Haha...despite the occasional rude thing even I cant help but say (mostly to "NOT GOP") I try to avoid an argument and simply have a discussion. Hence the distinction in what I agree with that you pointed out.
I find its best to give no one opportunity to take something, put a twist on it and ram it back down your throat if at all possible.
I mean I could point out that being married to a Jew doesn't make UncleBuck "more" knowledgeable about Jews then a....(wait for it)....a Jew (of the Cohen tribe no less)....
BUT I like UncleBuck, we get along, I know where hes coming from and I appreciate it....so why would I? It would simply be me furiously stroking my own ego.
I will take you at your word...but what your saying IS a tad over the top...you are discounting the possibility that they were the BEST qualified for the job at the time...you are choosing to allow their religious background to be a factor....when it has nothing to do with the job....THAT is considered a form of racism.
Maybe the fact that Jewish culture has such a strong emphasis on higher education is a factor in Jews rising to prominent positions with such frequency despite our being such a small minority.
Ill say this...it certainly
ISNT because we're just that popular.
Also I dare you to find another peoples that even at the top wealthy 1% are still diehard democrats who believe in social welfare, higher taxes and all.