My first experience with mushies

I eat them raw they don't taste too bad when dried fresh mushrooms are gross and just so much more filling. $50 for 2 grams yeah you got ripped off most I've seen is $40 1/8th well them stupid chocolates they had in the city where overpriced but I wasn't buying that shit they are just too easy to grow especially that PF Tek don't even waste your money on a kit just do a few pints PF Tek if you just want personal use maybe a bulk grow if you want a nice party PF is just easier any fool can do it.

I had 1 bad trip but that was only cause I seen cop lights and freaked out then like a dumb ass thought I was going to die come to find out you can't die from shrooms. Ever since I got pretty good control I'll eat handfuls go on the boat or my favorite hike to the peak of the mountain peak foliage shits so colorful and just amazing on shrooms be nice to have a fire and drum circle up their nobody gonna bother you.

Hot summer days though not really the best time to do shrooms nights are great though. :bigjoint:
I've always wondered if psycopaths were capible of a "breakthrough"' me a breakthrough is the overcoming of the souls ego, but whithout a soul you can't have a ego....I'm not talking minion incarnation, that's crazy...but can people not have souls, and if so what would be the technical/scientific term of said person
A person.
'Just a box of rain -
wind and water -
Believe it if you need it,
if you don't just pass it on..'
I think the worst part is taking the mushrooms and just waiting for them to kick in. It can be a nerve wrecking wait if it's your first time. I like my drugs to come on instantly like marijuana does

If you want a fast come-up, I'd recommend brewing mushroom tea.
F*ck (oooh stars) it all. Just take a pair of scissors. Mince your shrooms up. Eat a good meal (like you should). And then wash down your minced shrooms as if they were vitamins or a supplement. No nausia, no belly-ache.
F*ck (oooh stars) it all. Just take a pair of scissors. Mince your shrooms up. Eat a good meal (like you should). And then wash down your minced shrooms as if they were vitamins or a supplement. No nausia, no belly-ache.
Yeah I'm thinking the lemon juice was the major cause for the throwing up lol