New Member
the only way i would belive in religion if temple 420(google it) actually allowed you to be legal
YEA. THAT should be fun lol........ I always feel really bad when i see the young boys riding around on bikes in 100 degree weather wearing suit and tie. Just what I always dreamed of doing in between the 9 hours of school and 2 hours of homework plus chores etc... it doesnt matter how hot it gets either. black suit tie and bike helmet. these poor kids look MISERABLE !ask them what there feelings are about weed
Me neither. GREAT people. I just dont get it . Iguess its just not for every body. But i am pro religion. Especially these guys/gals..... again GREAT PEOPLE.I honestly have never met anyone so genuinely kind they never come to my door but i used to do bible discussions with a nice man who came round to my house once a week. And i went to their church a few times and they are so nice to each other.
And they all very strongly believe in what they do. They literally never lie.
The Jehovahs witnesses when they were in hitlers concentration camps they had a choice.deny their faith or die. they all chose death.
And when you ask them a question about religion they follow strictly whats in the bible they even show you where in the bible and explain it to you. They are not like priests who are just so vague about everything. Personaly i have nothing bad to say about the jehovahs witnesses
I didnt know that. I always thought they were JW. Mormons huh?... see you learn something new every day! peace brother!, you gotta give it to the mormons riding their bikes in dress pant when its 100 outside, that detication.
Before I close the door on them, I always say, "Sorry, am too old to have an imaginary friend"
Does that mean Im going to?
Wow what an ignorant response, i didnt know you knew more about me then i did. Do you think most religions support smoking or drinking? You know so much about them and went to kingdom hall but you dont know if they can have sex, just in order to have kids? WOW! Recreational just like most and after marriage like most.You were definately not raised a JW because they never smoke. its against their religion ok they definatley dont smoke i know that for a fact. i know plenty of jehovah witnesses i used to do the bible studies with them and i also went o their kingdom hall ( its what they call their church ) they also never drink in order to drunkl .create
They are incredibly pure people.
Although as for sex im not sure of their view on it i know they let themselves have sex in order to have children.
Whether they have sex recreationaly im not sure
No i had plenty of caffeine as a kidno caffeine or nicotine ,, i used to call the # on the tv after the commercials for the lds or jw's that said for a free copy of the bible or tape and give the address to people i wanted to annoy ,the elders bring them to your house