Jomal206 - First grow! Cross your fingers!!


Well-Known Member
I think I brought up a carpet and tarp once:mrgreen: jomal do you not care about your carpeting?

Things are looking good though and I can't wait till those sprouts turn into lil plants and so on, GO CFL's

I will be around to watch your progress, keep up the good work!


Well-Known Member
Thanks for sticking around Humboldt!

Yeah once I get my mylar I'm finishing my room

I was going to put up the lights, but I'm gonna wait to mylar that. Once the room is all tore apart I'll put stuff down on the carpet too

So right now things are kinda at a stand still until this dude off Ebay sends me my stuff LOL

I was bad and dug around a little in my dank cup, it looks like it did eventually sprout it just hasn't made it out of the soil yet. So hopefully tomorrow it'll be sprouted!!! Then I just need to cross my fingers and hope she's a lady!

The rest of my little guys are looking really nice. I see progress by the hour it seems like.

Is this light too close to them? I'm kinda surrounding them by the light. It's not too hot for my hand but they're still kinda small I don't wanna over due it



Well-Known Member
again, cover the sides of the cups with something so that the light will not get to the soil.

roots do not like light !!!

and the soil has a good chance of growing algae with the light exposure...:blsmoke:


Well-Known Member
The cups are fine, more than likey he's going to repot them before any damage can be done.

You're welcome, as for the lights it's hard to tell how cose they are now but to me looks like they could be closer, I would move them closer, about 1inch from the top..


Well-Known Member
I wasn't sure about the lights I've heard to keep them away for about the first week or so until they get established...

*Edit and I wrapped some paper around the cups for the light situation, just in case.

I'll probably repot around Saturday or Sunday...good idea?? They'll be 10 days old on Saturday....


Well-Known Member
Jomal, It looks like your babies are coming right along. I'll keep checking up on the progress. I've been very happy with CFL's so far and it's nice to see what other people are capable of doing with them. Keep it up!


Well-Known Member
Thanks for the comments!!

As mentioned I see improvements by the hour it seems like, so all is well here.

I'll keep the pics coming


Well-Known Member
you shouldnt repot until they are a little bigger, they may not be able to handle the stress. one nice thing about the clear pots is that you can see how fast the roots will will outgrow the pot. i used clear pots, at first (mountain dew bottles), and watched the roots grow quickly, but didnt transplant until they were about 6 or7 inches tall. when i did finally transplant to a dark pot the roots, dirt, and all came out of the old pot in one piece and in to the new pot with no mess or shock to the plant.
just be patient, wrapping the cups should be fine til they grow a little more, and you can pull the wrap off from time to time to see how fast your roots are growing(they grow fast).
they look good


New Member
yea man listen to him. i just transplanted two of my plants into 2 gal pots, and the soil was all falling appart n shit and i think i just murdered em ;)


Well-Known Member
ah crap
im starting to have problems with my plants, theyre 2 months old and everything was perfect til a few days ago when one started to dry up on the edge of the leaves. then the leaves started to turn brown real quick.
i did alot of reading on this site looking for similar problems and found that it could a magnesium problem as long as the ph is cool. by the way i didnt post a thread because i have no pics to show my problem.
went out and bought some epson salt, a new $10 ph meter(also checks light and moisture), and a bottle of superthrive. when i got home and went to check the ph on all of my plants i noticed that six of my plants were now drying out. yikes!!!
the ph was a little high, some were close to 8 so i added the epsom salt and some ph down along with a little superthrive, and now im hoping for the best.
theyres no question here or advise or anything, i just needed someone to talk to about it since no one around me knows of the garden. thanks for listening.


Well-Known Member
New pics

They've been in soil for one week, they're all about this big

Temp is staying between 70-83, depending on whether I've got the window open or not we've had a few nice days here lately. I haven't forgot about the mylar, it's still coming then I'll finish my room



Well-Known Member
I'll agree, they do look healthy

I gave them a good soaking just a few minutes ago, it's been 3 days and I'm leaving tonight to go see family for Thanksgiving for a few days. I'll be time to water them again when I get back Friday night.

So I'm raising the light, just a little, just in case

I'm looking forward to seeing how much they'll grow when I'm gone!!


Well-Known Member
Well I'm back from Thanksgiving.....

I came back to a few issues :(

My plants are a little yellow, one of them looks burnt on the leaves. I watered right before I left, it had been 3 days before than that I watered. No nutes yet.....




Well-Known Member
Damn man that sucks, however they will be ok, continue to water them but not too much, they will pull through, also thanks for all your support over at my journal...
