Julie Assange Arrested

As a guest on a YouTube show called Conspiracy Queries in November 2014, Dore said that "conspiracy theorist" is "such an empty, meaningless term."[4] On The Young Turks, he has said "the term conspiracy theorist has an undue amount of negativity attached to it."[1] Dore uses all the tactics of the average, run-of-the-mill conspiracy theorist, such as saying that you should not believe anyone from the government,[5] you should "stop listening to the assholes on mainstream news media",[6][7][8] and he has information that you won't hear on "mainstream news."[8] Dore believes the debunked[9] claim that "the term conspiracy theorist was invented by the CIA after the JFK assassination."[10][11] Dore was also a speaker at the "Tin Foil Hat Comedy Night" in October 2017[12] and guest on the podcast "Tin Foil Hat with Sam Tripoli" in April 2018.[13]

Despite his belief that "conspiracy theorist" is an "empty, meaningless term", "invented by the CIA" which "has an undue amount of negativity attached to it", he has called Rachel Maddow an "Alex Jones–level conspiracy theorist." Dore also fits his own definition of a "dangerous conspiracy theorist":
As a guest on a YouTube show called Conspiracy Queries in November 2014, Dore said that "conspiracy theorist" is "such an empty, meaningless term."[4] On The Young Turks, he has said "the term conspiracy theorist has an undue amount of negativity attached to it."[1] Dore uses all the tactics of the average, run-of-the-mill conspiracy theorist, such as saying that you should not believe anyone from the government,[5] you should "stop listening to the assholes on mainstream news media",[6][7][8] and he has information that you won't hear on "mainstream news."[8] Dore believes the debunked[9] claim that "the term conspiracy theorist was invented by the CIA after the JFK assassination."[10][11] Dore was also a speaker at the "Tin Foil Hat Comedy Night" in October 2017[12] and guest on the podcast "Tin Foil Hat with Sam Tripoli" in April 2018.[13]

Despite his belief that "conspiracy theorist" is an "empty, meaningless term", "invented by the CIA" which "has an undue amount of negativity attached to it", he has called Rachel Maddow an "Alex Jones–level conspiracy theorist." Dore also fits his own definition of a "dangerous conspiracy theorist":
He is absolutely correct on all that. Thank you.
You are welcome! Anytime at all.
Here is a clip.
In 1975, researchers at Stanford invited a group of undergraduates to take part in a study about suicide. They were presented with pairs of suicide notes. In each pair, one note had been composed by a random individual, the other by a person who had subsequently taken his own life. The students were then asked to distinguish between the genuine notes and the fake ones.

Some students discovered that they had a genius for the task. Out of twenty-five pairs of notes, they correctly identified the real one twenty-four times. Others discovered that they were hopeless. They identified the real note in only ten instances.

As is often the case with psychological studies, the whole setup was a put-on. Though half the notes were indeed genuine—they’d been obtained from the Los Angeles County coroner’s office—the scores were fictitious. The students who’d been told they were almost always right were, on average, no more discerning than those who had been told they were mostly wrong.

In the second phase of the study, the deception was revealed. The students were told that the real point of the experiment was to gauge their responses to thinking they were right or wrong. (This, it turned out, was also a deception.) Finally, the students were asked to estimate how many suicide notes they had actually categorized correctly, and how many they thought an average student would get right. At this point, something curious happened. The students in the high-score group said that they thought they had, in fact, done quite well—significantly better than the average student—even though, as they’d just been told, they had zero grounds for believing this. Conversely, those who’d been assigned to the low-score group said that they thought they had done significantly worse than the average student—a conclusion that was equally unfounded.

“Once formed,” the researchers observed dryly, “impressions are remarkably perseverant.”
That's a logical fallacy, zeddd.

Just because the US is conducting what I agree with you are illegal military attacks on civilians doesn't mean its wrong for the country to legally defend itself from hackers.
Those civilians were carrying cameras and equipment that very much resembled weapons in a gorilla war zone. They were mis identified as enemy combatants and eliminated. it was collateral damage. Happens in every war....ask me how i know?......
If it weren't for conspiracy theorists, no one would be looking for conspiracies.
LOL What's a conspiracy theorist? Are you referring to people who makes them up or continuously refers to them like you and Trump do?

Trump: “The Democrats have launched an assault on the sovereignty of our country, the security of our nation and the safety of every single American,” Trump said, declaring that they “don’t care what their extremist immigration agenda will do to your neighborhoods, to your hospitals, or to your schools.”

