just got arrested

you tell him you know your rights and if they are going to write you a ticket hurry to hurry up you have somewhere to be. If they arrest you get a lawyer and sue they will be the ones breaking the law then. My uncle is a cop for jso and he told me a few things and said people can get away with so many things just by knowing their rights.
Me and some friends of mine were cleaning a hardware store one night when one of my friends opened a door that had a silent alarm. He didn't know that we didn't have to clean in there and none of us knew that an alarm was sounded. We were high as fuck since we had just finished a blunt before we went in. We finished the office and headed for the back door with all the trash bags. When we walked outside we were met by 6 Plant City cops with spot lights and guns drawn on us. We froze on the landing and stood there all of us with big black trash bags in our hands. Naturally they thought we were robbing the place. Then one of the cops, a Sargent, recognized me and called me over to his car. His name was Rick, he was my neighbor and knew me since I was a kid when I smashed a grapefruit on his cruisers windshield. Good times. He purposely conducted the search on my car himself since he knew I was a pothead and probably had something in my car. I had a brass chamber pipe with the blunt roach in it, and a pair of brass knuckles under my seat which he found and a 1/4 in my shoe. He placed the brass knuckles on the roof of my car and walked over to me and quietly said, " I found your pipe, where's your pot, in your shoe?" I was amazed at his lucky guess and was about to shit myself when he said, " You are lucky that I am here tonight because if one of them had searched you, you would be going to jail." He called my boss and verified that I was supposed to be there while the other officers checked the trash bags, then he handed me my brass knuckles and told me that he left the pipe where he found it. After talking with the other officers they let us go. Man, we went back to my place and smoked that entire bag just to try and calm our nerves. Talk about a close call LOL!
Me and some friends of mine were cleaning a hardware store one night when one of my friends opened a door that had a silent alarm. He didn't know that we didn't have to clean in there and none of us knew that an alarm was sounded. We were high as fuck since we had just finished a blunt before we went in. We finished the office and headed for the back door with all the trash bags. When we walked outside we were met by 6 Plant City cops with spot lights and guns drawn on us. We froze on the landing and stood there all of us with big black trash bags in our hands. Naturally they thought we were robbing the place. Then one of the cops, a Sargent, recognized me and called me over to his car. His name was Rick, he was my neighbor and knew me since I was a kid when I smashed a grapefruit on his cruisers windshield. Good times. He purposely conducted the search on my car himself since he knew I was a pothead and probably had something in my car. I had a brass chamber pipe with the blunt roach in it, and a pair of brass knuckles under my seat which he found and a 1/4 in my shoe. He placed the brass knuckles on the roof of my car and walked over to me and quietly said, " I found your pipe, where's your pot, in your shoe?" I was amazed at his lucky guess and was about to shit myself when he said, " You are lucky that I am here tonight because if one of them had searched you, you would be going to jail." He called my boss and verified that I was supposed to be there while the other officers checked the trash bags, then he handed me my brass knuckles and told me that he left the pipe where he found it. After talking with the other officers they let us go. Man, we went back to my place and smoked that entire bag just to try and calm our nerves. Talk about a close call LOL!
Man.. I hate silent alarms. One day I was chilling at my work after smoking a fat blunt. I was sitting on the counter in my uniform subtly flipping off a cop car across the street(I wasn't a huge fan of the pigs). And after a while I look outside and see a cop in the bushes and start freaking out. Then we got a call telling our manager to come outside with her ID and her hands in the air. They had that whole place surrounded. I was TRIPPIN'!
Not trying to redirect or anything but a buddy of mine got busted in jersey with what ended up being .07 grams of weed. It was basically a bit of stem with a leave and a couple red hairs. Ended up costing him over like 400 in fines plus whatever he paid his lawyer. They're brutal up in NJ man.
It's shit like this that earns them the name Pigs. Fucking over zealous pieces of shit, sure there are the ones here to protect us but then there's the egotistical pieces of scum that are out there on an ego trip and will ruin anyone's day to achieve this. Hope you get off and your sister doesn't get jailed bro, keep us posted.
You should have just started rapping, they like that:

"Fuck tha police comin straight from the underground
A young nigga got it bad 'cause I'm brown
I'm not the other color so police think
They have the authority to kill a minority."
Along the topic, if you can get a lawyer to get the taillight stop thrown out, the rest of the case will follow.

I was stopped for improperly displaying my license plate, it was inside the passengers side windshield, which it completely legit, the whole case was thrown out.

My advice to everyone is to know your rights, be polite, and don't flex you rights, or act like a know-it-all.

Your sis shouldn't get in trouble, it wasn't her possession.
Oh, never admit to anything.

"Is this a marijuana roach."


"But this was in your car."

-"I've never seen that before."

Remember you aren't sworn under oath, and everything CAN and WILL be used against you in the court of law.
Oh, never admit to anything.

"Is this a marijuana roach."


"But this was in your car."

-"I've never seen that before."

Remember you aren't sworn under oath, and everything CAN and WILL be used against you in the court of law.

Even that much conversation can distort in the cops brain by the time it goes to court.

Is this a marijuana roach?

You'll have to ask my lawyer

but it was in your car

(coughing) Lawyer....
i been tugged plenty of times, everytime i hold out my hands and say nick me, i have rights and i want a search an stop ticket k thanks bye"

in uk laws changed on stop an search, i was once stopped for breaking an entering with my mate. and guess what the house we was meant too have robbed was my homies pad / house lol. gotta love CID so stupid they tried arsesting us for breaking into my mates own home.

when cops come for me an homies they have sneekers on. and dedicated officers ready for a chase. man its so funny.

why did you run ?

me: well you was chasing me good race too, next time try doing up your laces and waiting out the back door

i have no respect for the uk law enforcment. it is all stats in there eyes thats all we hear about in the UK, crime rate is at 65% a 10% drop from last year. so that poor bobby is told " get out there and make more arrests" that means you even blink at that copper he gonna stop you. its is more quantity of arrests than quality of arrests now.

they only nice for one reason, they want you too spill the beans, say something you shouldnt.

" no comment untill i seen my brief "

just play blatent stupidness. but yeah some are cool know the score and the law correct. some are forks have no clue, mouthy and attitude problems.

when i was younger had one problem with a local cop, he would tug me everytime he see me, once i was tugged 7 times in 5 days, nothing found no crim record. i mean WTF goes dude, his answer was i dont like you !!

well same cop didnt say that when we came face too face in a local nightclub. his mate came over and tried the smiley nice stuff. yeah he an ok guy blah blah blah. he was told he get slapped same as his blueboy

cop was removed from area after complaints went in. and yeah if i see him again i would drill my fist right into his head no questions asked. it is these types that give UK cops a bad name. kinda the black sheep of the group

That's everywhere, I got searched and a cop found a pipe and a sack, the pipe got me a paraphenalia charge, but the weed never made it to the ticket.

The cop asked me if i was going to the dave matthews concert the upcoming weekend, i said "no, they suck"

He prolly smoked my stash at that show.

If you run, I run too, I'll find out why we're runnin when we stop.

cop - "why'd you run?"

me - "I thought I saw my lawyer over here" huh, huh, huh, !!!
the best thing about UK law enforcements, they hire these people they call 'community support officers' to walk around in plod uniforms but they just get laughed at cause everybody knows they have no powers, they cant search you, touch you, arrest you, they cant do shit plastic police we call them