Julie Assange Arrested

They have, you just don't hear much about it.

The funny part is that online idiots think they know what a hacker is. They think that to be a hacker you have to sit there and try to enter passwords and such. You don't. Under the law, a hacker is anyone who obtains information from a computer that they should not have access to.

In other words, if you were on a tour of the White House, and you saw a computer terminal and sat down and started looking around, guess what? You're guilty of hacking. It doesn't matter that the computer wasn't password protected at that exact moment. All that matters is that you gained access to a computer that you had no business at all accessing.

That's why I'm laughing my ass off at all these Assange fangirls that think nothing is going to happen to him. First off, 5 years is nothing to scoff at. You get that just for handling the shit that was taken. It didn't matter he's not the one that took it physically, he accessed it when he had no legal right to do so.

What's more, they're in all likelihood going to charge him with at least 3 more felonies before it's all over. They're using that one to get him here. Once he's here, he's going to get screwed hard. The only reason they're not charging him with more now is so that he'll be extradited. If they hit him with everything, there are those who might not extradite him because they may see the punishment as too draconian.

Trust me, if they ever get Assange over here, he's going away for a long, long time.
Thanks for the confirmation