josh24 1st timer Grow journal CFL


Active Member
i cant take the plants out to regular light till harvest cause i have some branches tied to the wall so they dont break from the weight, the plant in the back has a lot of cloudy trichomes and the other has mostly clear, but the hairs are still mostly white, i will start the flush on the one in the back this sat. so by the time i finish she will be 9 weeks



Active Member
one of the plants are getting the chop this sunday, 30% amber,60% cloudy, and 10% clear as of 2 days ago so ya, but the other one has about 2 weeks left so when I chop the one girl I will start flushing the other


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i didn't get pictures of the 1st plant dried and it's almost all gone, but the second should be pretty good


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i still think 3oz. is a little over estimated...from what i see on the hanger, i say a little shy of 2 oz.... but dont fuck up the harvest pics on this next plant you douche.


Active Member
the other plant will get the cut tomorrow, it's looking pretty good, i'll get some pics of the weight and harvest....