Jordan of the islands

Got Black Funk Dawg, Chemo, Jordan's mix and freebie was Blue Widow. Soaked 4 beans of each. 4 BFD popped 2 females 2 males, 3 Chemo popped 2 male 1 female, 2 Jordan's mix popped 2 male 1 Blue widow popped female. Reason at the time buying Jordan's mix was to get more strains and do a mini pheno hunt for any great genetics to pass on to the lines I'm working. Ended up with one male worth keeping (the stem rub is a funky dank that instantly turns your nose away from it but at the same time makes you want to identify WTF you are smelling). All the other males have the same smell from the stem rub and I kept another males pollen for a certain plant structure that I like. All plants are currently in day 17 of veg. No smell coming from the BFD yet but from what I have heard it doesn't really show up till the last 3 weeks. I have a sativa leaning BFD and a Indica leaning BFD. Will share pics soon.


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Unfortunately down to 2 gods space needle and 1 black candyland but they are looking pretty good. Males hitting hard popped 12 down to 3 females but math says the next batch should be successful haha
I was all males kn 5 beans of the gods mac.
I was all males kn 5 beans of the gods mac.
I had a similar experience last seed starts, I did some reworking: Sex is determined around 3 weeks old(not yet visible). So I have been trying to keep stress to a minimum in the first 3 weeks- keep temps, humidity, and light consistant and start them in containers big enough they won't need transplanting for 3 weeks(solo cup or 4"). Got more fems this time 70% could be luck of the draw, but I'll try anything to avoid a sausage party!
Whats she smell like? looks good!
Thank you, she doesn't have much smell but what she does have is pleasant. Where she really shines is when you smoke her. The high is unlike most, very clear headed, an innate happiness consumes you and all worries melt away into a cerebal euphoria accessing dimensions unknown to the self.
I just checked his site after number of months and damn! He has quite the variety. I recall him posting about possibly getting into autos, but it looks like that didn't happen.
All are on day 31 from flip. From left to right 1. Black Funk Dawg, smell is finally coming around to the stank. 2. Northern Blue Hash F2 (JOTI blue cheese x NL male bred with Hashplant) Hashplant pheno. 3. Northern Blue Hash F2 (JOTI blue cheese x NL male bred with Hashplant) Cheese pheno. 4. Blue Widow.


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Anyone by chance ever grown out JOTIs blue cheese? Is it just sweet (like most of them are) or does it actually have some good cheese notes in it?
I had a similar experience last seed starts, I did some reworking: Sex is determined around 3 weeks old(not yet visible). So I have been trying to keep stress to a minimum in the first 3 weeks- keep temps, humidity, and light consistant and start them in containers big enough they won't need transplanting for 3 weeks(solo cup or 4"). Got more fems this time 70% could be luck of the draw, but I'll try anything to avoid a sausage party!
Ya out of the 16 black candyland seeds I only wound up with 2 females but its the way it goes sometimes might try to sts a clone and see if I can't get some feminized seeds out of it