Just had my entire crop stolen!


Active Member
might have been DEA pulling up your shit. They track that shit down via helicopter and/or sniff it out with dogs.

Outdoor noob

New Member
They're most likely sitting around wondering why it tastes so harsh and won't roast, cursing How High for being inaccurate..

The lowest depths of hell are reserved for em, sorry bro

edit: just saw they weren't flowering yet.. lol

I hope so, it bothers me I have to wait a whole year to start again.

LAX Skunky BwS

Well-Known Member
Words cannot describe how fu*king vexed I am being ripped off by some lowlife c*cksucking scumbag piece of dogsh*t of a human being. I would pay the value of my entire crop to find out who took it, even a suspicion would be enough to satisfy me.
thats wack... charge it to the game..
may be your brothers told someone.. if your trails are visible then so should the thieves.. I hate thieves! what goes around comes around. Your not alone bro ive lost thousands to thieves... a lesson learned every time to good luck try not to stress it itll only make it worse. Hopefully you wern't relying on that for income

Outdoor noob

New Member
may be your brothers told someone.. if your trails are visible then so should the thieves.. I hate thieves! what goes around comes around. Your not alone bro ive lost thousands to thieves... a lesson learned every time to good luck try not to stress it itll only make it worse. Hopefully you wern't relying on that for income


Active Member
One time someone jacked me for 6 zips of Green crack, at gun point. Took about $100 & my wallet, 50+ CDs w/ case, and a pack of cigarettes and after this Nig took my cell phone and pistol whipped me I asked if i could have it back. He was like ..."Nigga who you gon call!"

If you ever in any situation have the possibility of getting robbed for property, Always have some sort of a way to get back on top. Even if your shit gets jacked for good, let there be a method of finding the people who did it so you can stomp their faces and break as many bones as possible. Of all the stuff that was taken, the worst part to this day is still the fact I was never able to get even.


Well-Known Member
you know what ( sorry man )

but whats done is done

yes it fucking sucks donkey dick that this happened

but now its time to start a new grow ( indoors if you can )

and this time do NOT tell nobody not even your brothers !!!

i wish you the best of luck my man , my shit has been took before also

so i know how you feel !!!......~peace~

Outdoor noob

New Member
One time someone jacked me for 6 zips of Green crack, at gun point. Took about $100 & my wallet, 50+ CDs w/ case, and a pack of cigarettes and after this Nig took my cell phone and pistol whipped me I asked if i could have it back. He was like ..."Nigga who you gon call!"

If you ever in any situation have the possibility of getting robbed for property, Always have some sort of a way to get back on top. Even if your shit gets jacked for good, let there be a method of finding the people who did it so you can stomp their faces and break as many bones as possible. Of all the stuff that was taken, the worst part to this day is still the fact I was never able to get even.
Sorry to hear that dude.
When you go out of your way to find a secluded spot it is anybody's guess who took my crop. As much as it pains me to say it, its gone. This is a learning experience, I am incredibly vexed, not a day goes by that I dont think about how tall my crop would have been on that given day. I'm sure it will be even harder when october rolls around. Neverthless, the best thing you and me can do is learn from our mistakes and misfortunes.

Outdoor noob

New Member
you know what ( sorry man )

but whats done is done

yes it fucking sucks donkey dick that this happened

but now its time to start a new grow ( indoors if you can )

and this time do NOT tell nobody not even your brothers !!!

i wish you the best of luck my man , my shit has been took before also

so i know how you feel !!!......~peace~
If the option of doing an indoor was on the table I would have taken it over guerilla (as fun as it is, its a motherfu*ker for the amount of work you put in). Unfortunately I dont have my own place yet and prefer not to tempt my luck.

My brothers were not the issue, they were very willing to help me, they are not suspects. The amount of work I put in I would not risk telling anyone I was not 110% sure I couldn't trust, I mean would you?


Well-Known Member
too many people knew about it. period....everyone talks some or none. One or the other....and with all going to check on the plants from time to time has too many tracks to the area for someone not to see you or peeps and be curious to know what these guys are wondering around these parts?

I've heard for every person that knows about it goes up by 10% being busted....30% = 3 people....4 people know =40%. Outdoor is very risky on a lot of levels....but when you get thru a grow heaven.


Sector 5 Moderator
Holy sheet. Man that sucks. If the thief cut them down they probably are nowhere near being ready. Hopefully the shitbag will tell somebody and it will get back to you. @ Humboldt14: CAMP = Cocksuckers After My Plants. In the last two weeks I've had a farmer drive a tractor within 15' of my plants, the landlord drive within 5' of them and unload some trees and I had a fucking helicopter doing circles over my plants a few days ago. I went to town and bought some big ass containers (about 20 gal) and ordered a 1000w HPS ballast and bulb to go in my new reflector. Fuck this outdoor shit. I am still wondering why the landlord bought trees to set out at the end of July; that makes no sense.

