Just want easy to make vape liquid

First of all, read the ISO tutorial here at RIU (https://www.rollitup.org/t/qwizos-qwiso.831286/). Going back a couple of your posts, what they are describing is winterizing where you take the oil, redo it into ethanol (everclear), "freeze", filter again, dry again, and then mix into your e-juice. But as it states, not necessary. In any case, on one hand you are getting pissy saying you know how to make QWISO, but then you are confused by the winterization process which is commonly wrote about. You were reading about processes to make shatter I believe with the vacuum pumps and all. That is not what you are trying to do.

We all had to deal with ambiguity and confusion from those who are really advanced. That degree of expertise is not important. If you have the weed, then do what we have said and see what you think. We all take a leap of faith that first time, and then we keep at it to perfect the craft.

For real, I am done. It is simple. Make the ISO oil, purge it, mix it with your juice, vape it. Now can I have a banana? You ARE taking something simple, overthinking it,. and making it way more difficult. If you aren't prepared to risk an oz or two, then just say fuck it and give up. Even on my first run, I ended up with good usable product. There is nothing to fear but fear itself.

First a quote:
"I can't speak for BHO but I can speak for my alcohol concentrates. I gave you an e-cannabis mix results with an AeroTank mini using my methods and my oil and it is a winner. No leaking, no problems like you have described. I do like to replace the coils every other fill. Heck, for $2 a coil, that is not a big expense.
If you are wanting to vape the oil straight, again, I can only speak for alcohol concentrates, (I know BHO can offer different results). My absolute favorite rig is the SmokTech Magneto mechanical vape with an 18350 battery, a 601-510 adapter, and a KISS Cart, the standard KISS cart not the titanium. I have to admit, it is far more potent than using e-cannabis oil. The biggest downfall in my opinion is that the coil is not replaceable (yes, if you have the skills you can rebuild it). Other than that, you are out $20 when the coil breaks. I have to say, there is nothing like hitting the oil straight with a mechanical vape!".....

Ok well I will try the QWISO but just for shits and giggles a very few last questions, not that all the others had been answered well but thanks anyway. One, do you melt your final oil, shatter? goo, in a shot glass just to get it loose enough to mix with your solvent? What solvent really is best if anyone really knows. Seems PEG-400usp?? You get it melted, guess it is not after you evape all the ISO but don't know, then I guess you measure with your syringe and mix with equal weight or volume. Then you fill the Pen, which type to try first with the cheap coils, atomizer, cart?? and how exactly do you fill these tanks? How loose will the liquid, goo, juice need to be and how long will a tank filled up last? will it congeal and or separate or will it not? And last if you make this stuff and it has to be warmed to be loose enough to mix up then seems you will have to work fast after taking it off the heat?? How hot to melt if that is correct, melt? and coffee machine hot plate will work? One last question where is the best reciepe to use for this that I am going to try after these last are answered. Just to be sure. Ps.. Above guy says you can use pure oil in a few units but my question then would be it seems that the word "oil" is not accurate. Seems the QWISO is a thick, very viscous out come so what on that topic might be missing or is he just wrong or not sure.. Thanks again sorry but all bud has a market value even if you grow it yourself. Mine is top top 22+%, yes tested and 24/7 user and 4 time cup judge female I know said I got my shit down baby. Her words. Said mine would be in the finals. So using bud I have read not to chop it to much another good question is how much. Sure it will all be in any place you refer me too to read on how to finally start and make. Thanks for the 18th time..
Some people just don't get it.

For the record, I am female. I am a girl not a guy.

I am enjoying my stuff and not having any problems. :P

Decarbed RSO.
RSO2.jpg RSO 2013.jpg

E-Cannabis tools of the trade.
Stash!! 9-14-13 093.jpg SVD with i30 9-1-13 158.jpg Vape pens 7-17-13 015.jpg

Vaping it straight with a mechanical vape, adapter, and KISS cart. Very enjoyable and potent.
Magneto with KISS and KISS TI 2-27-14 023.jpg
KISS cart coil with a small dab of QWISO
QWISO-KISS strain selection 2014_03290006.jpg

Essential cart, very affordable, but they are kind of cheaply made, custom glass drip tip all on a SmokTech Magneto Vape
Magneto_Essential Mini_Glass Drip Tip 2-19-14 008.jpg

I am not saying vaping oil or e-cannabis oil is the best route or most affordable or even easy. It all boils down to personal preference. I invested a lot to discover what my preferences are. :D
So how do I make vape oil...? I still don't get it...

