Judge caught beating daughter! Disgusting.

But before I go:

Do I think the beating itself calls for a news story? No
But that doesn't mean the guy isn't a huge asshole anyway.

Come on people, that was a thick belt... Those are a treat compared to skinnier belts that hurt like a mutha.
yeah you got a point about the belt. non really feel good but the skinnier ones hurt more
I would say that qualifies as abuse. Hitting with a belt, in that manner is defnitely harmful and could do some serious damage both mentally and physically.

Are you telling me that it would be ok to do something like that in public and not get charged with child abuse?

That sort of belting does not cause actual physical harm... get over yourself mate...And still nobody can tell me what type of CP she has..? You do know CP is just a blanket term for a lot of different things right..?
she wasn't so fucked up she couldn't bit torrent-

or to set up her dad, when she knew he was gonna be pissed for committing federal felonies in his home.

wait so this girl is 23 now and shes NOW fucking her dads job over??? she had 7 years to think about this shit!! youd think she would have thought to just make a copy and black mailed her father instead of letting the media get ahold of this. i could see if she was still 16 and living at home she would want to release the video to cops or media so she gets coverage and isnt going to get touched. but if your 23 and living away from your parents i woulda fucking black mailed him for half a years salary... its that or no salary or retirment when it gets released

the way i see it the guy was probably a major dick with or without the beating. you know shit like that (or worse) happened at that house on the reg and that video was only a taste. he could have diddled her for all we know. 7 years is a long time to stew in resentment and there is no worse revenge than publicly dystroying a man's reputation. you gotta really dislike a guy to do that to his career. he brought it on himself.
Shannon and all others who think this was justified,

Since you didn't answer my question, I'll ask again, are you trying to say you could do this in public and not be punished for child abuse?

And I wasn't talking about the CP part of it so I don't know what kind of CP she has, nor do I think it matters.
Shannon and all others who think this was justified,

Since you didn't answer my question, I'll ask again, are you trying to say you could do this in public and not be punished for child abuse?

And I wasn't talking about the CP part of it so I don't know what kind of CP she has, nor do I think it matters.

what he did to her did cross the line, but nowadays, any spanking is considered abuse
if i saw-

say my kid. spit on an old ladies shoe, at the grocery.

i wouldn't even fuck with my belt. i'd smack his fuckin head.

in public. fuck haters.
And the mother is just as guilty, I have an ex that has a truly abusive father, that actually used to beat her and not the kind with a belt, but with his actual fists... and her mother to was a coward, assisted and never did anything to try to help her children...
if my 16 year old kid-

was smokin rock. and stealin from old ladies.

four of us would get together, and show him somethin.
Shannon and all others who think this was justified,

Since you didn't answer my question, I'll ask again, are you trying to say you could do this in public and not be punished for child abuse?

And I wasn't talking about the CP part of it so I don't know what kind of CP she has, nor do I think it matters.

I'm not sure if you could get away with that in public, I would guess it would depend on who was around at the time, I've seen some littler kids than that catch worse from their parents down the street... and of course the type of CP matters if people are going to be throwing it about as if it counts for something in the argument...
That's my point Urca, it's clearly abuse. And what he did was so far past what is considered abuse it's not even funny.
the way i see it the guy was probably a major dick with or without the beating. you know shit like that (or worse) happened at that house on the reg and that video was only a taste. he could have diddled her for all we know. 7 years is a long time to stew in resentment and there is no worse revenge than publicly dystroying a man's reputation. you gotta really dislike a guy to do that to his career. he brought it on himself.
yeah cant say id be surprised if he was also sexually abusing her and she didnt want to come out about that..
one time-

i shot the window outta dad's truck with the ol red rider.

he spnked me with IT. it broke all apart on my ass. guess i pretty much learned not to shoot the windows outta the truck. :)
And please people stop saying I said it was justified or deserved... I said she knew the kind of punishment she got for stepping out of line and she stepped out of line... and also that a belting like that of which I received worse when I was younger than her in that video is not that big of a deal...
i was the type of boy that needed a spankin-

i laugh like a mother fucker when i think back about it.
all i know is it dosent make any sense for him to be giving mediation involving child abuse cases it makes no sense when its obviously part of his life too!! i mean lets think about it, he specifically works with child abusers because thats whats hes interested in because he IS ONE! its not that complicated he made a career out of what his daddy did to him and what he does as a dad
Has anybody stopped to think that maybe he tried every other way to discipline her before the beltings..? that every other kind of punishment wouldn't work on her..?