Joining the military is an act of cowardice, ignorance, or greed

Joining the State Dept is an act of Cowardice. They leave Ambassadors hanging.

First Bengay, and now Yemen. It turns out they were not able to completely Bug Out, and so left sensitive data, personal passport and visa stuff, for the Iranians to paw over. And the Marines were ordered to destroy their weapons.
Despite President Obama claiming in September that U.S. strategy used to combat terrorism in Yemen has been a "success," so successful in fact that it should be used to defeat ISIS, the country continues to fall apart. Late yesterday the United States evacuated the U.S. embassy in Yemen and Marines were bizarrely ordered by the State Department to destroy issued weapons on their way out.
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No story there. I know you like grasping for straws, but alas, no story.

What do you mean no story? They were told to bug out, but the Ambassador ordered the un-secured systems to be left intact, just in case. It took them days to get that stuff wiped from over here, but way too late.

The Marines had to destroy the weapons locker, but the Ambassador lost courage, and in personal fear, left open the INFORMATION locker.

What do you mean? You are just not on the story, yet.
What do you mean no story?

i think he is citing the GOP report that debunked this benghazi manufactured non-scandal you idiots have been yapping and spamming about for months now.

on the other hand, the report also validated everything i've been saying about how you idiots are just trying to manufactire a scandal where none exists.

this is because you are desperate and stupid people.
i think he is citing the GOP report that debunked this benghazi manufactured non-scandal you idiots have been yapping and spamming about for months now.

on the other hand, the report also validated everything i've been saying about how you idiots are just trying to manufactire a scandal where none exists.

this is because you are desperate and stupid people.


Thanks UB. Sometimes I get bored pointing out the obvious.
The false story at Yemen:

Sec/State called ambassador guy in Yemen, told him to wait for two A-10`s to fly over Embassy, that`s their cue to go to the helo pad where Two Chinook`s covered by three Apache will land and execute the EPO and lift out when all are aboard. After the Chinooks are seen leaving, the A-10`s will sweep the embassy and parking lots,......Nothing will be left of it.

The truth about the EPO operation in Yemen:

Sorry boy`s, This Administration says to do the ..."Walk of Shame" the operation was done with the utmost humiliation as to be the best walkO`shamer you can.