Illegal aliens voted? Yeah, that was fake. Trump flailed away but the facts proved otherwise.

Trump: "Last month, more than 76,000 illegal migrants arrived at our border. We’re on track for a million illegal aliens to rush our borders. People hate the word “invasion,” but that’s what it is. It’s an invasion of drugs and criminals and people. We have no idea who they are, but we capture them because border security is so good. But they’re put in a very bad position, and we’re bursting at the seams. Literally, bursting at the seams. What Border Patrol is able to do is incredible."

76,000 illegal migrants? Actually they were legal asylum seekers. The only real conspiracy in all of that is Trump is deliberately creating a crisis. Instead of wasting his time on a wall, the president should fix the asylum system.

Trump: “We can never allow this treasonous — these treasonous acts to happen to another president. This was an attempted takeover of our government, of our country — an illegal takeover."

Trump: “Well, when I said there could be somebody spying on my campaign, a lot of things happened. It was like — it went wild out there. They couldn’t believe that I could say such a thing. And as it turned out, that was a small potatoes compared to what went on.”

He's just rehashing previously investigated and proven false "Spygate". Yet another of many false conspiracies that fall into the "Deep State" category. Trump doesn't need a Deep State to stop him. He fucks up without any help whatsoever.

Why don't you prove that you are completely lost to Trump-world by telling me that all those "conspiracies" that Trump talks about are true.
Those civilians were carrying cameras and equipment that very much resembled weapons in a gorilla war zone. They were mis identified as enemy combatants and eliminated. it was collateral damage. Happens in every war....ask me how i know?......
I'm not denying civilians were killed by accident or through mistakes made during the fog of battle, and not saying the deaths were intentional. I oppose drone strikes in undeclared wars furthermore, I oppose making war without Congress declaring one.
That's a logical fallacy, zeddd.

Just because the US is conducting what I agree with you are illegal military attacks on civilians doesn't mean its wrong for the country to legally defend itself from hackers.
it is not a logical fallacy to ask the question “which is worse”. The way you have framed it is, no one is suggesting you should not defend yourselves from external threats and i have never said you shouldn’t.
it is not a logical fallacy to ask the question “which is worse”. The way you have framed it is, no one is suggesting you should not defend yourselves from external threats and i have never said you shouldn’t.
From my answer, you can probably guess which I feel is worse.

I get that for some people in the US, going after Assange is a form of revenge but I don't see it that way. I see it as an action against illegal hacking. It's probably not going to deter the determined hacker like Assange but they have to be made aware that the US is going to make their lives miserable to the legal extent of the law. Then again, for five years, he won't be able to do more than flush the toilet and send snail mail.
i'm of the opinion that "hackers" have gotten away with their shit for far too long...they need to make a few examples...maybe a ten year mandatory stretch in leavenworth would deter skippy and his pals from trying to hack into the pentagon because they watched wargames last night...or assholes like assholeange who put countless people at risk with no consideration...for no reason but to stroke their own egos....
i'm of the opinion that "hackers" have gotten away with their shit for far too long...they need to make a few examples...maybe a ten year mandatory stretch in leavenworth would deter skippy and his pals from trying to hack into the pentagon because they watched wargames last night...or assholes like assholeange who put countless people at risk with no consideration...for no reason but to stroke their own egos....

They have, you just don't hear much about it.

The funny part is that online idiots think they know what a hacker is. They think that to be a hacker you have to sit there and try to enter passwords and such. You don't. Under the law, a hacker is anyone who obtains information from a computer that they should not have access to.

In other words, if you were on a tour of the White House, and you saw a computer terminal and sat down and started looking around, guess what? You're guilty of hacking. It doesn't matter that the computer wasn't password protected at that exact moment. All that matters is that you gained access to a computer that you had no business at all accessing.

That's why I'm laughing my ass off at all these Assange fangirls that think nothing is going to happen to him. First off, 5 years is nothing to scoff at. You get that just for handling the shit that was taken. It didn't matter he's not the one that took it physically, he accessed it when he had no legal right to do so.

What's more, they're in all likelihood going to charge him with at least 3 more felonies before it's all over. They're using that one to get him here. Once he's here, he's going to get screwed hard. The only reason they're not charging him with more now is so that he'll be extradited. If they hit him with everything, there are those who might not extradite him because they may see the punishment as too draconian.

Trust me, if they ever get Assange over here, he's going away for a long, long time.