxic and skin or eye contact with high concentrations of many fluoride salts is dangerous.

and while you still have not told me WHO is using fluoride and HOW and for WHAT MEANS, besides that it is part of a scheme by the global elite to depopulate 2/3 of the world's population, you have made the case for stronger regulation, a position which stands OPPOSED to your tea party ideals by posting the link about unregulated and dangerous chinese fluoride (chinese anything, for that matter).
thank you for correcting me. my dear old spry grandma has not been drinking fluoridated water for 85 years, only since the advent of water fluoridation, whenever that was.

as for your link, it contradicts NOTHING of what i have said regarding SMALL levels of fluoride being beneficial. did you not read THE VERY FIRST LINE?

and while you still have not told me WHO is using fluoride and HOW and for WHAT MEANS, besides that it is part of a scheme by the global elite to depopulate 2/3 of the world's population, you have made the case for stronger regulation, a position which stands OPPOSED to your tea party ideals by posting the link about unregulated and dangerous chinese fluoride (chinese anything, for that matter).
the flouride thing started as a by product of weapons production. putting it in our water was a good way of getting rid of it and by telling us it was to improve our health they were able to aleivate peoples concerns of chemicals being added to our water. Now it is a small part of the N.W.O. plan it retards your mental development and makes you lathargic and complacent it also sterilises you. Maurice strong, george sorros, henry kissenger, david rockefeller, David Rothchild, george bush sr, Al gore are a few of the people behind this
the flouride thing started as a by product of weapons production. putting it in our water was a good way of getting rid of it and by telling us it was to improve our health

it does. study after study after study has shown that it leads to better dental hygiene, about 15-30% fewer cavities.

show me the studies that say it is detrimental to your health in small concentrations, please.

they were able to aleivate peoples concerns of chemicals being added to our water. Now it is a small part of the N.W.O. plan it retards your mental development and makes you lathargic and complacent it also sterilises you. Maurice strong, george sorros, henry kissenger, david rockefeller, David Rothchild, george bush sr, Al gore are a few of the people behind this

show me the studies and we can talk. these are all wild conspiratorial assertions without a shred of evidence to back them up.
it does. study after study after study has shown that it leads to better dental hygiene, about 15-30% fewer cavities.

show me the studies that say it is detrimental to your health in small concentrations, please.

show me the studies and we can talk. these are all wild conspiratorial assertions without a shred of evidence to back them up.
The first link I posted from wiki said 1 gram will kill you-I wouldn't consider a gram being a whole lot, and if a gram will kill you I would think a half a gram is probably pretty bad and I wouldn't even want to eat a 1/10th of a gram which i'm sure we can both agree is not a large amount. we are not talking about a lethal dose of h2o-which their is but its gallons. As for the studies on the consperiacy, you know all the vids you have the basic idea of it as you pointed out earlier. you are not new to these threads is it all fact no is some of it yes.
The first link I posted from wiki said 1 gram will kill you-I wouldn't consider a gram being a whole lot, and if a gram will kill you I would think a half a gram is probably pretty bad and I wouldn't even want to eat a 1/10th of a gram which i'm sure we can both agree is not a large amount. we are not talking about a lethal dose of h2o-which their is but its gallons. As for the studies on the consperiacy, you know all the vids you have the basic idea of it as you pointed out earlier. you are not new to these threads is it all fact no is some of it yes.

so you are saying you have no evidence behind any of your assertions? nothing at all? only the hot air spewing from your mouth?

waste of time.

you can post all the sources and empirical evidence you want, you're still "a stupid fool for believing in crazy quack kook conspiracy [theory]"
This is why i stay out of the political section, how did this make in it into toke n talk? This is gonna cause unneeded tension amonst are group haha.

Who votes yes for a move to the politics section?
waste of time.

you can post all the sources and empirical evidence you want, you're still "a stupid fool for believing in crazy quack kook conspiracy [theory]"

you make the claim that the there is a global elite that wants to depopulate 2/3 of the populace.

that is an EXTRAORDINARY clamin.

thus, you need EXTRAORDINARY evidence to support it.

get cracking. all i have seen so far are youtube clips with eerie music playing in the background.