Julie Assange Arrested


Too late, you have forever defined yourself here as an enabler/supporter of pedophilia.

Nice fucking job.

Can we talk about posting racist signs now?

No, I haven't defined myself as an enabler of any behavior other than free, voluntary, mutual, consensual and peaceful human interactions.

You and your cohorts have ineptly attempted to redefine my message while avoiding any attempt at addressing the obvious contradictions in your lame arguments I so adroitly point out.

I've never posted a racist sign in my life, but I respect any persons right to use their own property as they see fit. To do otherwise would make me a prohibitionist, like you.

Can we talk about Julian Assange now?
thump will pardon him and rush him thru white house security clearance and give him a cabinet position......birds of a feather

Doubtful. He's already putting distance between himself and what will likely happen to Assange if he gets extradited to the USA.

Trump doesn't need wiki leaks anymore, so he won't burn political capital assisting him. At least Obama pardoned Chelsea Manning, which is ironic, because Manning did nothing wrong. Obama and all the other Imperial baby killing Presidents are the ones that should be seeking forgiveness / pardon.

"If you see something, say something" .
yeah...this is how a hero and patriot acts....walking around in his underwear, keeping the staff up at night, not taking care of his PET...having a PET while in protective custody...not bathing or brushing his teeth, then requiring dental care...smearing his feces on the walls...and then taking the embassy to court when they told him to take care of his own cat or they'd take it to the pound...
he is a 47 year old man...child....and a spoiled one.
i hope they lock him up for however long it takes him to grow a pair of nuts and start acting like a man.
yeah...this is how a hero and patriot acts....walking around in his underwear, keeping the staff up at night, not taking care of his PET...having a PET while in protective custody...not bathing or brushing his teeth, then requiring dental care...smearing his feces on the walls...and then taking the embassy to court when they told him to take care of his own cat or they'd take it to the pound...
he is a 47 year old man...child....and a spoiled one.
i hope they lock him up for however long it takes him to grow a pair of nuts and start acting like a man.

Yeah, and how they had to literally carry him out while he cried like a bitch...

That's who he really is and always has been: a spoiled little bitch. He's going to Leavenworth prison for a long, long time where he'll no doubt enjoy his new job: wet nurse.

Yeah, and how they had to literally carry him out while he cried like a bitch...

That's who he really is and always has been: a spoiled little bitch. He's going to Leavenworth prison for a long, long time where he'll no doubt enjoy his new job: wet nurse.
well, he ought to be at least partially acclimatized, he lived in a tiny room alone for almost 7 years...of course, i don't think anyone was beating his ass, or fucking it during those 7 years...or maybe there was...

Yeah, and how they had to literally carry him out while he cried like a bitch...

That's who he really is and always has been: a spoiled little bitch. He's going to Leavenworth prison for a long, long time where he'll no doubt enjoy his new job: wet nurse.
Isn't this where you explain all the legal aspects and get them mostly wrong?

There might be more forthcoming but the only charge he faces in the current extradition order is assisting Manning to crack a password. From what I've seen, this is a five year maximum sentence. By extradition treaty with Britain, the US can't charge him with anything that is not in the extradition order.

This is reposted from DIY's thread:

yeah...this is how a hero and patriot acts....walking around in his underwear, keeping the staff up at night, not taking care of his PET...having a PET while in protective custody...not bathing or brushing his teeth, then requiring dental care...smearing his feces on the walls...and then taking the embassy to court when they told him to take care of his own cat or they'd take it to the pound...
he is a 47 year old man...child....and a spoiled one.
i hope they lock him up for however long it takes him to grow a pair of nuts and start acting like a man.
Sounds like you are describing Tty.
It was my understanding that Bradley Manning released the helicopter footage of US troops gunning down civilians and laughing (horrible to watch), but the leaks that really sunk him were different ones that supposedly put troops in danger. Anyone else remember that narrative?

If WikiLeaks simply published the leaks, like any publisher, they did nothing wrong. If assange helped Manning crack a password, it was a crime.
It was my understanding that Bradley Manning released the helicopter footage of US troops gunning down civilians and laughing (horrible to watch), but the leaks that really sunk him were different ones that supposedly put troops in danger. Anyone else remember that narrative?

If WikiLeaks simply published the leaks, like any publisher, they did nothing wrong. If assange helped Manning crack a password, it was a crime.
The dementia patient is repeating what has already been said.
Do they pay you to lie and smear people on this forum, or do you just like to do it? You know how old I am.
You are the stereotypical ignorant Trumpkin who can't follow a thread, forgets what has already been said and posts same as if it were something new. Also typical of old fascist Trumpkin you blame somebody else for looking like a fool.

For example, that old, discarded already investigated fake conspiracy about Spygate. You talked as if it were fresh news when your lord and master brought it up.

Don't blame me for you sounding like an idiot.
You know how old I am.

Oh, I should add you are a liar too. 29 YO? Laughable.

What 29 year old uses words like: "thieving and murdering" and "moral failure"? Don't make me laugh. You are 75+, your mind is dementia ridden due to micro-strokes that occur whenever you see a white woman with a black man and you live in an assisted living home paid for by Medicaid.

But the cookies at the main desk are pretty good. So there is that.