just got raided! cops choked me an punched an then entered without warrent


Well-Known Member
Yea so about 40min ago i was choked, punch and slapped multiple times by DEA agent because i wouldnt give him access to my place. They blocked me in leaving street. Used my keys to enter after i told them it wasnt my place. They told me it was a warrent but said i could not see it... i asked for officers name an badge number while in cuffs because multiple cops watched him choke me while in cuffs an punch me. Neighbor seen it! Going to talk to him now. Lawyer tmr at 2pm... im pissed.

End of story they left after taking pictures of my plants (12 veg) and my half ounce and my medical card. Again i asked them for warrent and name of officers and they said no to warrent and were all clueless "which" officer had me in his car. Not one single squad car. All cars unmarked, no lights no uniforms. Just badges gun and radios. 2 out of 8 had dea jacket on.

Wtf, im happy cause when he hit me an choked me i showed no emotion to him. Pissed cause refused to show warrent... happy again cause i have cameras :) sucks he hit me when out of view but thats why i have witness neighbor.

Not sure how to go about this or if to do anything since i wasnt incarcerated... then again i did nothing illegal.


Well-Known Member
Forgot to mention one agent claimed i served a informant and cant know who he is unless i get arrested for manufacturing and delivery an then it would be in my packet at court...

I met up with 2 patients off this site who showed me there cards so possible one was fake? Could cop make fake card to trick people? Either way the transaction was legal.


Active Member
Your fine , talk with your lawyer , get all your papers in order
sue them !!
sorry to hear
did they take anything ? Plants meds ?
Hmm...u didnt get it too bad. They've been doing that as of late in my area except theyre not really cops. Just assh*les trying to score free stuff. They know u cant go to the cops (in Texas) and report your ladies as stolen :(


Well-Known Member
Rhode island... going there in min to get my hard drive for cameras and see if my money is still there.

My lawyer said we writing an aggressive note an next time will be charges but idk if i should bother just with a note or get the witness to choking me an figure it out.


Active Member
Yea, where you at? Id sue the shit out of them if your leagle. Ive heard that fake cops are doing this sort of thing too. But you say they didnt take anything...Hmmm sounds fishy to me!


Active Member
For sure there goi g to watch you now !!
ide put away shop , let shit chill for a while ,
Move to a medical state !


Well-Known Member
One officer was nice an sounds as if he was in charge. Told me he is always doing these raids and department of health should have us all registered to a police list so its known legal ect... however the officer who hit me kept repeating he was going to kick my ass if any of HIS men were shot or harmed when entering.


bud bootlegger
i've been pulled out of me car and handcuffed, then thrown to the ground where on the nice peace offices went ahead and kicked me in the head a few swift times..
cops suck, good luck suing them..


Well-Known Member
that sucks man keep your chin up fuckin feds what are they going to do about these conflicting laws
Actually, there is no conflict... Fed trumps state, local... Feds can go in wherever they want - only thing is states with med/legal laws wont help with law enforcement of said laws... But feds can shut ANYONE down they want - no matter how small.


Well-Known Member
For sure there goi g to watch you now !!
ide put away shop , let shit cvhill for a while ,
Move to a medical state !
He has hid card, why close up anything? If the DEA/Feds are going to go after every legal (state legal) they will be very busy, court cases scheduled into 2020



Active Member
Actually, there is no conflict... Fed trumps state, local... Feds can go in wherever they want - only thing is states with med/legal laws wont help with law enforcement of said laws... But feds can shut ANYONE down they want - no matter how small.
thats the point states saying you can but feds saying no you cant i understand hence the word conflict if fed law trumps state law (which it does )whats the point of having any state laws at all


Well-Known Member
They told me they werent feds, state or city police but any of those could come next.
If they wore DEA jackets, they were feds. If they wore them and then said they weren't feds, then I'm agreeing with the guy that says you got robbed.