just got raided! cops choked me an punched an then entered without warrent


Well-Known Member
I know I'm considered "crazy" by most.

I would rather err on the side of paranoia than the side of laziness when it comes to doing something federally illegal.

Doesn't matter where you're at in the us.

It's illegal.

The police in Colorado are not allowed access to the mmj license list. They can call and ask if a person is on the list, that is it.
Obama could not gain access to the list without breaking the law, federal and state.

You made a statement like you know what is going on in medical states. You do not. That is not paranoia, that is ignorance. My med license offers me more protection from the government than if I didn't have it. Being legal is great. Jealous?

Amendment 64 doesn't change much for me. My plant count doubled, but I am not going to add plants. I am not going to install a sign outside that says, "Growing marijuana inside."

I would recommend anyone that grows weed in CO get a license. It allows you more freedom and protection from the government.

holy crap i just said this today in colorado and washington mmj users thing. OMFG everyone was saying im crazy too. Holy shit i was right. I think they may start raiding people. especially in co and wa. check out my posts under colorado medical mj and washington medical mj....holy shit...im just....wow

You were spreading false rumors based on speculation in that thread. Maybe you should try googling the subject you think you know so much about before posting. Watch 20/20 tonight if you have trouble reading.


Well-Known Member
I made a post not too long ago about another neighbor smelling my stuff... he told me he was calling cops a month ago. For all i know he did an just now they did something about it. Stupid ass cop shouldve just asked me simply if what i was doing was legal and if i would grant them access to my place to make sure. Instead he made the choice to choke me first then ask questions so i gave him a hard time an then he chose to go inside without the warrant. Again his choice was retarded.
You need to move, not because of this. but because you got asshole neighbors.


New Member
The police in Colorado are not allowed access to the mmj license list. They can call and ask if a person is on the list, that is it.
Obama could not gain access to the list without breaking the law, federal and state.

You made a statement like you know what is going on in medical states. You do not. That is not paranoia, that is ignorance.
Your doucheyness aside, it doesn't matter what you think. You ARE federally illegal. I am not wrong in saying that.

Speaking of ignorance, isn't pretending you are legal when you are not literally "ignorant".


Well-Known Member
freedom of information act....You should be able to go to your local court house and get the records of all the search warrants signed off by the judge at the time of your raid...also you should be able to get the police dispatch records for that time period.... ..go to police station file a police report of a kidnapp robbery and break entering.....they cant deny you that......your right as a citizen....if they refuse and deny...then go to the distric attorney office with the video proof and the license plate numbers and still shots of the local officers...explain what happend to you ..and let the chips fall where they lay.


Active Member
and if they werent feds and you got robbed and got them on camera they will be locked up and charged with felonies for inperonating a federal agent which is a pretty big deal. then on top of that they can get them for larsony, assault and probabally a handfull of other charges....dont let them get away with it!!!
I completely agree


Well-Known Member
I've found that if it doesn't make the police report it didn't happen. I know someone personally that was cuffed in their underwear , placed in a spot in their front yard and THEN flashbanged, didn't make the police report so it didn't happen, fuck the pigs.


Well-Known Member
I've found that if it doesn't make the police report it didn't happen. I know someone personally that was cuffed in their underwear , placed in a spot in their front yard and THEN flashbanged, didn't make the police report so it didn't happen, fuck the pigs.

Didnt know people posting on this thread still lol. I actually just got a letter in maill today from my lawyer of a letter from police chief. Says they are looking into the allegations i made and will let him know what comes of it. Also he will see what happened to my property(medical id card he on camera taking). It was signed by someone whom i didnt know and then it was "cc" to the chief of police, a luitenant, and a detective.

Just looked... it was written and signed by a "major". Then cc to a chief of police, luitenant, and a detective.

In letter it said to bring warrant up and show it and they still havent done so. Just stated they were looking into it and hope to resolve any issues without his client(me) being "involved". Not sure what that means but cops knew it was recorded and my lawyer did not say it in letter.


Well-Known Member

Didnt know people posting on this thread still lol. I actually just got a letter in maill today from my lawyer of a letter from police chief. Says they are looking into the allegations i made and will let him know what comes of it. Also he will see what happened to my property(medical id card he on camera taking). It was signed by someone whom i didnt know and then it was "cc" to the chief of police, a luitenant, and a detective.

Just looked... it was written and signed by a "major". Then cc to a chief of police, luitenant, and a detective.

In letter it said to bring warrant up and show it and they still havent done so. Just stated they were looking into it and hope to resolve any issues without his client(me) being "involved". Not sure what that means but cops knew it was recorded and my lawyer did not say it in letter.
Sounds like someone is in trouble and it ain't you. Stand tall and take no shit.


Sector 5 Moderator
You did the right thing by videoing the whole thing, going to your lawyer and filing charges. If things continue the way they are, one day you will see cops being shot dead just because they are cops. I know I won't lose any sleep over it.


Well-Known Member
Think so? Idk how the ranks play... just know the detective it was forwarded too was the one at my place during raid. Dunno how high up the major is or if chief of police is above him in ranks or not. Luitenant is prob the one in charge of that detectives division i would say.


