ZOG is a neo-nazi dogwhistle for Zionist Occupation Government, its basically claiming the jews did 9/11 and secretly run the world using the Protocols of the Elders of Zion (look that one up, it's hilarious)
NWO is the New World Order, a frequently used meme for the coming one world government. this phrase has been Freudian-slipped by G H W bush, Bill Clinton, GW bush and numerous other puppets of the secretive organizations which actually do run our government and most of the world.
a little digging will reveal them for you, despite the catcalls and brickbats hurled by those who claim it's tin-foil hat time. (aluminium is the preferred material for your hatband)
some NWO facts:
The Bilderberger group is real. they do meet in secret to decide how the world will be run from their seats of inscrutable power.
The Tri-Lateral Commission is real. they are a group that exists at the intersection of money (rich bastards) politics (corrupt bastards) and the press (lying bastards) it makes oil company collaboration seem benign.
The Council on Foreign Relations is real. like the trri-lateral commission they too are secretive, manipulative and include most of the clowns who consider themselves our "Leaders"
The Federal Reserve was in fact created by "The Money Trust". in 1910 a group of billionaires met in secret to draft the federal reserve legislation, and hatch the conspiracy to create the US banking cartle. among the sub-luminaries present were: US Senator from Rhode Island Nelson Aldrich, Assistant Secretary of the US Treasury dept. Abraham Piatt Andrew, President of the National City Bank of New York Frank A Vanderlip, Senior Partner of JP Morgan Co. Henry P Davison, President of First National Bank of New York Charles D Norton, Chairman of Bankers Trust Co Benjamin Strong, and Paul M Warburg, from Khun, Loeb & Co. representing the Rothschilds, and brother to Max Warburg head of the Warbug Banking Consotium in Germany. these are the dicks who drafted the Federal Reserve Act,, then fobbed it off through shills as a populist endeavor to prevent the big money interests from controlling our banking system. yes. thats right. those guys. those big money fatcats created the system to ensure that big money fatcats can never lose a dime, and they bought Woodrow Wilson the presidency so he would sign it. he later recanted on his deathbed, but that doesnt un-sign a law. ever since, our country has been bought ans paid for by the big money fatcats.
http://ia600503.us.archive.org/33/items/Creature_From_Jekyl_Island/Jekyll.pdf just read it. thats why i support ron paul,, he opposes that shit.