I'm just joking :) Honestly, the quote listed below is all you really need... This quote alone answered everything that is really needed. Hell maybe I'll give this method ago, I usually just use the globe if need be (for a straight oil hit) but this would be nice to puff after taking a dab :)

I will offer my opinion.

I have invested much into vaping with ISO made concentrates. Much into decarbing too.

I have come to a new realization about decarbing. Whether it is buds or oil made with alcohol, all of my decarbing will be done with zero heat. I will not exceed room temperature. 100 days of being kept in the dark, the product should be fully decarbed with all medicinal properties. Heat decarbing is a convenience that causes damage to beneficial elements.

Making e-cannabis oil from an alcohol extract.

You have 2 options that I am aware of. You can mix your concentrate with PG USP. How long it will stay infused depends on how much heat you use to mix them and how clean the initial extract is. I have noticed that the more clean the extract, the longer it will stay infused. If you choose this route, you are best off consuming what you mix up within 2 weeks. This method, you should try to avoid glass and in some cases stainless steel clearomizers because it can be very harsh. With the more inexpensive plastic units it is usually nice and smooth. I have steered away from this method because it requires heat to infuse the mixture and that means you are losing a lot of medicinal properties.

My preferred method: Use PEG400 NF/USP instead of the PG USP. It stays infused well with alcohol based extracts. A couple of downsides are the PEG400 is thicker than the PG USP so most units do not work well with it, they flood over and have other problems. Also, you can consider this to be a down side, the PEG tastes bad. This is easily solved by adding a drop or two or three of some organic flavorings per gram of concentrate, these flavorings are meant for e-cigarettes, any e-cigg flavoring should work, I just prefer the organic. Then you can make your concentrate taste pretty much like whatever you want. Watermelon, berry, peppermint, raspberry, etc. Here is a link to the flavorings I like to use. https://highdesertvapes.com/categories/DIY/DIY-Flavors/NF-Organic/

A good thing with the PEG400 NF/USP and using the flavoring, which helps to thin it out a little, you can mix your concentrate without adding heat, at least I was able to. You are limited on the clearomizer that it will work with. My favorite is the KangerTech AeroTank Mini. You will need a variable voltage pen battery. I like the eGo C Twist 650 VV.

I am baked right now from hitting my AeroTank Mini on a VV pen battery.
View attachment 3290202

I think I got my AeroTank Mini from My Vapor Shop. All glass and stainless steel construction. I have not had any trouble using mine with the PEG400 mix. Lately I have been using banana nut and raspberry flavorings.

I prefer the oil not being decarbed for my e-ciggs. A little difference between the two. Each offers a different buzz, small differences. The non decarbed oils are more noticeable on tasting the strains.

Imma try this. Going to make a gram of qwISO and order me a bottle of PEG400. Go 1:1 ratio and then add some e-juice (I'm thinking gummy bears flavor or skittles) for a little tasty taste.
My fancy grad degree is in business. If I do not, will not, absolutely refuse to sell a single gram and I have more weed than I can possibly consume, then there is no street value associated with it. I can certainly compute how much I am saving by growing. But my point was also that if I was paying street prices for bud, I don't think I would mess with oils. But for me now, I have jars full of weed. I can play with it and the thought of how much it would cost to buy the weed never crosses my mind.

Before I grew my own basil, I had to decide when making pasta sauce whether I wanted to spend the money on fresh basil or just use dry. Now that I grow my own, I have more basil than I know what to do with. For me, fresh is cheaper than buying dried! to that end, in legal states I imagine it is cheaper to buy hash oil based products than it is to buy bud and make it yourself. Just like it is cheaper to buy a jar of ragu than it is to buy tomatoes, onions, etc...

Here is an idea, if you are saying you grow. Make some ISO out of leaf and some fluff to get your hands wet. See what you think knowing using primo bud would improve results!
I can relate with what you are saying especially when it comes to making oil or e-cannabis, e-juice, whatever people want to call it. Cost doesn't concern me much because I grow my own and the buds are plentiful. If I had to purchase buds I probably would not use it for vaporizing oil. However, I would make concentrated oil for the purpose of ingesting.