Outdoor noob

New Member
too many people knew about it. period....everyone talks some or none. One or the other....and with all going to check on the plants from time to time has too many tracks to the area for someone not to see you or peeps and be curious to know what these guys are wondering around these parts?

I've heard for every person that knows about it goes up by 10% being busted....30% = 3 people....4 people know =40%. Outdoor is very risky on a lot of levels....but when you get thru a grow heaven.
Blood is thicker than water, I dont know what your brothers may be like but to assume everyone is the same is ignorant. There are secrets between my brothers no one but us knows about.

My plot was discovered because of trails leading to my site, this is the only logical explanation.

That's quoted by Barry Cooper, and I agree with that, there are people who like to look like hot sh*t with their friends and will blab, I knew someone just like that in highschool and he had his home broken into and robbed because of it. I wasn't in this to impress anyone and do not give a two sh*ts what anyone thinks. Its none of anyone's business.


Well-Known Member

I am truly sorry for your loss. Remember this. Karma comes back to you. So this person/people will experience the negative karma that will be coming to them in short order.

I know this won't do anything to help you, but realize this. You are a grower, you have all the knowledge to cultivate cannabis. I know it sucks to start over when you already had an established crop. BUT YOU CAN still start over and grow again (better than going to prison where you can't grow). It might not be till next year for outdoors but there's always indoors, if that's an option.

Peace and positive energy to you

Great point about Karma bruddaa...


Well-Known Member
I had something similar to this. Although the situation was that some group of dickheads decided to show there muscles by smashing my dad's car windows. I haven't found the culprits, but i do have hints that its one of my mates' mate's mate. Although i cannot do anything without proof. Secondly the people that smashed my dad's car was outside of my suburb, so someone must of snitched my house address. Which leads to my mates mate mate because he called me like minutes earlier the same night saying "RUN". What was funny about this was that, i was dutching with my boys in my shed, then minutes later BANG (CAR WINDOWS GETTING SMASHED). Any who, im in the same boat as you, you got someone who stolen your crops, where as me some little hardkunts smashed my dads car windows and both of us want to know who did it. In the end i have a hint on two groups that may have done it, 100% that one of them smashed my dads car. What i remember that night were that they came with cars and enter my garage and used my OWN poles to smash my dad's car. (SO THIS INDICATES THEY BEEN TO MY HOUSE ONCE or more knowing my shit). Came by cars - They had to be 17+ to drive cars and there were 5 cars that drove away. So that meant that i had to face minimum of 25 people if i went in the front to stop it. I had only under 15 boys at the time and i rkn we could of took them on if we knew what they had. It better to be safe, so we stayed in the shed until the incident was over. My dad's car had no insurance too, so that was a shite thing.
To put it simple;
My group - friends from school all under 18.
2nd group - city boys they got beef with us, over girls (LOLS older adults JEALOUS OF YOUNG PPL PICKING UP) FKEN PATHETIC.
3rd group - sons of ex-gansters ( WANNA-BEEs no offencce) What the point of becoming powerful from drugs. Your going cut your life in half. Couple of days ago a kid from my school OD. His only 15 or 16 this year too, he was the biggest hard kunt in our school and everyone hated him. See, that kid wanted to be cool and shit, he came in year 7 acting a sick kunt already causing fights. What was worst is that he get himself into trouble and asks for help. Later in the year he got whacked, and him ODing just couple of days ago proves to us that becoming gangster isnt worth it. - I SERIOUSLY DONT no why young kids these day die so early just to be cool or to get rep.
Another funny thing is that; MY dad was really calm about his car being smashed. :S He just called his boys the next day and got information on who done it. - I guess my dad was a gangster back in the days :)
Karma got them back;
The ct group got smashed by the wannabes, and the wannabes lost two of there mates to a car incident.
I guess it was a big karma pay back no offense for hitting two of my mates for stupid reason.
1. Hitting my mate because the wannabees were jealous that one of my mate were making more money.
2. For hitting one of my mate that is one of the world innocent kid.


Its like loosing a child. you been there their whole life and they probably dont even realize you have to dry it. Their prolly some punk kids trying to smoke undeveloped and wet buds. Hopefully it wasnt the cops who found it. U never know, they have a tendency to ruin good things.


Blood is thicker than water, I dont know what your brothers may be like but to assume everyone is the same is ignorant.
Hope you don't take this the wrong way, but your statement above can go both ways. I'm sure your brother's weren't the actual thief, but to assume that there is no way one of them couldn't have slipped up and told a g/f, wife, or bff could also be ignorant. I have brothers and my first impulse would be to think exactly as you are now. However, once the initial shock wore off, I would hope I could put those feelings aside to at least explore those other avenues.