JigFresh's Grow #2 : Vertical Scrog - closet diy dwc - 650w - Headband + Casey Jones


Well-Known Member
Yea I can't say I would go with the mr wizard method if there is something you can buy. Funny how fate works out like that sometimes huh?

I got my fingers crossed for you.

It doesn't look like too much mildew in the vid. The soil plants are looking much better than they did before. And the hydro, man after seeing the difference of daily growth side by side with the soil I'm sold. I've been eyeing some plans i saw in an old issue of high times but it's a cross between aero and NFT not really hydro. Do you know anything about that? if it would grow at the about the same rate(or faster than soil?)

So after I posted that I went to look at the hydro section and Unless this guy is the one that wrote the article for high times he copied this word for word but this is what I was thinking about, maybe on a smaller scale.


Well-Known Member
Thanks for the support Miztaj... I'm gonna try and beat it for all of us.

Unless this guy is the one that wrote the article for high times he copied this word for word
I'm almost positive Stinkbud DID write that and sent it/ sold it to High Times. He's pretty bad (bad as in good).

I don't know much about the system... but I recommend it. It works real good.


Well-Known Member
Thanks for the support Miztaj... I'm gonna try and beat it for all of us.

I'm almost positive Stinkbud DID write that and sent it/ sold it to High Times. He's pretty bad (bad as in good).

I don't know much about the system... but I recommend it. It works real good.
oh right on. After some more reading I can believe it was his idea.

I need to get a place to grow already.

p.s. I'm checking out "so you think you can dance?" LOL thanks for turning me on to that. )That's only semi sarcasm due to the latina chick that was just on my tv shaking it.)


Well-Known Member
Love that show... it's inspiring (to me at least).

Alright, so it's come time to water my soil girls again. What do I do, haha.

Ok... seriously, I am hoping to put everything into 12/12 in about 5 days. What kind of nutes should I give the little ones?

So far I have given them a big transplant watering (strait RO). I watered once with the ben. bac, molas., and cal-mag. Then I watered again with only RO. So 3 waterings in total... no nutrients fed yet.

For today... I'm thinking I'll give them a weak dose of Grow Big. Also another shot of the Ben. Bacteria + molasses. And a tiny bit of cal-mag.

This sound ok? I don't need to start on the tiger bloom or big bloom yet do I?

I swear you say the word bloom too many times and it sounds really wierd.


Dr. Greenhorn

Well-Known Member
hey Jig, nice vert grow dude! lovely.... yeah man, those soil plants look like they could use some N. I would give the bloom too, but that's just me. some people would probably beg to differ. still tuned in and loving what I see bro.... :leaf:


Well-Known Member
Right on Dr. G. Thanks for coming to the rescue.

I thought I'd update you guys on the hydro plants. No pics now... wife on phone and we have vonage, so you can't upload at same time without messing up the call. I'll take it for $25/ mo. unlimited long distance, even to west europe. and like 3c to mexico.... haha, I sound like a commercial. But really I like it. And you get to pick your area code. My wife chose her parents area code, so now they can call us and it's charges them for a local call.

Speaking of phones, you guys wouldn't beleive all the stuff Google Voice does. My wife got chosen for a beta version, and we got to choose the number. It's xxx 4our last name. gotta love that. Caller id says we are calling from Bountiful Utah. Anyways, you can control everything that is phone with google voice. You can have different peple that call you be forwaded to different phones (cell, home, work).. and you can have individual messages for different people. I guess normally it costs and arm and a leg to call england on a cell phone, but wife can punch in the number on google voice... then it calls her, then calls the other number, connects you like that. And it's like 10c min to UK or something... not sure. But worth checking out if you have big phone bills.

Ok so plants.... WOW, that mildew must have been just killing the plants, because now that it's in check a little the plants are blowing up... just fat. I think this whole deal is going to work.

The plants after I sprayed them were covered in the sulpher powder. When the water dried, it left the powder. I was thinking I would wash it off right then... but then thought to leave it. I called the nursery today and they said leave it 2 or 3 days. I'm going to leave it 3. I mean the plants are doing great, so I don't think it's urgent.

