just hit by the searing blade of a bad breakup.


Well-Known Member
and I hate it. long, drawn out, ups and downs, so many mixed feelings and just fuckng hating this shit, we were together 1 year and 3 months...

she was becomming dissatisfied for a while and eventually wanted to turn our relationship into an open one, little did I know she then turned that on me and wanted to go to nevada to go fuck some dude. then she broke up with me and emotionally blackmailed me into driving her almost 2 hours to a place where she could hitch hike ( she payed me so she insists I shouldn't be mad.)

she's leaving tomorrow, I'm just all pissed and sad at the same time, needed to vent... anyone ever experience something like this???

shit was amazing the first 6 months...then shit just got shittier over time.
Damn - sorry to hear that. Shit can be rough. Its probably for the better though if it was turning into work. She sounds pretty manipulative anyways. Focus on what you need for a bit and remember these things take time to get over. Just gotta do your best to try and stay positive man. Got your back if you want to talk.
I'm sorry to hear this I hope things get better for u.. All I know is women be the most of mens problems.. I tink it's a bit like finding a diamond in the rough looking for the right 1 for you so chin up for now u will find someone more suited for your needs dude :)

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and I hate it. long, drawn out, ups and downs, so many mixed feelings and just fuckng hating this shit, we were together 1 year and 3 months...

she was becomming dissatisfied for a while and eventually wanted to turn our relationship into an open one, little did I know she then turned that on me and wanted to go to nevada to go fuck some dude. then she broke up with me and emotionally blackmailed me into driving her almost 2 hours to a place where she could hitch hike ( she payed me so she insists I shouldn't be mad.)

she's leaving tomorrow, I'm just all pissed and sad at the same time, needed to vent... anyone ever experience something like this???

shit was amazing the first 6 months...then shit just got shittier over time.
dude its just a pussy... sounds like youre better off withouht it... best thing to do is get back on the horse and then send her a pic of you banging some hotty
You know after a while of hearing well meaning advice there comes a time when all you hear is.....blah.....blah......blah at the end of the day the only person that can feel your pain is you .
What I can tell you is this chick wasn't the one for you......B T W I've been fortunate enough to experience what you did those first 6 months in your relationship for a very long time. I have been with the same woman for 14,235 days......if a long term relationship is what you want keep looking she's out there.
Good Luck !
dude its just a pussy... sounds like youre better off withouht it... best thing to do is get back on the horse and then send her a pic of you banging some hotty

Maybe not to poplars. Maybe he loved her. Pops, heartbreak is the worst pain there is. Sounds like you wanted more than she did. It just isn't a match dude. Like Strax said. You'll be glad for this one day. The longer you stayed the more time lost and pain you'd have experienced.

Like any major loss you just have to be I it and let time heal it. Vent on this thread. (Or maybe that's a girl thing). Hugs to you.
I once bought cirque de solei tickets on valentines for a girl I was with for a little while, thought things were ok, but she just never came home one day. I remember waiting on my pAtio for a few days waiting for her to come home but she never did. Went to her work to figure out why, something about "me not listening enough to her" I don't know, I wasn't really paying attention.

Anyway, I share your feelings of sadness. But you're better off. Just go slam some clam.
I recommend a healthy period of abstinence, just so you can focus on YOU for a while. I've found that rebounds just end up rebounding the emotions, and you're stuck with the double or triple stinging heart when *those* relationships bomb. Let's face it, your heart's all trampled on right now, and your judgement might be a little cloudy.

When things don't hurt quite as much, you'll be ready to re-enter the game, with a clearer head, and more defined boundaries for what you want/can give in a relationship.

I think we have many loves in our life, some lasting longer than others. This aching pain you're experiencing shows that you have an open heart, and when the time is right, you will be closer to finding the next One (or "The One" if you go by the Soul Mate theory).

Now, go get some icecream, slap in The English Patient, and have a good cry on the couch with your cats. :-)
When i was in 7th grade i liked this girl alot so on valentines day i bought her a teddy bear. I was so scared to give it to her so i pussy'd out .. the next week i hear she fucks my class mate at a little kick back... smh i was sad bUt the point im making is im ok ...have a lot of sex three hoes in 24 hours is my record
thanks everyone I was not expecting all the response, I am definitely taking time to myself to get better, and am over all being positive about this and to her, this is just a lot to process. greatly appreciate all the responses :)
thanks everyone I was not expecting all the response, I am definitely taking time to myself to get better, and am over all being positive about this and to her, this is just a lot to process. greatly appreciate all the responses :)

Feel better, boss. Can't wait to see your beautiful outdoor line-up.
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Hate to see what you would be like looking after a cannabis babe if you can't even handle a human one ...lol