John Birch Society


Well-Known Member
John Birch society is great and everyone should tell their friends about their greatness that way knowledge of their accomplishments spreads and their movement grows and lives on, their should be a huge growth in members, people who love the USA should all join and tell others to join and read up on the things they have brought to light.

Dr Kynes

Well-Known Member
so wait the society doesnt like multiculturalism, getting in the way of real Americans, who are these real americans?
the cute addition of the plural possessive makes Real America into "real americans" which is exclusionary, divisive and probably racist. very clever, for a rhesus monkey.

Real America is defined by the constitution and it's legitimate amendments passed by adherence to the constitutional amendment procedure, not declarations by the secretary of the treasury, the courts (both appellate and supreme), the executive branch or the legislature.

you already knew this, but decided to play dumb and bait the issue with some hamfisted language lawyering.

you should study Uncle Buck's technique for examples of proper misdirection and subject transition.

Dr Kynes

Well-Known Member
white christians.

but again, they're totally not racist.

exclusion based on culture is never racist buck . . .sheesh

judging others sociological tendencies produced by your own implemented prejudiced makes complete sense

its them not us right . . .

Now THAT'S a Dutch Rudder! Perfect form and execution. Neither one actually touching the cock and balls of his partner, but both ejaculating into each other's mouths. Nicely done boys.



Well-Known Member
the cute addition of the plural possessive makes Real America into "real americans" which is exclusionary, divisive and probably racist. very clever, for a rhesus monkey.

Real America is defined by the constitution and it's legitimate amendments passed by adherence to the constitutional amendment procedure, not declarations by the secretary of the treasury, the courts (both appellate and supreme), the executive branch or the legislature.

you already knew this, but decided to play dumb and bait the issue with some hamfisted language lawyering.

you should study Uncle Buck's technique for examples of proper misdirection and subject transition.
Multiculturalism is a plot by the commies and their sympathizers in the UN to get us to drink flouridated water and take away our essence of masculinity

Canna Sylvan

Well-Known Member
Multiculturalism is a plot by the commies and their sympathizers in the UN to get us to drink flouridated water and take away our essence of masculinity
That's the first time I saw you write your own words and speak the truth. Maybe there's hope for you.

Dr Kynes

Well-Known Member
Multiculturalism is a plot by the commies and their sympathizers in the UN to get us to drink flouridated water and take away our essence of masculinity
the fluorine molecules used to "fluoridate" water are toxic waste products which are used to manufacture rat poisons and other mammal pesticides. without the "fluoridation" intitative the waste products would have to be disposed of at great expense.

fluorine compounds were in fact used in the german concentration camps to make the prisoners more tractable, this is historical fact, and all the snide remarks in the world cant change the truth.

In western european countries putting anything in the water for any reason other than preserving water quality is forbidden, so they dont use the shit.

doctor strangelove was a shitty movie in it's day, and is unwatchable unless youre high

if being mentioned in a shitty movie makes something untrue, then i guess Schindler's List proves the holocaust was a lie, and Oliver Stone has proved that Kennedy is living in detroit under an assumed name with Marilyn Monroe and Bigfoot.

exposure to fluorine does give you the limp noodle genius. nice try.

i dont worry about minute traces of fluoride, but i dont think everyone who DOES worry about the government putting un-approved drugs in the water supply "for our own good" is insane.

the UN does not endorse water fluoridation dingbat. your entire attempt to be snarky and sound smart failed miserably.

Samwell Seed Well

Well-Known Member
the cute addition of the plural possessive makes Real America into "real americans" which is exclusionary, divisive and probably racist. very clever, for a rhesus monkey.

Real America is defined by the constitution and it's legitimate amendments passed by adherence to the constitutional amendment procedure, not declarations by the secretary of the treasury, the courts (both appellate and supreme), the executive branch or the legislature.

you already knew this, but decided to play dumb and bait the issue with some hamfisted language lawyering.

you should study Uncle Buck's technique for examples of proper misdirection and subject transition.
oh so clever you invalidate my question before answering with an assumption of my context . . . .to simplify this for you so you dont have to resort to trickery to answer the question, who are real americans and who are not real americans

wtf you cant even answer a basic question


Well-Known Member
oh so clever you invalidate my question before answering with an assumption of my context . . . .to simplify this for you so you dont have to resort to trickery to answer the question, who are real americans and who are not real americans

wtf you cant even answer a basic question

Sarah Palin Knows

Dr Kynes

Well-Known Member
oh so clever you invalidate my question before answering with an assumption of my context . . . .to simplify this for you so you dont have to resort to trickery to answer the question, who are real americans and who are not real americans

wtf you cant even answer a basic question
again, your use of the plural possessive makes your obviously loaded question moot. when i talk of Real America, i mean our constitutional republic, not the oligarchy of lawyers that it has become.

but ill take your clumsily hung bait.

Real Americans are people who believe in the principles enshrined in our constitution and it's legitimate amendments, people who do not demand that washington provide for their every whim in exchange for blind obedience to the decrees of the mandarins, and people who do not play games and engage in pissing matches over the nuances of a language they dont seem to really understand.

Samwell Seed Well

Well-Known Member
you are the one who used the words "real Americans" in describing the society if you cant elaborate just say you have no idea what it means, instead of semantics

i was thinking people so i can lok at them and what they stand for vs ideaology

im my opinion is easy to stand behind a idealogy its a lot harder to live by one


Well-Known Member's legitimate amendments...
let me guess, the 14th and 16th are total bullshit. only the tenth and second are real amendments in the real america for real, yo.


edit: also, *its. and you accuse others of hamfisting and not understanding the language.