The ND Sap and RSO seems to be the most efficient way to medicate for me. I have been under the influence of eating the oil for 4 years now. That is the most affordable way for me, if I had to purchase the buds. Just a couple drops per day and I am medicated 24/7. One of these days I will have to figure out how many drops per ounce of bud! An ounce converted to decarbed oil for ingesting will last me much longer than smoking the ounce and offer many more hours of being medicated. It is not for everyone though due to the duration of the buzz.
I live in eastern USA and I am one of the only people in my towns that can make a stable weed e-juice.

Here is the recipe I use, hope it works out for you.

Stable purged BHO
E-Juice BASE

BASE = ( PG 60-70% , VG 30-40% ) + approx 10-15% TFA flavoring

Take the BHO, heat it to 160 deg
mix in the base. 2 parts of base to 1 part of bho
hand stir until base + flavoring are back up to 160 deg

take off of the heat and use a dremel with a router bit, or an actual homogenizer ( fancy word for a fine mixer ) , use the homogenizer to mix the solution for up to 5 minutes.

At this point it should be stable for 2 weeks to 1 month, if you shake it around frequently could last longer.

Smoke in your standard gravity fed cannister. I like an Aspire Nautilus, I don't bother to clean the atomizer. Just throw it away when it starts to suck and replace with new.
My fancy grad degree is in business. If I do not, will not, absolutely refuse to sell a single gram and I have more weed than I can possibly consume, then there is no street value associated with it. I can certainly compute how much I am saving by growing. But my point was also that if I was paying street prices for bud, I don't think I would mess with oils. But for me now, I have jars full of weed. I can play with it and the thought of how much it would cost to buy the weed never crosses my mind.

Before I grew my own basil, I had to decide when making pasta sauce whether I wanted to spend the money on fresh basil or just use dry. Now that I grow my own, I have more basil than I know what to do with. For me, fresh is cheaper than buying dried! to that end, in legal states I imagine it is cheaper to buy hash oil based products than it is to buy bud and make it yourself. Just like it is cheaper to buy a jar of ragu than it is to buy tomatoes, onions, etc...

Here is an idea, if you are saying you grow. Make some ISO out of leaf and some fluff to get your hands wet. See what you think knowing using primo bud would improve results!

Thats all well and good for you. I have a last little question. Keep seeing posts that say after you evape your QWISOP and it is in the pyrex, or whatever, it is white powder like. Well not sure what to make of that. I have only seen goo. Not white either and I have done it once way back. Just clumped it up and smoked it like hash but it was in no way white or crystaline. Can someone explain that?? I intend to 25 second wash, 99% iso, strain through metal mesh, then use single coffe filter, bleached, people don't even know that bleach is not stuck in the filters, to finish filtering. Bleach is out of water in 24 hours and well people are to into organic when it is not even needed. What do people think other coffee filters are sanatised with anyway? Some chemical I assure you. Bleach is the safest product with the least residual and or none after a very short time. Or do you have verifiable info that I am incorrect?? Water in double boiler set up to off gas the ISO then time to sit and finish off the evape of the ISO that might be left. Then see what I have. If it is gooey, as I think it will be, heat it up to melting temp, what that temp is or what is adequate I am unsure yet but, then mixing with Peg-400 ISP with a 50/50 ratio. By weight or by volume still unsure of.. I guess I will stir or shake to mix this up? and then it should be ready to be put in a tank/cart/pen of some description for vaping. IF it works great if I am wrong on any of these steps please advise. Also the original question of a "White powder"... Thanks.... Still unclear if wicks in tanks I have seen will work for this concocktion. Anyone know that answer please feel free.. Also not sure if this fomula will separate. Read where it will, won't, will vape, won't vape, batteries must be a certain volt or won't work? will ruin carts/atomizers/pens? Also read that straight oil, what type or consistancy unsure, will work with some straight oil pens but that has been even harder to get a straight answer that seems to be trust worthy. Like to know what type of portable pens are sold, in legal shops, with whatever type of oil, shatter, honey, bho, iso, etc, and what they mix with and at what concentration but That info seems very elusive as if the other info was not. Anyway even if you are through answering my very very good inquires, they are still great questions if they could be trusted to be answered by someone with real knowledge.. All the other response posts exclude many or at least some of my concerns. Guess people like to pick and choose what they really know and or just ignore the questions that have good reasons to be asked they can't really answer. Can't take part and say yeah when the 4th question down from that part asks then why is it that this says this in contrary to the answer to the part that was "answered".. Ok then.. Have a nice day... and if you have the balls try and answer the whole thing and if you care to, support your statements in as much as to say why the objectors say different. Ok so not just a last little question. WFC right... Thanks...
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If it was still sticky, then another day or so evapping would make the powdery scrape.