Active Member
wow that sucks man. i remember when i got raided... fuckers jumped out of a uhaul truck at 7pm.. flashbangs and all that {but my raid was cause of selling meth} don't worry guys shit was in 2005 been clean since getting out of jail in 2006... just smoke weed now.. i know how your feeling bro they kicked my ass in front of my mom and sister,ripped the security camera off the wall and fucked up the inside of the house..cops were dicks got me for sales on 2 grams of meth...smh


Well-Known Member
wow that sucks man. i remember when i got raided... fuckers jumped out of a uhaul truck at 7pm.. flashbangs and all that {but my raid was cause of selling meth} don't worry guys shit was in 2005 been clean since getting out of jail in 2006... just smoke weed now.. i know how your feeling bro they kicked my ass in front of my mom and sister,ripped the security camera off the wall and fucked up the inside of the house..cops were dicks got me for sales on 2 grams of meth...smh
lol. this thread gets better and better.

and to the OP.. Why is your neighbor smelling your grow? get the hell out of there ASAP. you've been warned. run the hell away homie

Rob Roy

Well-Known Member
I think you hit it right on the button... they came did their job and left. Told me flat out i could continue growing but he has witnessed ton of home invasions because of the cards being so easy to get. I was worked up earlier an im still seeing lawyer tmr to have him send letter.

I wanna know if they had warrant, why they had one(if they tell me), tell him give me the card back(on video of him taking it), an include that i have a witness who watched him choke me while in cuffs. Also why they unplugged my interior camera... god forbid in 2 days or so statys raid me an card isnt there.

I try to justify everything they did as just them doing there job an leaving when done but when i think of that cop in my face talkin shit an puttin his hands on me my adrenaline get going again.

You were assaulted. Seek civil damages and removal of the thugs. Find a lawyer with some balls and start putting out some feelers to media types. Don't release any video until the time is right. Don't be consumed by adrenaline, that's how the cops do it...be smarter than them, that should be easy.


bud bootlegger
You were assaulted. Seek civil damages and removal of the thugs. Find a lawyer with some balls and start putting out some feelers to media types. Don't release any video until the time is right. Don't be consumed by adrenaline, that's how the cops do it...be smarter than them, that should be easy.
are you crazy? all the cop is going to say is that you resisted and he had to use force to hold you down or w/e imvho.. i was in cuff''s, on the ground, and not resisting and a nice peace officer kicked me in the head like 3 or so nice times.. it's w/e, who do you think a judge is going to side with? the cops that work with him or some dude growing weed?? it's a lost cause trying to sue the po po unless they were really out of line ime, and so not worth it as that is going to do nothing but piss them off and make you a larger target in their eyes.. last thing you want is a pissed off cop when you're breaking the law imo.

Rob Roy

Well-Known Member
are you crazy? all the cop is going to say is that you resisted and he had to use force to hold you down or w/e imvho.. i was in cuff''s, on the ground, and not resisting and a nice peace officer kicked me in the head like 3 or so nice times.. it's w/e, who do you think a judge is going to side with? the cops that work with him or some dude growing weed?? it's a lost cause trying to sue the po po unless they were really out of line ime, and so not worth it as that is going to do nothing but piss them off and make you a larger target in their eyes.. last thing you want is a pissed off cop when you're breaking the law imo.
They had no right to break into his house did they? What is their excuse for being there without a warrant? Get the cops sequestered and then put them on the witness stand...see how they sweat then. People that aggress against others are assholes, continually letting assholes off the hook means they will keep doing it. I reiterate, he should find a lawyer with balls (there aren't many) and seek civil damages. If the Attorney Genitals office had any concept of justice they would want to get rid of the offending cops rather than cover for them. Media exposure at the right time could make this very interesting.

Sorry you had a rough time with the cops, you are dealing with it the way you figure is best for you. I'd choose a different path. Peace.


bud bootlegger
They had no right to break into his house did they? What is their excuse for being there without a warrant? Get the cops sequestered and then put them on the witness stand...see how they sweat then. People that aggress against others are assholes, continually letting assholes off the hook means they will keep doing it. I reiterate, he should find a lawyer with balls (there aren't many) and seek civil damages. If the Attorney Genitals office had any concept of justice they would want to get rid of the offending cops rather than cover for them. Media exposure at the right time could make this very interesting.

Sorry you had a rough time with the cops, you are dealing with it the way you figure is best for you. I'd choose a different path. Peace.
he let them in his house, no warrant needed if you simply say, sure, come on in, no problem, jesh...

Rob Roy

Well-Known Member
he let them in his house, no warrant needed if you simply say, sure, come on in, no problem, jesh...

I don't think he "let them in", they used force to enter. He didn't say sure c'mon in either. I agree with you that the system is stacked and it will be hard to convince a judge...maybe he might have better luck with a jury. Either way, how many times does this kind of shit happen and nobody does anything about it?


Well-Known Member
Lmao, i never let them in! I was in cuffs in back of the car and they took my keys and entered... its on camera of them letting themselfs in with my keys. Also, i grow with a MEDICAL card. = not illegal.

Anyways, UPDATE-

Lawyer called me today. He recieved an email from a new detective (not same as one who sent letter couple weeks ago). The letter says he is from internal affairs and would like to meet up with me and take my statement and video of what i have. Letter said bunch of other stuff but he is mailing me a printout. I asked what i should do in his opinion and he said "yes, stick up for yourself because clearly someone is already in trouble". So, ill be watching my videos and going over details of that day to make sure my statement is on point and all facts... my lawyer is also still pressing for copy of the warrant (we know there isnt one).

Think this is more of just a formality for them or mabe something may come of this? Think they contact the witness an ask him what he seen(me being choked)?

Finally, my medical card they took is on the way to my lawyer office. Sent from internal affairs detective.