Jomal206 - First grow! Cross your fingers!!


Well-Known Member
I'm not sure...

They're about 11 inches across, I think they're around 2 gallons maybe? I think I got them at Walmart

Rocky Mountain High

Well-Known Member
Cool thanks man. Are you planning to transplant to a bigger pot? I have mine in 2 gallons and want to keep them in those for space constraints, wanted to get some thoughts on the size of pots.


Well-Known Member
Nope that's the biggest I'm going to go this time

It's my first grow, I don't have a lot of space to grow, so I'm keeping it small and simple this first go around

If all goes well, my next grow I'll most likely use 5 gallon buckets

Rocky Mountain High

Well-Known Member
Thanks again, I feel a little more comfortable now.

I just don't have the space in my 'flowering room' for the 5 gal pots. I can get 8 -2 gal in there but maybe only 3-4 -5 gal.


Well-Known Member
looking real good man, lst'ing is fun, be unique with it though, you'll be suprised how fast you will have a tangle of stems and branches lol, you have to be very maintaintive to lst if you are going to do it for a while, because once that plant knows it has height restrictions, it branches the fuck out hah. And im in the same perdicement as you guys, i cant afford to up to 5 gallon pots, my grow space is too small, i can fit prob 6 - 2 gallon pots, but 3 or 4 - 5 galls.

Rocky Mountain High

Well-Known Member
Those are coming along nicely Jomal, good job buddy!!

PiffGuerilla, how do you think the 2 gallons will do in flowering and of course will we get a good harvest from the smaller pots?

Your Grandfather

Well-Known Member
Plants have been grown to more than 6' using a 4" pot.

There are two basic theories
1. More is better, if the roots have plenty of space to 'spread out', you will end up with a better plant.
2. Less is better, if the roots take all of the time and energy from the plant to develop. You end up with lesser potency.

Take your pick. I prefer #2 8)


Well-Known Member
hmm, im in 3 gal pots because the 2s filled real quick and they do take alot of space.

i just killed my last male which was in a 2, with roots everywhere, but it was very healthy and about 3ft tall.

i think ill still keep my moms in 3s(since theyre there already) and run the clones in 1s and 2s. by the way my clones are taking root and growing now, im so excited. my sucess rate is only about 50% so far but im still working things out.

your grow looks good jomal

the lst looks kind of fun i think i might try it on a few of mine, make corkscrew or a figure 8 or something.


Well-Known Member
Yeah no problem I appreciate the comment

That was exactly how I was trying to put it, I'm glad you saw where I was going with it and threw that 'nature vs nurture' comment in there

A light bulb went off in my head LOL


Well-Known Member
I'll take some new pics tomorrow Grandfather...there should be some recent ones from yesterday a page back or so


Well-Known Member
New pics

Day 19

I haven't watered in 4 days, but my moisture tester is still testing 'off the charts' for moist soil? What's the deal with that normal? When I did water last, I watered until a little came out of the bottom.

Does this mean I'm still fine on water or do you think my tester is broke already LOL. It's reading like that on all my plants....not quite 'off the charts' every time, but it still says it's very moist



Well-Known Member
youve got a lot more dirt in your pots and thats gonna hold alot of water. im still new to a moisture meter myself and just cant wait to water sometimes when the meter tells me its still real wet.

my plants are roughly 2 foot tall in 3 gal pot and its looking like i water less than twice a week( 5-6 days), and it realy sucks since my ph meter climbs over 7 as the dirt starts to dry.

i think your plants look good, i dont remember where mine were at that age, but i remember they realy took off at about a month old. dont know if it was because of the larger pot or it was just time, but it was before i got the hps.


Well-Known Member
Thanks for your input

Yeah there's a lot more soil there than what you really's dry when I stick my finger in, but towards the bottom of the top it's still very wet. I'll probably give it another day or two, then water. I'm thinking about introducing a little nutes as well....obviously not a lot, I'll probably do less than 1/8 of the recommended amount

I think they're still pretty small due to their transplant. It think they needed a few days to get used to their new homes...they're starting to grow a little more I've noticed in the last day or so

I'm thinking about letting them veg for another month or so....


Well-Known Member
im real afraid of nutes. i started in miracle grow potting mix with little nute balls mixed in and i have no idea how to account for that stuff when when it comes to feeding. with so many people burning up their leaves with simple nutrition, it scares the snot out of me. especially since i already lost alot leaves with my mag deficiency .

when i repotted there was very little dirt tochoose from (november) so i got scotts and some perlite, but still havent added any nutes, except some superthrive and molasses for the girls in flower. oh yeah epsom salt too.

thinking about it maby miracle grow is doing the job.
hmmm ill have to think on that some more.

btw in another month your girls should be pretty big. i waited til mine were two months old and most of them were showing sex before 12/12.

i only have two in 12/12 now giving the others time to grow even more and to get some more cloning practice. 3 clones are now plants its getting easier.


Well-Known Member
I completely understand about the soil part; my soil is half organic, half regular potting mix without any sort of nutrient or anything in mixed with some perlite. I haven't completely decided about the nutes....I might wait another time or two before I do

I also might not wait quite a month...depending on how big they get I would really like to try and keep it condensed for the first time to get some knowledge first....though I want a good crop so I may need to compromise somewhere there.....

Not sure I wanna veg for 2 months LOL. I'd like them to show sex before 2 months, but if I gotta wait that long, then it's what I gotta do LOL

I need a better camera though to take some nice shots :) I think my girlfriend is getting me one for Christmas we'll see