Chlorine bleach is overused and bad for the environment. Don't think it matters really for this.

Not sure if there are other actual questions. I am too old and tied to proper writing to really read long paragraphs.

And honestly, fuck you! The balls to answer? We have tried to help you. You want absolutes that don't exist and show attitude toward those who don't owe you shit. A fucking "thank you but how about this" would be much more appropriate. Your tone makes this hippie who loves nothing more than helping others want to sadistically give you bad advice so you destroy an oz or two. I won't do that because it is not way but who the fuck do you think you are other than someone that sounds like an extremely ungrateful and selfish SOB! This is the first time I have written anything like that on RIU. Congrats, now go just make some ISO!
I love being special. Only one to ever make you upset on a pothead site. You seem to think, in more ways than one, that you are unasailable and with questions you can't or won't just say yes to, when that is the correct answer, you just obfuscate when you can't confirm or disconfirm my very good questions. And I can quote quote quote so many posts that take everything you have said, almost, and give a contrarary opinion. Tried to make my final appeal to say this is how it looks right and please clear up just these last few items and you pee all over your arrogance. Tito Get Him/Her A Tissue..

As far as run on sentences or long paragraphs, only angry people on here point out english skills. So many drop outs post on here long long paragrahs poorly spelled with no detractors.
You can grade my composition later if you care to.

FYI, I have prefaced many questions with I am sorry for any redundancy in them and so fu too sugar nipples.

You are a judgemental ass and sorry if no one has challenged you in the past and just take your perfect advice.

Like I can still show many a post on many a site that has a different take on this process.
You think that now that I am almost sure it is not important to look and say this is right and to claify this is the item to use.

"Oh no one has ever made me mad on here", Boo Fen Hoo!!

Ps. You want to call names?? Well for one thing your facts on things "dangerous" to the enviornment like Chlorine are just stupid vomit from what you have read from junk science or the uneducated like Whoopi, or Kim K. LOL.. One, that is ONE eruption from a single, that is SINGLE volcano puts more chlorine gas into the atmosphere than we, at current outputs, will as humans in the next 500 years. And if you have any chemistry or education you should know in water, chlorine disipates in less thatn 24 hours so not to harmful.

Just you are so arrogant you think people should just listen to your, refuted, claims on "exactly" how everything works.

I asked some very good follow up and final, if they were ever answered, questions. Like wicks in tanks/carts etc, and you choose to just say you are done with good or your answers.
I am supposed to use one persons ideas.
Supposed to not question them at length.
Waste if wrong, much product. Could care less if product has no value to you in finacial terms. To most it does. and then again why waste anything. You are the type that wastes everything I bet.

So you take all your " I know everything" attitude and shove it. It is obvious you can't answer all the questions and want to obfuscate on it because you can't be questioned more on a topic you wrote about.
Sorry if this offends the moderaters on here but he said to f myself first and I have been all about Sorry, and Thanks, and Thank you again..
So you arrogant monkey you had a choice not to respond at all but you obviously have no other outlet for your Perfect opinions and you must be respected on a pot site or you will never feel good about yourself.

PSS. you started the calling of stupid if you will go back. Glad you are not a grade school teacher.

Can you see it?? "You stupid kid, I am god, teacher, and I already answered you once. So shut up now as I say!
Glad you will never be more than a fat pot head in his basement. Now that you have made me persecutorial..

If I misspelled any words I am so so sorry. I just won't check my work for it matters not except to a few angry kids.
Many of us here complain about the long run-on paragraphs. That's not me being mean, that was me honestly saying my brain can't digest them.

What you don't seem to understand is that I do not believe I am god, outside of the Heinlein "thou art god" interpretation. I do not think I know everything about this stuff by any stretch of the imagination. I don't know about every type of vaping system that exists out there. And I do not know or care what may be stated on other websites. So you are wrong, I do know that I can't answer every question you can come up with.

What you don't seem to understand is that there is no definitive one way. Even if GG gets no separation using PEG 400 doesn't mean she can promise you the same. All that any of us can do is tell you what our experiences have been and that has been done ad nauseum. You can tae it or leave it. But the attitude has been a problem. I am not in a competition here. I have only been trying to share and you come back with a tone that is as if I am some sort of paid consultant working for you.

