Jomal206 - First grow! Cross your fingers!!


Well-Known Member
I know I was gonna repaint just to be sure LOL and I've got a piece of wood I use to block off the light I was gonna paint white


Well-Known Member
I just got back from the store, getting some medium stuff for my transplant

I've still only got one sprout :( I think I might've put them too deep into the cup when I planted them....we'll see I've got more germinating in case some don't sprout :)

Blood meal, read in the FAQ plants like this stuff

Some plant food....nothing special I wanted something for flowering...this has like 17% phosphorous or something so it's not the greatest but it'll work

Perlite, something else I've read a lot about

Jelly Belly Sours?

Oh those are for me :blsmoke::blsmoke::mrgreen:


Well-Known Member
Nice man, looks like you're on a roll, jelly bellies damn I haven't had them in ages, also Iv'e heard lots of good stuff about mylar, if you can I would recommend trying that or this other stuff that is highly recommended, called panda film check it out,

You can probably get it cheaper elswhere, just do a search for it, also I was wondering if you painted the underside of your lighting fixture white? keep up the good work!


Well-Known Member
As far as the mylar thing goes: I've looked around at a few places for some and haven't found I think I'm gonna have to settle for some online.

The FAQ mentions Polywrap, a 'generic' mylar, but I haven't been able to find that either. I called Walmart, they claimed they had it but when I went to the store I couldn't find who knows....

So not now, but eventually I place to get something


Well-Known Member
you can veg them in the clear cups for a couple weeks before transplant. just get black construction paper and wrap the cups. make sure you have drainage holes. (lighter and screwdriver works well)...:mrgreen:

an early transplant will shock the small sprouts, plus you want good root development before you make the move.

hope this helps.......:peace:


Well-Known Member
Well since I got my mind on it I figured I might as well buy now rather than later so I've got some mylar on the way also :)


Well-Known Member
Yeah Polywrap will work, all it is , is a gift wrap, they usually come in rolls and one side is colored pink, blue green etc. the other side is clear/shiny/reflective, walmart should carry it, either they were out at the time you looked or you didn't look hard enough, maybe ask a clerk about it .. with ease as it's the gift givin season, I used the gift wrap from the dollar store and seems to be working great!


Well-Known Member
More sprouts!!!

I've got 3 sprouts so far...hopefully I'll have at least one or two females out of these.....

I also got rid of one of my six that hadn't sprouted and replaced it with a seed I had germinating of some better bud I got, I don't know the strain but it's some really nice'll be a few days behind but whatever

I planted it in a soil mix that was about 60% regular potting soil for seeds, 30% perlite and 10% blood meal. Gave it a good soak and put it under the lights :)

Later today I'm probably going to go out and buy 4 more lights and attach them the way I have the others, so I'll have a total of ( 8 ) 27w (100w equivs) 1300 lumens at the 6700k spectrum. That'll be around 10000 lumens for the vegging.


Well-Known Member
OK, just got back from the store

I think this is officially the LAST TRIP I'm going to make before flowering...not another DIME will be spent on this until I get flowering bulbs LOL

My setup is kinda ghetto right now....I just left the two new lights sitting on the wood until I get my mylar. I'm going to mylar the little area and the light support, so I'd rather only have 2 things to take off as opposed to 4. So later this week when I get my mylar I'll put it on that board that holds my lights, then rig up the other two light sets I just bought

I'll have a total of 8 CFLs, 26w, 1600 lumens. So that's 12800 lumens for vegging...hopefully that's enough LOL

Here's the new setup pics, remember the two lights on the side will eventually be mounted like the other 2 when I get the mylar. 3 little babies sprouting, the one on the back left is my new dank seed cup, you can tell the perlite in the cup :) :)



Active Member
your ganna burn the babies, raise the lights a bit.

also you dont need that much light this early in the stage, only a couple.

Looking good so far, good luck

i think you shold mount the lights, one up and down, the other side to side, then the other up and down and so on. cram all the lights together for that small room.

t dub c

Well-Known Member
personally I think there is never to much light just raise them like 5" and you will be fine. then just get a little closer as they grow


Well-Known Member
That's kinda what I figured...the more the merrier right?!

New pics after their bath :) This is day 2 of sprouting



New Member
hey , the new sprouts i have are about the same size as those. i think ima compare mine to yours. that way i can see how bad i stunt my plants next time i do something stupid :)

t dub c

Well-Known Member
hey dude,you should get some plastic polly the stuff that is black on 1 side and white on the other ,and wrap the bottom of spot, so no water gets on your carpet. and put it on the walls, i think it is the best. super reflective, and no light can be seen outside the grow. and it keeps water off the floor, so you dont need the little bowls under your cups.its good stuff.:hump:

t dub c

Well-Known Member
oh and id say use lots of cfl's. they only burn the plants if they touch. but you should check out the t5 tube lights they are only $25 and it includes the bulb, ment for plants. and the sweet thing is you can connect them together so you only need to plug 1 in and up to 8 tube lights work, they are super nice to work with.


Well-Known Member
Thanks T Dub I've actually got some mylar on the way...that's why I didn't hang up my other lights. I'm going to mylar the room, then hang the lights like I did with the other ones

I might get a t5 or something, not sure yet. I'll decide once they get bigger and it's easier to determine my needs

Thanks again for keeping up with me!