Well-Known Member
i still have two elders in my freezer....just kidding

i still have two elders in my freezer....just kidding
tey said somthing about golden plates fine where the hell are theyI always like to argue with the mormons that come to my they have about the most ridiculous religion ever...Joseph Smith was basically a con artist. He dictated the book of mormon by looking at golden plates in a hat of all things...The wife of the person actually writing what Smith dictated, stole the first hundred pages or Smith said god told him he had to translate a different part of the plates now, which would be similar, but slightly different....hmmm. Not to mention all the wierd claims the book of mormom makes, like that the native americans were actually a group of people from jerusalem that migrated to America 600 years before the birth of jesus. There is a funny southpark episode about it.
ALso, if you tell mormons, "oh I would love to talk to you but I am sort of busy with the dishes" or something to that effect, they will come in and do your dishes so that they can talk to you.
Smith supposedly returned them to Moroni, the native American angel that had given them to him in the first place.tey said somthing about golden plates fine where the hell are they
nener , nener, nener, phssshsserSmith supposedly returned them to Moroni, the native American angel that had given them to him in the first place.
hahahaThey appear to be running an offensive; I saw a load of 'em out today... Watchtower probably told them to go ou tan convert people or their genitals'd fall off.
i like orgasmo but otherwise mormons can lick my gooch. they don't come to my house anymore since i answered the door im my undies at 2 in the afternoon and asked them if they were there to buy some crack.
She didn't explain about how it's an alternate expression for The Rapture and Christ's glorious return to Earth? Wow, she must've been either tired, lazy, or smarter than the average JW. XDhahaha
this lady just handed me a flyer saying "how can you survive the end of the world" i just looked at her "its the end of the world? everyone will be dead. hence the END of the world. she just said "ok thank you" and left hahaha
Yeah they came back today and I had some pointed questions to ask. The people are really nice, but as they explained some of their views(like non celebration of your birthday? christmas and national holidays?) and even more odds and ends.
All in all it was another enjoyable conversation, and I plan on talking with them again next week, in which case I will make up my mind if I want to continue with them in these discussions because I do see we have started to reach that full circle with our talking points.
I'm all about science and the scientific theory/laws, etc and i don't think that will change while they still preach from the bible and confer with the bible on all aspects of their reasoning.
Nice people though(again)