What I do know for certain is that ten minutes ago I was vaping my juice made on Oct 15 via the formula I shared (1 part oil - again I do everything by volume, not weight, .25 part EJ Mix, 2 part PG). I vaped it out of my Mini Protank 3 with my Sigelei battery and I am high. I have about two ounces sitting in a cooler right now on dry ice with about 2.5 pints of organic 100% ethanol. I will be doing two 45 second - 1minute extractions on it. The first will go to a normal juice as described above. The second will likely go to RSO e-juice. And I am really confident that I will end up with quality vape juice that works for my AM and PM/medicinal use.

Look back at my history on RIU and see how many people I have ever insulted or had it out with. I did lie, there was one asshole who for some reason decided he hated me and we had a quick spat a year ago. I come here to learn, help, and take a quick break from my work.

So bottom line, wrong to resort to name calling and I drew first blood. But where, when, and how you got the idea that I was playing the part of uber expert I have no idea. There are others with far more experience than I but they are also much more technical. All I know is what I know from my experiences. I don't claim to be the best. I don't claim to be using the best vape equipment possible. I only claim to be someone who vapes his weed juice daily and has been working on his technique for a while.

Time to extract!
I also like Heinlein's Book of JOB :-)

Here is a pic post extraction. A couple explanations:
1.) Tried something different to conserve ethanol. So as you can see, I had two jars with were about 3/4 full of trimmed bud before getting them bone dry and chopping a bit post freeze. I decided to use the same ethanol for both jars. It looks more colorful green than usual and so I am guessing that is why. Did 45 seconds for each initial extraction. After the first jar, it only had a very faint color.
2.) The dark one. That is my second pulls on each jar. It is that color because I used the ethanol I use to clean all my stuff. So it has had old atomizers, mixing cups post RSO mix, etc. That drives the color. If Ihad used clean ethanol, it would be slightly darker than the other one.

Jars are back in the cooler to chill up and settle before I start to filter them. Someone sent me a ton of frozen food today and there was about 15 pounds of dry ice. So I am thinking that I may let them sit in it overnight, let any waxes I extracted separate, and then filter.

LoL. When was the conversation about Ethanol?? No one even does a test on weed and ISO. Meaning, no one states results of taking a sample, using 99% iso, dipping it cold or not into the ISO and checking trics desolving rates and times. Seems a very important test to see the length of time to disolve the component we are after. Seems with all your wisdom you would have done this?? View product test material before and the dip in ISO then wait and dip for longer or use another small test amount and recheck.
You seem to have nothing that matters to you because your product is free or not important if wasted so why have you not done this. To get a very accurate statement on how long this even takes. You just go on color?
No real thought about how to do even the most basic of studies that are easy to accomplish. So you see just because I have a very analytical way of finding truth and or dealing with all the unknowns you seem not to even have a clue to how to do things that you have not already read about. No real ingenuity. Answer my questions or do as you stated and be done with me.. Thanks. Not many left to answer by the way and well.. Maybe just answer this one. What do the dispenseries sell in an oil/cannabis/vape pen?? How and or what pens do they use? Do the tanks have wicks "inside" them? how viscous is the liquid? All the same question. You don' know these answers and they are important to good working answers. So call me names, SOB, F me and the like but you are not nearly the cool person you think you are ...
Last time!!....
Since your on about grammar ..double check your spelling before you post reply.Your first paragraph is bullshit!Your over thinking.EACH STRAIN IS DIFFERENT,each plant will have varying degrees of trichome development.So one wash to the next will be different.
I do my extracting with dried herb in a freezer bag,that allows me to see thru the bag clearly and tell exactly when to snip the corner and drain it into my filter setup.

I'm pretty sure dispensaries sell a rso+peg mixture.
Don't use the wick style vapes.It should be the consistency of syrup.Use a bottom coil/duel coil tank or cartrigde.Im getting a V2 pro series 3($75)vape,it comes with a separate tank for dry herbs,wax and ejuice/oil.

The past few days i've made three batches of 50/50 qwiso/pg,so you need to just do it for yourself and quit bullshitting around.GL
I judge success by color (well can't do that on my second pull) and the amounts of sediment I pull out of it after the initial extraction (based on sediment I don't filter and what is in the coffee filters. The part about leaving the sediment behind is a technique learned from Grow Goddess) I try to keep it as cold as possible and start the same. Why? Because that is what the overwhelming percent of people who know more about this than me say to do. I didn't pester them to prove to me via a formal study at the 99% confidence level.

