Just checking, need expert opinions.


SprintPhoto_bcqbrq.jpgSprintPhoto_ccqbrq.jpg this is what I was talking about, not sure if you can make out the colors, but maybe not alot, but a good bit are turning from white to orange, and the buds are very underdeveloped, should I be worried? maybe put back on a veg light cycle or is this fine, and just continue on the 12/12, and hope for the best?

Brother Numsi

Well-Known Member
Don't put them back in veg. Let them finish. You just moved the lights closer so let's see what happens. It's hard to see how far away they are from the lights, so how far are there?


Don't put them back in veg. Let them finish. You just moved the lights closer so let's see what happens. It's hard to see how far away they are from the lights, so how far are there?
about 4.5-5 inches on top and the side.
I'll post pics of her progress as it happens :D


SprintPhoto_bxqbxw.jpg yeesh, just notices this on this one leaf, looks like it's crumpling in on itself, but it's not crumbly, still very moist and full of life, but is this something I should be worried about?

Brother Numsi

Well-Known Member
It can mean a couple of things. What soil are you using? (pardon me for not rereading) and it could be heat...kinda doubt that. Any markings on the backside?


It can mean a couple of things. What soil are you using? (pardon me for not rereading) and it could be heat...kinda doubt that. Any markings on the backside?
i don't really have it in soil, there's soil their, but the roots are in clay pellets, the soil's just their to keep them in place, because stupid me only bought 2 pounds of it lol. No markings on the back of the leaf, and I don't think it's heat, I been keeping my place around 75 during light hours, and 65 during dark hours. Also, more hairs are turning colors, and like I said, the buds are very immature and small, and I'm still not sure if this is something I should be worried about. From what I've heard they should turn kinda halfway/late in the bud cycle, but I'm not 100% on that. Let me know what you think :D


Well-Known Member
View attachment 2456810 yeesh, just notices this on this one leaf, looks like it's crumpling in on itself, but it's not crumbly, still very moist and full of life, but is this something I should be worried about?
It can mean a couple of things. What soil are you using? (pardon me for not rereading) and it could be heat...kinda doubt that. Any markings on the backside?
just caught up, give the plant time to accustom to the lights ;) i agree with Brother Numsi - what soil are you using and does it have nutes in it? looks like nute burn :)


just caught up, give the plant time to accustom to the lights ;) i agree with Brother Numsi - what soil are you using and does it have nutes in it? looks like nute burn :)
well I been mixing nutes in a gallon of water every few days, or so, but if that's the case, then I should just use more plain water?


Well, to be honest, it may have been a bit more then every few days, and I think That may be the problem.
So, I'm gonna try a nutes(1gallon)-water(1gallon)-water(1gallon)-nutes(1gallon)-water(1gallon)-water(1gallon)-etc cycle, think that'll fix it?


Well-Known Member
try some nice neutral ph water and a little less feed :) you should only water/feed when your pot gets light weight but not to dry ;)


Well-Known Member
maybe give her half dose on ur feed scedule, im not sure about the molasses as i dont use it but neutral water usually works :)


maybe give her half dose on ur feed scedule, im not sure about the molasses as i dont use it but neutral water usually works :)
right on, all the water i use, and mix the nutes with is run through a brita filter, because I don't trust the tap around here lol, so I think she'll be happy to get more of that pure natural goodness. I'll update after any noticeable changes :D
that tap water sounds like the tap water i have out here in arizona. that brita system doesn't do much as far as removing unwated sodium and other bad excessive minerals from what i've heard. it focuses on taste and smell of the water for human consumption. but its cheaper to do that than get 1 gal jugs of reverse o water from the store every week. if u feel up to it do a little research on your brita system. i'd rather use that than going to the store for sure. and the price of changing your own reverse o filters every 6 months adds up wow... someone needs to do a grow journal of city tap water / brita / reverse o / distilled and see what plant does better at harvest time. o and as far as the ph of your water keep it no higher than 6.5 and no lower than 6.0 mr ed rosenthal preaches that all day from high times magazine and his other books.