Oregon joins with other states to end minority presidents

Objectively, every democratic candidate might not do every thing I want. The greatest obstacles to those things are Republicans, who it seems the only thing they're good at is fucking up the country and stonewalling progress. Fuck fox news, fuck republicans, fuck every rat sonofabitch that votes for them too. I will vote to remove Republicans every chance I get. Vote them out. Our country can not afford them, our children can't afford them.
vote democrat vote often....
That's fine, as far as it goes.

PROGRESSIVE Democrats are good. Blue Dog Democrats? Not so much.

What they're willing to stand for matters.
Ah yes- as if you had any.
Well, I have never pimped out my girlfriend to have sex with strangers ($200 per hour - $250 for 2 hours) while I wait in the parking lot of a cheap Wyoming motel - so I clearly have more than you.

I like the way you edited the part out about you pimping out your girlfriend for meff money.

You are a real asset to Barnie and the Progressives.

If the money got to them, sure. Somehow it never does...
Lol. You are as impaired as any Trumper.

I guess you aren't that particular about accepting information from sources.

Speaking of money getting to them... Your girlfriend said you took half to three quarters of her prostitution money. Why is that fair? All you did was put a HIGHLY misleading ad in Craigslist and wait in the parking lot after poneying up a few bucks for Casper Wyoming's cheapest room. She had to actually meet a potentially dangerous stranger and have sex with them while you waited in the parking lot.
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You seem to have forgotten that the statewide legalization movement that is sweeping the nation is entirely due to Democrats.
actually it was due to grassroots actual voters going to the polls, and supporting state propositions.

Only a few states actually had legislatures pass cannabis bills, and those states are usually extremely restrictive (like nearly impossible to actually get Cannabis)
actually it was due to grassroots actual voters going to the polls, and supporting state propositions.

Only a few states actually had legislatures pass cannabis bills, and those states are usually extremely restrictive (like nearly impossible to actually get Cannabis)
Colorado was one of these; by popular vote, it was legalized by amendment to the state Constitution. We sure as fuck didn't have help from the Democratic party!