I use ethanol. I managed to get my hands on 100%. Ethanol = everclear, only mine is 200 proof. So I am making QWET vs QWISO. As I am pretty sure I stated before, I prefer it only because it is safe to consume. If I don't purge it all, it is no big deal. Process is no different than with ISO.

I went ahead and filtered..

Pics are titled. But you can see the sediment I left and didn't filter. You can see one of the filters with nothing in it (RSO one is in the trash but would be the same). You can see the finished extracts. ONe needs to go in a pyrex pan to evap. The other needs to go in the rice cooker. But I am curious to see if any more sediment develops overnight on dry ice. And you can see my tank loaded with juice made in Oct. Trust me or not. I have decided to kill you with kindness.
Reg filter.jpg Reg Post filter.jpg RSO post filter.jpg Reg Sediment.jpg RSO Sediment.jpg Oct Juice not separated.jpg
I judge success by color (well can't do that on my second pull) and the amounts of sediment I pull out of it after the initial extraction (based on sediment I don't filter and what is in the coffee filters. The part about leaving the sediment behind is a technique learned from Grow Goddess) I try to keep it as cold as possible and start the same. Why? Because that is what the overwhelming percent of people who know more about this than me say to do. I didn't pester them to prove to me via a formal study at the 99% confidence level.

I use ethanol. I managed to get my hands on 100%. Ethanol = everclear, only mine is 200 proof. So I am making QWET vs QWISO. As I am pretty sure I stated before, I prefer it only because it is safe to consume. If I don't purge it all, it is no big deal. Process is no different than with ISO.

I went ahead and filtered..

Pics are titled. But you can see the sediment I left and didn't filter. You can see one of the filters with nothing in it (RSO one is in the trash but would be the same). You can see the finished extracts. ONe needs to go in a pyrex pan to evap. The other needs to go in the rice cooker. But I am curious to see if any more sediment develops overnight on dry ice. And you can see my tank loaded with juice made in Oct. Trust me or not. I have decided to kill you with kindness.
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Just ignore the trolls. I know it is difficult, especially when you have good intentions and just want to help.

Hey, maybe you can help me. I have used the 99% iso, I have used 192 proof polish vodka, and 190 proof everclear. I ordered the 200 proof KleenXtract, but have to wait about 3 more weeks to harvest.

What difference have you noticed between the 200 proof ethanol vs. 190 proof grain? I am really hoping the 200 proof solves some of the problems I have been encountering with the 190 proof grain.

200 proof @ $95/gallon delivered, not bad if you ask me.

Hey GrowinDad, check out this blog, you will have to give it a try. http://michiganmedicalmarijuana.org...ative-to-decarbed-concentrates/#commentsStart
Funny but last time I checked you need a special license to purchase that. I know lots of ways around lots of stuff but still seems a stretch to find or think it really is needed. 99%iso after not so long is really all gone. Evap leaves only a hint of water. You think smoking any left over ethonal is safe? Well really it won't be there just like the iso won't after it evaps and no sense trying to find 200 proof or get a special government license to get it. And without it you will be dealing with lets just say dishonest people period.

You finally addressed the question about wicks in tanks. I wonder why? You kept saying I was told all I needed but I asked that a while back and you did not address it like a few other quesions.

How about this. PG is not the same as PEG-400 so why if PG works so well and is maybe according to you an industry staple, standard in the pens they premake in the med despenseries.
So you said you were going to lie to me going forward so why would I accept advice now on PG 50/50% mix with ISO extract, no melting needed for mixing right? I have PG that came with my cigar box. You actually mix that into your vape juice and inhale it. Hmmm seems you have it all down but do you really? Tell me last thing. Peg400 usp or PG is that USP btw, why use one and not the other.. You use a pen, the pen costs $75 plus but I was always asking about the cheaper types and didn't get a good anwser and the time it took you to state the one you bought well maybe just your telling me bs like you said in your last post you might. Fine I am done too. Can't really trust much on a site for the hubris of the average.. TaTa....
looking forward to GrowinDad's reply to my question.

200 Eth vs. 190. Whether he has experimented with each and can answer my question I do not know, but I do know I respect his opinions and value them. Why, because I can tell he is not talking BS. What he says makes sense and I can relate. Maybe that is from experience.

Science aside, experience is true knowledge.

I can't wait to try the 200 proof. GrowinDad's oil from 200 proof looks pretty good. I like to see all natural. I don't like to see charcoal filtered junk.