Just got burned for a brick of h.... BY A CHICK

i know right? .. im just fucking aroudn with you , it sucks you got burned but you should stop doing heroin anyways,
up to you though
Well my mistake, I'm glad to hear you had the strength to stop but then you should know telling someone to just stop is almost more discouraging than helpful
Well my mistake, I'm glad to hear you had the strength to stop but then you should know telling someone to just stop is almost more discouraging than helpful
dude i was just fucking with him, like 10 people before me said the same damn fucking thing dont single me out, so sick of being the "bad guy" whenever im fucking around but 10 other fucking users can say the same goddamn thing and no one bats a goddamn eyelash
Drug addicts! Every last one of you, drug addicts!

I'm sure glad I've never had to deal with any kind of substance abuse


Im glad you never had to deal with it too.

dude i was just fucking with him, like 10 people before me said the same damn fucking thing dont single me out, so sick of being the "bad guy" whenever im fucking around but 10 other fucking users can say the same goddamn thing and no one bats a goddamn eyelash

Its all good man. You should know thats how it works here lol
Im glad you never had to deal with it too.

Its all good man. You should know thats how it works here lol
ya i know i should hahah
just sick of it man, not like i said anything THAT wrong , obviously knew you wouldnt take it that seriously.:hug:

if you do ever wanna talk im here , inbox is open, be safe !
Fingers dont really exist in my area. We get bags, or if your buying weight you get it in a knot. Normal price is about 15$ a bag, 100$ a bundle (10 bags) 250-300$ a brick (50 bags) or with knots, its about 100 a gram, unless your buying alot.

Yeah, i wont even get in a car with most people. I walk everywhere, and alot of the times when im walking i think about how lucky i am to have the option to walk. People dont realize how quick a car can kill you, or just make you suffer for life.

Also for the record i have not been officially diagnosed with ptsd but im pretty sure my incredible fear of cars, loud noises, and nightmares even after 2 years means i have ptsd.

I understand smoking weed helps- and opiates don't. Does that seem to square with your personal experience?