Very strange too, when I open my door, there is a slight smell of sulphur. You would think it to be bad.... I guess it's becuase the wonderful thing the sulphur has done, but I kinda like the smell. It makes me think of happy plants. That's a funny association.

I have a lot of trimmig to do... they are bushes up top.

Pics later.


Well-Known Member
Feed those soil plants a well balanced meal there man. They will love you for it, or in other words feed with both veg and bloom nutrients.



Well-Known Member
Thanks a lot greenfirekilla... much apprecited.

With both you guys saying the same thing... and my own thoughts of a mix being good, i mixed up my brew.

You don't have to know what these values mean... they are more for my records:

I gave them each 1/2 gallon mix.
The gallon got 5 mL Grow Big, 5 mL Tiger Bloom, 5 mL Big Bloom, 5 mL Cal-Mag, 15 mL molasses, 6 tablespoons Oregonism.

We'll see how they like it.


Active Member
when you use the oregonism, do you aerate it overnight before adding it to the soil? And I agree that the plants look like they are ready for regular regimen of nutes.


Well-Known Member
Bloom bloom bloom bloom.
Ha you were right.

What made you decide to add it after all?

And I hope I speak for everyone when I say Enough suspense we wanna see some pics of the monters. lol


Well-Known Member
yes please. keep them on a mix until about the 2nd week of the stretch during flower, so you won't run into really early yellowing. It will help the stretch as well.



Well-Known Member
oh man jigs, my heart dropped reading that you have a mildew problem. glad to hear it's coming under control. looking forward to seeing some close-up pics so i know what to look out for.


Well-Known Member
Damn don... calling me out! I forgot again to bubble the oregonism... I will try to remember next time. I would just put the right ammount in the RO with the molasses and bubble for 24 hours? Thanks again for staying on me about that... I appreciate it.

I will keep giving them a good mix till no more strecth.

I will look for mildew pics NS. Yes I was slipping on my documenting, but I didn't want to take many pics of the mildew becuase I wated to pretend it wasn't there.


I was gone from home for 4 days... before leaving I turned the lights of and changed the timer to 12/12. The girls got 36 hours dark before starting the second leg of life. My wiife took care of them while I was gone. She sprayed off the sulphur dust with RO water. Added some RO to the tank, nothing else.

So.... I just opened the door about 30 minutes ago OOOOOO MMMMMMMM GGGGGGG.

Don't know what happened. Can we say S-T-R-E-T-C-H---------. It's a JUNGLE in there. No kidding.

I wish you could all see this in person, it's insane.

Here's a couple pics.

Props to renegadereefer... I have been stopping at pet stores for a couple months now... and finally found one.



Well-Known Member
Im just wondering what the bud structure will be like..... :)
Me too bro.... I seriously cannot wait to see how this thing turns out. I can't even imagine.

I'm really excited about the progress and to watch what happens next.

I'm so damn inspired. Life is so wide open and awesome.

For real, you guys need to pm me, find out why I'm so fucking pumped.

And it aint a secret, just personal.


Well-Known Member
Hey JigFresh, or should I say Mr. Popular!! Haha joking man.

Very nice journal you have here. I may have to come out to California when you harvest and get a little taste for myself. One of theses days my friend, we will sit back, smoke some ganja and play Ninja Gaiden!!! Until then, keep it growing!!! :bigjoint::leaf:


Well-Known Member
I may have to come out to California when you harvest and get a little taste for myself. One of theses days my friend, we will sit back, smoke some ganja and play Ninja Gaiden!!!
Well a bit of great news... my co-op has blue dream clones now.

Next grow will be at least partly Blue Dream... man i love that smoke.

I love it man looks great, I've been lurkin around your thread . . . bongsmilie
Thanks NewGrowth... you were actually I think the very first person to say something kind to me on RIU. It's an honor to have you lurking, and I am happy to contribute at least to your entertainment... give you back some good vibes.