Just a heads up to shroom growers.

I also like leaving jars in the PC until they are cool, avoids lots of condensation problems.
P.S. the first poster said he used all of 10 CCs, just how many jars did you do mate... I can do between 10 and 20 off that.

With spores, less is more. Less brothers and sisters fighting for dominance.
2ccs of water is alot to inject into a jar mate... nevermind the issues of genetic competition I pointed out just before....
The main thing I have found with spore syringe inoculations is that you MUST get the spore water to run down the side of the jar all the way to the bottom. If this takes two drops or two cc's, just make sure you see a bit of water trail its way all the way down to the bottom. This has greatly increased my success ratio which is about 49/50 on quarts of WBS.
I been boomin quite a while and I have learned an important lesson. It takes weeks for the colinization process to fully happen, then another couple weeks to spawn, then days to pin and days to flush, so why are so many people in a hurry to cool down their PC's? First off, the PC is a great place for your jars to cool, it has just been sterilized! Second, placing a large warm object in your fridge causes it to work constantly and the cooling pumps are likely to fail if this is done over and over. I noticed earlier in the thread you said your fridge had failed, this is likely the cause. Instead of "putting your PC on ice" or blowing fans on it, just budget your time better so that you are cooking in the evening, jars cool over night, and you innoculate the NEXT DAY, this will guarentee you have no spore cooking problems! Patience is everything with boomers, otherwise you will work very hard for nothing! Good luck and feel free to shoot me any questions you may have...Here is a picture of my current penis envy casings, you have to grow PE to know what is going on here, but these are the tell tale tufts that build up on the casing layer prior to PE pinning...PE is a bitch to pin, it takes two to three times longer than a normal cube like B+!


my fridge failed because we were hit by a hurricane, to many power surges. other than that it lasted 3 years working just fine it mini fridge also so nothing else in it, I always leave the jars in the pressure cooker the three hours it takes to cool down, but you can leave it for a day or two if you have to but I RARELY wait more than three hours and have had succes in colonizaion every time 100%. And if your in a hurry you could always put the cooker on ice, if you look around on shroom sites you'll see some people using the ice method thats were I got it. If you dont mind waiting and not stressed by time constraints then wait not every one has all day or even two days in row available, there are other options

heres my last mini grow I got 35 grams off two brf cakes that are still putting off shrooms done this very way.



2ccs is alot for a pint jar, that will raise your moisture to high and can stunt or stop growth.

when you fruit your bad boys you should totally post a Log I love watchin mushies day to day
Actualy I have left jars for several days... Its a handy method if you are just starting out to make sure your jars are sterile and pinpoint other problems in your system.
Actualy I have left jars for several days... Its a handy method if you are just starting out to make sure your jars are sterile and pinpoint other problems in your system.

I think ive heard that from a few others also, seems very helpful in detecting if your sterilization methods are working. would be good for begginers and pros alike having contam problems
do you think its ok to use 1 pint jars? someone told me that they are bad for the pf tek. They were the only thing i could find in wide mouth. If they are bad whys that?
pint jars are okay to use when doing PF-TEK but sometimes the mycellium will stop growing before reaching 100% full colonization
they also take much longer to colonize than half pints (if they even make it to full colonization)
yes that is mycellium

do you have a vermiculite contamination barrier on top of the verm/brf mixture? if so you can remove the foil to allow gas exchange which will cause the myc to grow a bit faster.
but either way, pints take forever, 30+ days
I also like leaving jars in the PC until they are cool, avoids lots of condensation problems.
P.S. the first poster said he used all of 10 CCs, just how many jars did you do mate... I can do between 10 and 20 off that.

With spores, less is more. Less brothers and sisters fighting for dominance.

That's the truth.

If you don't let the jars sit at least 8 hours, any trapped heat in the sterilized substrate will kill mushroom spores. Heat is the mushroom spores biggest enemy.

I used to make 20 dark spore syringes with a single spore print, and those 20 syringes could do several hundred quarts of sterilized grain/birdseed.

I've got some great mushroom galleries at my profile, using both casings and cakes.

Hell, there's a QP of boomers in my avatar (vacuumed sealed).
bummer, thanks for the heads up. Haven't looked yet but is there a rookies mistake thread here?

Not saying anyone here is a rookie but could share some mistakes when first starting out.

I'm a rookie!
